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Are you a 'gender' or 'race' voter?

If you follow this fascinating race between Sen. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., no doubt you've heard reports of voter’s fretting over whether to vote for one or the other JUST BECAUSE of the candidate’s gender and/or race.

Many black women supporting Clinton have been blasted because they aren't supporting their race...just as many white women supporting Obama catch flack for not backing a female.

Where do you stand?

To me, it seems pretty darn silly...and very dangerous.

I try to vote for the person who is best qualified to get us out of the eight year mess our current president has led us into.

I could care less if the person is half-German, half-Chinese trans-sexual long as they have the brains to bring America together and sort out the problems.

So, let me know where you stand on the gender/race issue!

25 Answers

  • Marie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Neither! If a person votes just based on race and gender the best person for the office is overlooked. I do not use this criteria to make a judgment on who to vote for. I use whether the person represents my views and their qualifications for the job. Based on my own criteria, I cannot vote for Hillary, Obama, McCain! Since their stand is all the same on the illegal immigration issue. This is one of the big issues for me!

    It is still early, I will have to figure out who is the lesser "evil".

    Source(s): I am an Independent.
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't agree with your politics, but I DO agree that voting on the basis of someone's gender or race is irresponsible.

    Voters should inform themselves and vote with the person whose positions on issues follow most closely with they way the country should go in the future.

    A Woman, and African American, or a White Man, for that matter, has no more "right" to my vote than anyone else. The trouble is that news organizations use demographics to identify who is voting for whom... so it seems like their identity is the reason they are voting a certain way... Seems a little over-simplified, don't you think?

  • 1 decade ago

    Only an idiot (who probably shouldn't bother to vote) would pick a candidate based on something so irrelevant and superficial.

    If that's what voters care about, Halle Berry should run next time. You can bet that those morons would vote for her, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am voting for the person that I believe will do the best job for our country and the people in our own country that need food and medical care. A President who will respond immediately to disasters in our own country. I want the war to end and to save the lives of our troops in Iraq and all the innocent Iraqi children who have been killed in this ugly war. I want a President who will bring back the respect we used to have from other countries. I don't care if it's a he, she or pink, black or orange!

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  • jakus
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    sure because it continually has. yet, this time the impression is greater open and for that reason discussable. In in the previous cases some African individuals, bearing on how race impacts the strategies American conducts its enterprise mentioned the quiet employer of racism. Now, we can get a raffle to manage it. this is strictly what the 1st modification became written to guarantee can take place whilst the yank populas turns into mature adequate to manage it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm neither. I'm a issues voter, the only kind of voter who should be allowed to vote. The kind who votes based on their personal stances on the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. But I think many americans aren't ready for a black or female president.

  • nomad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Those are the issues that will decide the Dem candidate this time around. The Dems are definitely split along racial and gender lines.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess I fall into the more religious catagory!! since we are one nation under God, I will not be voting for hellery!! I believe that everything I know about her since the 60's, classifies her as the DEVIL, Obama, way too much muslim influence!!! so that leaves me to vote for McCain, since he spent so many years in a pow camp in Nam!!! my thoughts, he was spared for a reason!! he lived and made it!! and I feel that he truly loves this country!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't matter to me about the race or gender. i vote by who will do the best job.

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