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Lv 6
Takfam asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Is Obama's link to Jeremiah Wright the only ammo that Hillary/McCain supporters have?

I hear the typical labels that every liberal candidate gets (socialist, tax-fiend, etc). Those, however, are easily dismissed by party loyalties (Dems do the same thing to Rep candidates, "war-monger", "corporate puppet" etc).

Besides typical party-bashing, the connection to Rev Wright is the only downside I've heard about Barack Obama. Are Hillary/McCain supporters grasping at straws by running this Rev Wright thing into the ground?


So far, kookoo bananas is the only one who's provided anything of substance (Well done sir). The rest of you provide the same argument with a different person in place of Wright.

Come on. You have a chance to change my mind here! How many registered independent party voters are going to give you that opportunity? Tell me why Obama is wrong!

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama's ties to Kennedy, Sharpton, All US Muslim groups (they endorse him) Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Tony Rezko, and so on. There are a lot of questionable people he surrounds himself with.

    Also, he is the MOST liberal Senator we have. For a Conservative or a Moderate...that's a BAD THING!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Feud? there is no genuine feud. did you comprehend politicians can hire a team that makes a speciality of injury administration? i.e. Pastor Wright Controversy. Wright chosen to do an interview 6 months from the conventional election for a reason. He made rather racist anti-American comments for a reason. It substitute into to enhance the priority and positioned across him returned into the spotlight. Obama might denounce his association with Wright. we'd communicate approximately it for some weeks and then it'd be forgotten and alter into previous information. with the help of the time the GE comes around no person would even care approximately Wright and Obama will win quite. do no longer be fooled and don't vote for Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think so... It amazes me that this has turned into an uproar...

    This country NEEDS a leader who has a greater understanding of more than just rich white guys...

    And what the wealthy who ***** and moan about their taxes don't realize is that if we can get past the race thing and bring more of the poor into the middle class, EVERYONE will benefit. If everyone has access to good healthcare it makes EVERYONE safer... I mean what better way to carry out a biological attack than to start with a poor section of people who can't afford doctors... It will spread and spread and by the time the hospitals and drs start seeing it it will have spread too far. ANd what about all the emergency care we end up supplying to poor people anyway? In the long run it would be much cheaper to work on keeping everyone healthy or at least catching diseases so they can be treated before it passes a point of relatively simple treatment... Take diabetes, if it is caught early and TREATED people can live without all the need for amputations, blindness, disability, kidney dialysis etc...

    No, I am afraid that most of the wealthy republicans are just too selfish to even imagine that we could ALL be a little 'wealthier' .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like Hillary, he has no experience. That alone disqualifies both of them. His racism and her dishonesty are just icing on the cake. Operation Democrat Chaos is in full swing. She is doing better in the polls as a result of his close association with one of the most racist public figures since Louis Farrakhan. Obama will benefit from the recent revelation in New Republic, a liberal magazine, that Hillary's advantage in Texas has officially been attributed entirely to Republican crossover voters. Who knows what entertainmend we have in store over the next five months? The Rezcko affair isn't over by a long shot and the Peter Paul vs. the Clintons' fraud trial in California will happen prior to the convention. Judging from past events, new scandals will emerge prior to August. It's going to be like an entire season of Jerry Springer, albiet on a slightly higher plane.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That is not the only about if you put his platform next to Marx's Communist Manifesto, you cannot tell the difference between them. The Senator is a true dyed in the wool Socialist. NAFTA, In-experience, poor judgement, cannot think on his feet (likes the prepared speech and not open debate), Rezco, etc.

    Before you go off on condemning me for party loyalty..I am loyal to two things 1) this Country and 2) The Constitution, and I will defend them both until the death.


    Just what I cannot change someone's mind who already has it made up.

    Source(s): Constitutionalist New Founding Father
  • gone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Personally I believe so. Obama's so called inexperience is not a true issue. When you look at Hillary and Bush he's on equal ground there. They can't use the Iraq invasion/occupation. The Rezko thing will blow over. I find it disgusting that religion was brought into it. I knew though they would find something. This country and it's people are to scared to bring a multicultural person in. They would vote for a woman before that. Even if the woman is Hillary. Or they would vote for the destruction of this country by voting McCain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Barack obama is probably the most eloquent speaker since reagan or kennedy. his problem is the fact that he has promised huge changes with no idea of how he would accomplish tem. for intance , pulling out of irag immediatly. all you would have is a blood bath between all the factions there , a civil war. when we left viet nam , the khmer rouge killed thousands or hundres of thousands of people. you can be against the war (obama) and still want to avoid a slaughter

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but currently it is their best ammo. Hill McCain will continue to dredge into his past and I am sure they will find more. Just as Obama would if he looked closely into McCain or Hillarys past. He has been playing nicer than his oppenents so far and I respect him for that. But it is hurting him in the polls, as negative dirt works better than being stronger on the issues, for the simple reason that they are more interesting to our pop/flash/entertainment media. It needs to sell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. We are waiting for the future Obama embarrassments that are sure to come. He has already surrounded himself with embarrassments like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright, so there are bound to be more incidents. This is just the beginning, in case you are feeling the heat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The link to this racist bigot is just proof that Obama is wrong for this country. It shows lack of judgment and lack of character, along with being a pro-amnesty socialist!

    Don't worry, there is plenty more "ammo" out there to let voters know what the real Obama is like.

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