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SERIOUS QUESTION !!! Who agrees with me : People on WELFARE should NOT be allowed to have kids...TRUE OR FALSE

Unbelievable...Ignorant people so far;Has it ever occurred to any of you that people on welfare intentionally have children to gain more assistance from the government ? Anybody who applies for it or has been receiving it should not be allowed to have any more children.A good portion of those kids are not well-educated,not raised right,and do not contribute anything positive to society.The world is over-populated as it is(a severe understatement),and these 'certain people' should not be allowed to manipulate the system like that(the majority of them are lazy as hell and awful parents),and we do not need these types of kids brought into this world anyway.


My parents were on welfare.They were not disabled.They were extremely lazy and pathetic.I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters.They intentionally had us one by one to receive more money.I DO know what I am talking about.I was the only one out of my family with a half-way success story.

64 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't necessarily agree that they shouldn't be allowed to have kids - although where I'm from I also know for a fact that people have more kids to get more welfare money. Instead, I propose that people be allowed to stay on welfare for a certain time period, then they have to get a job unless they are cleared by a medical doctor working for the welfare department to remain on welfare because of an illness or injury that prevents them from working. Make welfare a bit like unemployment but a bit more long-term. Don't allow them to be on it for life. There are people where I am from who are third and fourth generation welfare recipients. They have no motivation to make something of themselves because they saw their parents and grandparents make a semi-decent living doing nothing but receiving money from other people's taxes. So instead of saying "you can't have children," I think the welfare program should be set up so that you get a flat rate. Little or no extra money for more children, and have the Department of Family Services make regular checks on the families and if there's the slightest hint of a problem (such as the parents not being able to take care of their children), take the children away and revoke the welfare.

    I know this will never work and never will be passed, but the welfare problems in this country need to be fixed somehow! There's no way you can prohibit a person from having children except in extreme cases where a court has approved it, but severe enough discouragement should most definitely be a key to the welfare system!

  • Marvin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have a better solution. We should put an end to immigration, and an end to welfare. Why are we providing for idle people? It has been known, forever that those that get free stuff do not contribute to society.

    I grew up poor. I mean poor like most of you have never seen. I have what I have today because I busted my butt. I went into the military and did my time during the first desert storm. I took my military benefits, and went to school, while I worked two jobs. I did this because I wanted to get a nice salaried white collar job. I never received a cent of assistance of any kind.

    You are correct about lazy awful parents. I have seen many in my days. If there is a good welfare parent out there, I have never met them.

  • 1 decade ago

    why not make welfare a temporary thing... in the meantime they have to prove they are making a move towards having a better life... for example finding a job, or enrolling in school, or joining an organization which will help people find work job skills making a resumé etc... if they don't they should lose welfare. after a certain amount of time if they don't find a job they should lose it, also if when they do find a job ( while submitting pay-stubs to prove they are making $$ and enough to live on) they should lose welfare... i also think if it was this way they can have a cap on how many times they can be on welfare...

    telling people they can't have children is wrong and immoral! there are other ways to get around this problem...

  • 1 decade ago

    The way welfare was set up it only lasted for a short time. Welfare needs to be rewritten to be a supplement to income. So as a person works they receive some added income to make up the difference of a living wage.

    I agree with you though, to the point that after receiving welfare for some time straight, they should receive no more welfare, and their children should be put up for adoption if the parents still cant care for them.

    The last option is basically to force the parents into work. The government could provide jobs cleaning public toilets.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no more welfare. Your nightmare is over.

    I think that people should have to take birth control until they get a license to have kids.

    A motor vehicle license and a parenting license ought to have a psyche eval attached to them, to be readministered every four years. Keep us crazies off the roads and out of the maternity wards.

    I am sorry for your crappy life, mine was crappy too and my parents were too proud to take public assistance. They just made us do without. Bad parents come in all shapes and styles.

  • 1 decade ago

    In most states in order to receive welfare assistance you have to have children. So what about them?

    I think if you continue to have children while on welfare, your assistance should not increase. It should remain the same as before you had the additional child.

    Some people on welfare are lazy. But others work their tails off trying to provide for their family. Sometimes they lost their job, sometimes their spouse ran off and left them penniless. You never know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think children as a rule who are raised within the welfare system by their parents become welfare parents themselves. It is a never ending cycle.

    I don't think anyone should be refained from having children but the welfare system needs a complete overhaul for sure


    and up above there somewhere, somebody said the Welfare system no longer hand out checks....that is true in a sense but they put cash on your EBT card (which BTW is a food stamp card) you can use that EBT card just like a debt card.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regardless of ethnicity/race, I think EVERYONE has a distaste for people who seem to THRIVE on welfare - generation to generation. I personally think these monies would be better spent on people with learning disabled kids or severe medical conditions - MS, Cystic Fibrosis etc

    BUT there will ALWAYS be an underclass & if you look at the BIG picture, you may start to wonder if its not truly engineered to continue to be that way.

    We GIVE money to undereducated / disdvantaged people, but we DONT put them on a path to NOT needing it. "Welfare to work" was a farce because it prepared thousands to do jobs that are already filled - How many mailroom & filing clerks does a business need? You'd think vocation/blue collar jobs would have made a tremendous comeback with all the welfare recipients mandated to work -right? And $7 an hour doesnt provide for 1 person let alone 2, 3, etc

    We GIVE housing to women because of their kids- I personally think welfare recipients ought to live dorm style; large private efficiencies for their family & shared common areas. It may sound cruel - but since everyone else has to pay 20% down for a mortgage & they dont - they shouldnt reap benefits tax payers barely have.

    Drugs destroyed alot of poor peoples families - urban & rural. Convicted drug users AND pushers are forever condemned - no school aid & no realistic job opportunites. The kids of these people run wild, repeat the cycle & there is ABSOLUTELY NO INTERVENTION from the same government that issues the welfare check.

    How many suburbanites transfer their kids out of private school to PUBLIC ones because the education is so great? How many cities/states allocate monies for programs designed to expose & empower them not to need/want welfare? You couldnt do calculus unless someone showed you algebra - they cant be productive members of society unless someone shows them how.

    The easy answer is to take away their procreation rights - but if you think about it, what else do they have? On the cruel upside, because of this welfare population, more jails are built to privide more jobs, more cops are hired to police them, and politicians have a platform to separate "us from them" for thought :P

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know what laws your state have adopted, but the state I live in after 2 children you receive no extra cash assistance, now they will continue to get an increase in wic & food stamps, but not cash. So to think that someone is purposely having kids to get a larger welfare check is old school. The system used to be easy like that but it has changed, plus they have to enroll in some form of schooling or job training program & show the proof to avoid being cut off. If other states laws havent changed then they surely need to I think its only fair, because welfare is supposed to be temporary help, not lifelong handouts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately there are people who use the system to their advantage and some of them are welfare recipients. Although I do believe that people having babies should not keep having them in order to continue to have assistance, I cannot say they should not keep having kids. There are some states that ask mothers to sign a wavier to get their tubes tide in order to keep getting assistance in which I agree with. People who also use welfare to correct some of the mistakes they made in order to get their life on track should not be set back. This can be done in spite of having their babies. As for the economy I do know people who have college degree and still cannot find employment. Society has told them to go to school and get a degree but when it comes to work people still do not have experience. What do you do when you have followed the rules and cannot get in the door; still having kids to take care of.

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