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If the Us got in a fight with China could we lose?

I know that the US has the best military in the world. But because of the way chinese live they are completly devoted to what they do, so the wouldn't give up. And if China attacks us they won't be alon. Against just China we could probally win but what if most if not all of asia attacks us Military and powerful allies or not could we lose? This has been bugging me.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem with China attacking us is the Pacific Ocean is between us. Sure China's military numbers around 2 1/4 million, the problem is they have no real way of getting them to US soil. The Ocean is to vast for us not to notice an onslaught of unregistered ships approaching our coast. An arial lift is even harder as I don't feel China has the power to move in military through the air.

    This is what makes the US so powerful, we can move troops by land, sea and air. At first the build up is slow, but given a few weeks we can have 500,000 troops knocking at your door step.

    Your point about China's allies in Asia is over exageratted. While China maybe friends with several nations, the only one that would pose a viable threat to US soil would be Russia. However Russia and China are not allies and Russia would not back them in an attack on the US without provocation. Of course the US also has several allies in Asia in South Korea, Japan, and Tawain. None of them have a major military force however and depend greatly on the US for protection. However do no forget about our allies in Europe. Given an unprovoked attack against the US I believe several European allies would come to our aid including Britian and Germany who have two of the strongest militaries in Europe.

    Lastly if China was to attack and try to invade the US you have to be aware of how vast our nation is. Many people fail to realize the US is a little more than 3000 miles across from coast to coast and 1800 miles from Canada to Mexico. This is a vast area to have to occupy without suffering heavy loses. I believe Americans would also rise up like during the Revolutionary war and bare arms against an aggressor.

    So personally don't let this bug you. A convential war between China and the USA isn't going to happen. If it does there would be plenty of build up to that point that you would realize it was about to go down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ever heard of the "Red Flood"? That is refering to the massive numbers of the Chinese military( As an example China has more people in uniform than we have population). Even though they are technologically inferior, shear numbers could prove to be better than technology. As far as conquering goes i do not think that we could conquer China or they could conquer us, but in an open battle in an empty plain we would probably lose.

    As the Japnese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto put it during WWII: You cannot invade the mainland United States.There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

    Also the United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world.

    U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies.

    So if China were to invade state militias would be formed as well as many gurerilla warfare groups. Eventually Chinese forces would run out of supplies. This is all assuming neither side uses nuclear weapons.

  • 5 years ago

    i like how this is asked from the UK, no eurotrash are declining, the EU is failing if you didn't know, riots in the streets, etcetc. China will take over. not EU. EU cant even fly to the moon, its missions are failures. the british cannot even control the sagin district in afghanistan which is why they handed it over to the americans, americans saved the day once again, british military exposed. the US is still #1 power and should be for quite some time. eurotrash must accept that fact. US is just 1 single country. EU is made of many countries. doesn't even come close, China on the otherhand is building up a military force like no other to go along with its billion population. red dragon china will be the new #1 in the future.

  • netjr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Both countries would be able to defend themselves against the other, thus neither country could conquer the other. This assumind that nuclear weapons are not involved.

    By the way in the Asian theater there are US allies in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. So the entire theater would not be against the US. If China attacked the US with its full force there is a chance we could lose without using nuclear weapons to defend ourselves. Our military numbers are far far lower then China's.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tough call. The Chinese have modernized their armed forces and we would have a tough time dealing with them. As an example,the SU30MKK has defeated our F15 eagle in recent military excersizes. At the moment ,they also have much deeper pockets to fund a war with than we do. I doubt the EU would help out much as they would have their hands full with Russia and the hardcore Islamic states.

    A war is doubtful any time soon.

    We owe China billions in loans and they need our market to export goods to. A fragile symbiotic relationship that puts profit above human rights and enables totalitarianism to continue in the form of the communist Chinese government.

    China is beating us soundly in the economic war so far.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would depend on the objectives, China would never be able to launch an invasion on the US because it has nowhere near the air or sea power necessary (it doesn't even have an operational aircraft carrier). The US could probably bomb Chinese cities and wreck their economy (although ours would also go with the massive war expenses and loss of our biggest trading partner) but we would never have the manpower to occupy the entire country.

  • denise
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    China doesn't need help for they have so many peolpe in their own country. Some things to ponder: So many of manufacturing jobs have gone to China. Where would we get the parts to build our tanks, etc.? And, we owe so much money from borrowing money from China. Did you realize that China is over here buying up stocks in American companies. No, we cannot beat China.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In Theory it would be a stalemate. In Korea during the Korean war China sent its soldiers to beat back the Americans, the Americans killed so many, but they were overwhelmed by millions of Chinese soldiers they had to retreat

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    China alone could poor so many soldiers onto the battle they would overwhelm us. In the Korean war, they were sending cavalry against armored cavalry, and winning from shear numbers! Horses vs. tanks, and they could take us on!

  • 1 decade ago

    They've got a lot of old stuff. Their newest fighter, the J-8, is a 1980's design that would have been state-of-the-art in the '50s. With our Pacific allies with us, we can't lose.

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