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Why is it that we are going to pay for an illegal aliens 4th liver transplant?

I swear Calif. is so screwed up!!!!!! I'm going to be moving out of Calif. in the next 2 years to Colorado or Arizona. I'm so tired of paying for their medical care and their schooling.

Read the story ~

Ana Puente was an infant with a liver disorder when her aunt brought her illegally to the U.S. to seek medical care. She underwent two liver transplants at UCLA Medical Center as a child in 1989 and a third in 1998, each paid for by the state.


I could also understand one...... but 4 NO it is wrong. It is taking away from our own people who are also in life or death situations.

11 Answers

  • Impska
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look, I understand, that as a civilized society, we don't just let children die in our country, just because they don't have legal status. Morally, I don't know that we can do anything else. Children don't make the choice to be here illegally - their parents do. It's hard to swallow the price tag, and I find it pretty unbelievable that our system allows doctors to give someone FOUR transplants when so many other people are dying while they wait.

    What bothered me the most was this:

    "It doesn't matter if I'm undocumented," she said. "They should take care of me at UCLA for the rest of my life because I've been there since I was a baby."

    I mean... really? You're entitled to continued care because UCLA took pity on you as an infant? Somehow they are obligated to you because our system allowed them to save your life? No... -you- are obligated to them. You -owe- them (and taxpayers) your life thus far.

    Yeah right. Maybe they have a fifth liver for her in Mexico. I certainly hope that we don't have one here. I can't believe someone's kid died in a car accident and they donated his organs so that some illegal can feel like she's owed.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My husband entered right here illegally whilst he became into sixteen and merely at the instant went returned to mexico filed the suited paper artwork and hes residing house now as a criminal everlasting Resident!! Now he did pay taxes before because of the fact he had a ITIN extensive form. With this extensive form despite in case you're starting to be paid money you could actually document taxes as he did. Its a criminal extensive form issued by utilising the IRS. Its an elementary utility and you're able to be able to get it. Thank God hes criminal now nonetheless. we've been married 8 years and at the same time for 11. He confronted the outcomes and went returned and made it top what he had executed!!! merely concept id throw that in the time of there :)

  • 1 decade ago

    It's stories like this that tick me off to no end. Liberals like to make claims about how we owe it to people who try to start a better life here and other garbage along those lines, but they fail to see that these people, instead of going through the proper channels and become legal immigrants the right way, they walk over the rights of those of us who are law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. This stupid nonsense should never have happened in the first place and it should definitely not happen a fourth time. Unfortunately, moving to another state won't really help. Other states do the same thing, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are just more in the spotlight because they have to deal with it more. If you're truly tired of it, write your congressman, senator, Governor, and ever other lawmaker who you can get an address for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if our taxes are paying for their free food, health care, and everything else, we might as well do the transplant right? The illegal immigrants will continue to corrupt America. We allow anyone to come in here, pop out babies like machine guns, (bonus check for welfare, which means more money) and allow anyone born here to become automatic U.S. citizens. Think of the U.S. as a small jar. Think of the world as a massive glass container. The marbles represent the long as you try to put more and more in from the large jar (represents the entire world), to the small jar (U.S.), eventually, it will start overflowing. That is what is happening...overpopulation is HUGE right now. The rate we are going at, we won't ever be able to build enough roads, houses, schools, hospitals, etc., the way we are growing. The economy is bashed every single year. I have no idea how much the budget is for illegals, but it has to be billions, even trillions of dollars. They come here, get free food, health care, rob from Social Security, live off of welfare. The more kids they have, the more checks they get, so why not have eight to ten kids? The financial burden is telling how many trillions these illegals are costing us yearly. How do we stop this crisis? Well, just take the benefits away. If we didn't have all the FREE things to offer, they wouldn't be coming here. The education...HAVE ALL BOOKS IN ENGLISH. Don't let the illegals get college education...take them back to Mexico if they can't get citizenship (it's not like it's hard in the first may be a long process, but not hard.) The unemployment rates will continue to rise because they come here, don't work or anything, get everything for FREE, so why should they work...they just get everything handed to them in the first place. If they get paid to sit on their butts eating burritos all day instead of working, why not? Bringing more people in to take jobs...BS! If a legal U.S. citizen needs a job bad enough, he/she will do whatever they have to do to get that extra money. If you can't handle the answer, don't ask the question.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you love Jesus, you would not steal other people money.

    Catholic Church & Charities Illegally 'Aid and Abet' Aliens

    ( How the Catholic Church 'Aids and Abets' Illegal Aliens: ... good Catholics are expected to criminally 'aid and abet' illegal aliens, because ...)

    1 - 10 of about 2,170,000 for catholic illegal aliens

    What can I say... use vaseline?


    By the way.. the Indians were stealing land from each other night and day. They actually didn't claim any land.. they did claim hunting grounds. The Cheyene claimed most of Wyoming to give perspective there, and killed anyone who crossed their line. So when you read the illiterate comments about Indians claiming all of the land.. it is true. Some of the tribes claimed hunting grounds from sea to sea, and killed ANYONE who walked on their land. On and on. Times brought a nation called the United States founded by all, including many who called them selves Indians. Law came to the land, and fools who suggest the Indians, the VAST majority of who do not live on a reservation, want the old ways back needs to see the guy in my tribe we have scalp the idiots.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are going to pay because CA is owned by la raza and the left wing Dimocrat party. Abandon all hope, white and black Americans living in CA; leave ASAP and come back to the real USA. The only way you are going to do anything about the illegal alien problem in CA is by using federal troops.

  • 1 decade ago

    Funny the way countries like mexico claim that mexican illegal aliens are their people but at the same time refuse take responsibility.

  • Bambi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How many names on the donor waiting list died while this baby was given FOUR transplants?

    What more proof do we need that preferential treatment is given to Illegals.

    Move to Colorado. They've got Tom Tancredo. He ran for president, but because of his Anti-Illegal views, he had to drop out of the running.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right: LET HER DIE RIGHT NOW.

    The money coming from the taxes of USA contribuitors are better used KILLING people in Irak or wherever else!

    (has anyone heard about something called "compassion")

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i see nothing worng with it... maybe she became a doctor and later saved many lives... wel dont know what she did after that maybe she did something really good... if she got 4 transplants there must not of been to many people waiting....

    Georgest and too all... they cant get welfare or nothing, they have to have a SSN so you are all stupid and most of the illeglas i know work in a factory where taxes get taken out every pay check, so they rae paying taxes are you all stupid or what, and most of them dont file taxes so out government keeps that money, so if you ask me, looks like her family paid for that transplant...

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