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Mr. Orator, Baracka claims he used a poor choice of words. Do you believe him?

He is whining and crying again about Clinton. At the same time he is bashing her and blaming her for his latest blunder. He meant what he said, we all know what a great speaker he is. He just didn't think the American public would learn about his remarks.


Many of you don't seem to know there were no reporters present. It was a private party for well to do in San Frisco. He didn't know someone would record his words and that they would become public. He meant every word he said.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His whole life appears to be a whole host of poor choices, questionable affiliations, a kinship with those who have an anti-white, anti-American views. He meant exactly what he said - or he wouldn't have used God and Guns in the same sentence. It's as simple as that.

    Source(s): WB: As far as the sniper fire deal - minimal compared to Obama's racism, deception, manipulation, and contempt for our country. He's applying for the wrong job.
  • jenx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am sure he does think he used a poor choice of words NOW. Hind sight is 20 20.

    He didn't think no body would ever hear those words, other then the elite he was talking to. He didn't have any idea there was a person there with a tape recorder. He is good at blaming other people for what goes wrong in his campaign.

    You are right. He said what he said. And there is no way to spin his way out of this. He can say he meant something else.(like he always does) But it is very clear to any body who is not blinded by the obama light, exactly what he was meaning by what he said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe him. I also believe he is not running for President but rather for Philosopher-King of a Platonic Republic. He seems convinced that he has the answers, and that the poor benighted fools in the hinterland are incapable of fair and just self-government or even self-preservation, so they need a benign oligarchy of the wise to rule them. For instance, those fools clinging to their guns are so dangerous that in Florida, when the new concealed-carry laws were passed a couple of decades back (with everybody predicting widespread bloodbaths), the newly armed yokels shot innocent people mistakenly thinking they were criminals at an astounding rate of about 20% of the rate of error by the enlightened police. But then the elite should have five (or more) times the error rate of the fools, shouldn't they?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm sorry that you have been cited for violating the TOS in this way. It doesn't seem fair, as the word scoffer is in no way offensive to me. Call me a scoffer all you want, it's what I am. As for a word that will not be found offensive by anyone, I recommend 'atheist', so long as you spell it correctly. We atheists are often very picky about spelling.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Whats the new thing here.... Politicians lie and mislead. Oru great George Bush lied, Clinton lied, Obama lied, McCain is also a liar.

    They are politicians. If you ask the same question 10 years from now and in any election in any part of the country, my answer will be same. Politicians lie.

    But we the people need politicians to lead our country. There are bad choices, worse choices in any election and in every election either in USA or Zimbabwe or Britain, or South Korea or North Korea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, really, he uses the right choice of words to the audience that he is speaking. He may say one thing to a high donor group and another contradictory thing to another low donor group. After all, he did this in California and the opposite in PA. The same thing happened in Chicago. His response to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's anti-white, anti U.S., anti Jewish, anti Italian sermons and pro-hamas church newsletters was weak and tepid. So, to answer your question -- No, I no longer believe in him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i believe obama said what he believe's. poor choice of words? you bet. my guess, what we hear most of the time from obama, clinton and caine can probably be flushed down the toilet. most politicians tell us what they think we want to hear. and to most, it doesn't matter how many lies or what obama may say about people per se". integrity, scruples, moral values are usually pushed to the side simply because of the "d" or "r" in front of the candidates name. where the candidate stands on the important issues of the day mean very little in too many elections.

  • Yes, he meant what he said. Did you hear him stumble over how to refer to the people on the Southside of Chicago... tonight during that forum? It was like he's scared to say anything now. I just don't think he can sympathize with economically challenged people (broke folks) such as myself!

    He was raised by his rich white grandparents... a bank President & they keep saying his grandma was poor!

  • 1 decade ago

    Kind a like the Indians use to call the white eye's man speak with forked tongue

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have to believe him. I see his life, background and contributions and know exactly what he meant. People see exactly what the want too. Here's a few responses that maybe different than what you see here:

    I am bitter and I am part of the gun toting culture and I do vote in regards to religion and guns know why? Cause I’ve given up on government doing anything about jobs or taxes.. my family still hears Daddy Bush saying “No new taxes… read my lips.” We’ve not forgotten THAT either but when a candidate says how they stand on abortion or guns – well now, we can hold them accountable for that. Everything else just seems too complicated for them to back up.

    I was undecided. After 20+ years of voting Republican (well except for Bush, I just didn’t vote then) – I’m voting for Obama. If you want to tell me that he insulted me in front of his California friends you go RIGHT ahead. Instead, I think I realize that he knows where we’re coming from – you want to call him elitist? Well he was poorer than I not so long ago.

    As to the contrast – McCain is making too many slips of the tongue and either he’s losing his mind OR he’s trying to make me think that Al Quaeda and Iran are the same thing.. I heard that song from our ‘current President’.

    And Hillary? She’s got some HUGE cajones saying that Obama is elitist. Her Healthcare Plan – the flagship of her campaign – is mandated. Why? Well when she’s asked she says people won’t get it otherwise. Ummmm… thank you Mommy? I don’t have enough sense to figure out what to do with my money and my life?

    I can deal with Obama – at least he KNOWS I’m bitter and he KNOWS why – Hillary wants to tell me that I’m happy and she’s gonna save me. Thanks – no thanks.

    CNN Responses to “Hillary hits Obama over ‘bitter’ comments”:

    AD April 11th, 2008 5:59 pm ET

    OBAMA 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amy R. April 11th, 2008 5:59 pm ET

    Thanks to the Clintons and NAFTA, they should be bitter about their job losses. Hillary is playing with words and grasping at straws.

    Mandy, California April 11th, 2008 6:00 pm ET

    Pennsylvanians can be bitter and still be resilient! And I don't think that Obama was looking down on them. I think he was empathizing with them.

    Is HRC so desperate that she has to start a fight over nothing?

    She is the one who is bitter!

    Bukky April 11th, 2008 6:00 pm ET

    All is she saying is that "the people are happy to be s c r e w e d"

    kathleen retired Professional w/woman for obama April 11th, 2008 6:00 pm ET

    Well, Hillary he used the wrong freggin word. Let it go.

    Please leave. Please

    Ryan April 11th, 2008 6:01 pm ET


    Mike April 11th, 2008 6:01 pm ET

    I have all about given up on convincing the Obamatons what they are in store for. It matters little now because if Obama gets the nomination there is no way he can beat McCain.

    If a war hero John Kerry couldnt beat AWOL George Bush in 2004, then Obama a non military, church American hating goer hasnt a chance against a POW war hero like McCain.

    Looks like another 4 years of Republicans. If Hillary gets the nomination then I we as democrats have a realistic chance to win.

    Think about it. All of Hillary's demons are known for years. She has a solid record of work and helping the poor. She has been outspent by Obama, attacked by a huge Obama machine and she is still here. If that kind of persistence cant beat McCain than nothing will.

    Kevin Leo (Jonesboro, GA) April 11th, 2008 6:01 pm ET

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