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Lv 7
Honey asked in Food & DrinkBeer, Wine & Spirits · 1 decade ago

Is there a beer available in Florida to suit the taste of a displaced Canadian girl?

This gal from western Canada "grew up on" robust Canadian beers and ales and finds the beer she's tried so far in Florida kind of watery, weak and sour. With so many choices I could sure use some help in picking some with more body and full flavor. Reds too? thank you for your help

5 Answers

  • Sprout
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where are you in Florida?? There's a lot of good beer bars in central Fla, around the Winter Park/Orlando area. I'm not sure what Canadian beers you are talking about, but there are tons of great American (& Belgian & German) craft brews available at any decent liquor/beer store. Have you tried beers from Unibroue? They're an excellent Canadian beer company that makes some great Belgian style ales, & they're pretty widely distributed in the US.

    If you go to , go to the "beerfly" section on the left hand side & you can search for good beer stores, breweries & beer bars by location. (I'm think you have to be a BA member to access beerfly, but it's free to sign up & really worth it.)

    Once you find a store with a good beer selections, I recommend looking for beer from the following breweries, if you can find them:




    Bear Republic

    Dogfish Head







    There's tons of good stuff out there, just stay away from the mass-produced stuff (America, Canadian & otherwise).

  • 1 decade ago

    Both LaBatt blue and Molson Canadian are widely available in Florida. Both are easily found in bottles and on draught. If you live in an area that has an "Ale House" restaurant they more likely than not carry at least one of them on draught. Most larger grocery stores usually have one or the other or both. I you still have trouble finding a good Canadian beer try a specialty beer store. I hope that answers your question :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Try the World Market...they have plenty of Canadian beers

  • 1 decade ago

    Molson Ice

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  • 1 decade ago

    let her try corona extra. or heiniken.

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