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Have the Wings won a playoff game yet?

Just curious, have we? Because after 4 'victories' against Nashville and 1 'victory' against Colorado, I have yet to see the Wings credited with actually winning the game by any media source - local or otherwise.

Let's talk about how the Wings escaped and forget about how quickly they chased Theodore outta the net.

Let's talk about how Nashville swept us in 6 games, not the conspiracy about us winning 4-2.

Let's talk about anything but giving the Redwings their due for any victory. The media shrugged off the game 6 win "puh, they were supposed to do that," but they were ready to pounce if we blew it. The Wings winning a one-goal game is evidently a win for the team facing us. I like how this is all shaping up for the Wings.

Anyhoo, let's get ready to go down 0-2 to Colorado on Saturday...wait, what?


BOB- Cmon now they squeaked by Nashville? What were you watching, if it was not for Hasek's shaky goal tending and Ellis's excellent performances it would not have been a series. We doubled the Preds in shots every game, they play us hard and Wings in 6 games is what people who know hockey expected.

Update 2:

ADD- 1 goal win 15 goal win. A win is a win dammit, lol.

BTW- A second seed Canadians went into 7 games with the Bruins, and struggled to put away a weak Philly team yesterday. Wheres the controversy?

16 Answers

  • djup6
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yah the Wings are ignored on most Media stations..I think it is because they are expected to win. If you talk about it too much you are going to get harassed by other members and get called a Homer.

    But I do like what you said about how Colorado was given a "moral" victory after the game last night since we only won by a goal.

    Bob - why wouldn't I play Midget AA hockey? I am still in High School. I turned 18 in April. I was born in why wouldn't I play Midget AA hockey? And my name isn't Zata BTW so you can stop reffering me as such.

    And don't tell me to whine. Why don't you go whine some more about the poor reffing from the Flyers game last night? Go whine about how you are still getting sh*t from caps fans. Keep whining about how you are getting harassed by an 18 year old kid over the internet. If you don't like me, I couldn't give two sh*ts. Go get a day job and hang out with people your own age. Shouldn't you have kids or be married or something? Go hang out with your family.

    what you need to do is quite trying to start sh*t over the internet, regardless if I am only 18 and you are 73. That is just pointless, and a waste of energy.

  • you
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    ok, i'll try to stay calm.

    - what media sources are you referring to? be specific. names of people, not just newspapers or channels

    - Who the F$#% cares what they say? do you feel insecure? facts speak for themselves. IF the wings win the cup, morons will still discredit it. it's called the NHL. people are STILL trying to discredit the Ducks championship. no matter how much you or I jump up and down and scream and throw a tantrum, there will ALWAYS be people who don't like us, the team we support, or their cups.

    - how long have you been a detroit fan? have you F'ing noticed any freaking trend over the last 12+ years? people are STILL discrediting our 97 cup (buying it, etc.)

    - i'll stop there for now. Some of you wings fans make me seriously question how many months it's been since you jumped on the bandwagon.

    ok, 2nd wind

    - you're not digging enough w/ your exposure to hockey. some ARE saying similar things about Montreal. Some of this comes w/ the territory. Montreal hasn't made the playoffs for the last 17 straight years (although there was a time when they owned the sport). Montreal doesn't have the best cumulative record for the last 10 years,... by FAR. so they don't get as much national attention concerning expectations.

    - you and Bob were watching the same series. you just saw w/ different eyes. let me give you a hint... the only way that they got a shot off on Hasek is because we had defensive breakdowns. that's not hasek's fault. of course, he didn't help by letting some soft goals in, but he also had little chance on several because his defense screwed up. we were fortunate in games 1 & 2 to win (1 - questionable non offsides call; 2 - goal waved off for Preds which would've given them a lead). Game 5 wasn't cuz we were so great. it's cuz Dumont had a brain fart, and Franzen was there. good job, Franzen, you did your job. Frankly, we should've never gone to OT. Game 6 - HELLO, didn't you see the bouncing puck (a la Ozzie a few years before) that went past Ellis? those goals change momentum, but so many hinge on bounces.

    - Colordado DID have a moral victory. watch how they play the first 5 minutes tomorrow. they ALMOST won (i know a win is a win) w/ a hit post, and they did it all w/o Forsberg, in our arena. and they played better than us for more than half the game. unfortunately for them, Cleary's goal was luck (i wanna hear someone try to argue that it wasn't), and the Zetterberg goal was their mental breakdown. similar to our (gasp) Mr. Norris and Rafalski's breakdown (wtf was that?).

    - that game could've easily been 3-2 Avs. Franzens goals were the only ones that were skill outmatching skill.

    i cannot count on ONE hand the # of wings fans on this forum who know what they're talking about. i accept that. but most of you act like you do. i'd respect you more if you admitted that you were guessing. but i don't need the admittal. cuz i can easily tell. PUT down the controller and stop basing your perception of hockey off your Playstation. some of you make me sick, and ashamed to be associated w/ you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who really cares though? I would rather get a win than a lot of credit. Detroit fans are spoiled enough as it is, it shouldnt matter what they do and do not get credit it for. Reguardless of recent playoff struggles, the fact of the matter is that over the last 17 years, when us Wings fans have sat down to catch one of our teams games,we have had more reasons to be happy with the outcome than any other team in the league. Imagine being a Leafs fan and being dissappointed after so many of their games. So once again, who really cares what anyone else has to say about it, we are some of the most forunate fans in pro sports and that sh!t shouldnt really bother us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is this a question? When you're a team that's had a season as good as the Red Wings (soooo many times in the past as well), you're expected to take out a team as incompetent as the Predators, they WERE supposed to win, so if they do it's not a big deal and if they don't it's pathetic. That's the price of finishing on top.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I do agree with you that everyone seems to be putting them down. I mean let them say what they want. But the funny thing is, When the Wings were injured earlier in the season and they went through that slump, everyone seemed to accept that they lost because they were injured, now that their healthy no one wants to accept that they're a very talented team in all aspects of the game. Excepttt for our physical attributes (Which have been improving might i add) I just don't understand why they are always the team that is hated on. I mean if you want to be realistic, I'll even admit to having my doubts in the beginning of the playoffs about their chance at the cup. But i mean Come Onn.....I don't care anymore...they have thousands of fan all over the country that favor them.

  • 1 decade ago

    there like the spurs in the nba. last year they won the championship but barely got any recognition. its because they're so good and have been so good that people just expect them to do well and win. only when they start to lose do the get attention. people are more interested in an underdog rather than a one or two seed every year. sorry bud, thats just the way it is.

    ps i wouldnt be surprised if they made the conference final or even the championship

  • Vinny
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's funny how the Wings are associated with winning like the Yankees or Patriots. Yet, they don't get similar treatment. But you know, it all tastes so much better when the rest of the hockey world is waiting for us to slip.

  • oy vey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not giving the Wings credit is not a new idea. They have always been ignored in the media. I agree it's ridiculous. I'm just happy to see them play!

    Source(s): Moved from Detroit to DC last year and now all I get to watch are the Caps. I miss my Wings!
  • 1 decade ago

    People expect the Wings to blow out every win because they ran away with the Regular season, so when they don't...

  • 1 decade ago

    The Wings earned every victory they got, just like every team does.

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