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Fur and Fiction asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Do you ever go into your "Yahoo-Dog-Speech" in public?

As I was at work (Petco) today, a nice woman came up to me and asked me what kind of treats she should be feeding her German Shepherd Dog. I instantly asked a bunch of questions ("What kind of food does your dog like?", "Does she get upset stomachs often?") etc., only to find out the dog was a picky eater being feed Royal Canin (!). I immediately told her to switch food and begin giving hot dogs or cheese as a "motivation food". This very soon developed into a half hour long tour of the store where I pointed the woman to a Gentle Leader (which she chose over the choke collar she was considering), a bag of Solid Gold Wolf Cub, a new collar, and my phone number so she can call me for private lessons.

And all this thanks to my Yahoo-Dog-Speech. The same speech I have used in parking lots, at the dog park, in the groom shop, and once at the dentists office.

So what are you Yahoo-Dog-Speech stories? Ever feel like you should be getting commission from some of these companies!?


LOL Isis! I'm doing all this at the place I work! My boss walked by as I'm explaining to someone that "Beneful" is the worst food on the market- while standing NEXT TO a display of "Beneful". Ooooh well! Score one for the dog world!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went into YA mode at a Chinese restaraunt once. Folks were talking about breeding their mastiff, and I managed to edge into the conversation, deliver an educational seminar on conformation and health testing, all while sucking down a plate of sweet and sour chicken and a mess of stuff custom made on the Mongolian grill. LOL At last these folks listened, and stayd in touch long enough for me to help them find a good mentor. Saw 'em at a dog show a couple of years later. They had neutered their boy and were doing obedience.

    I will go into "educate" mode at teh drop of a hat...or for no reason at all. LOL

    ADDED: I been booted from the pet shop that sells puppies more than once, but they turn over staff so often, by the time I go in to sabotage them again, no one recognizes me. LOL Love that little card I printed up with the addy on it!

    Source(s): Rescuer, vet tech, groomer and show exhibitor of Shetland sheepdogs for 20 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean, since I learned about the value of decent dry, not corn meal based junk food, for dogs from a trainer and show people, I have been advising people to feed that to their dogs instead of supermarket junk or Science Diet.

    I'm with a rescue, so I have always given the lecture about spay/neuter, adopt, don't buy, etc. - long before puppy mills were made public.

    I'm glad people are getting more educated about the terrible problem of homeless dogs and puppy mills, but we have a long way to go - so keep on lecturing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    every day at work is a speech for me. im a trainer at petsmart, so everyday is people asking questions about all kinds of things about training, food, etc. at petsmart, we aren't "supposed" to say one food is bad, one is good, etc, but we ARE supposed to point them in direction of a "premium" food (theres onle a couple i'll even recommend and even at that, sometimes i tell them to go to a diff pet store because we dont carry that many healthy foods), but i've been in "speech" mode long before i ever came on YA. because of the area we live in (right near Philly) we get a lot of city people with fighting dogs looking for food to "fatten them up" and muzzles to "make them tough". half the time, instead of tryna give a speech, i spend my energy trying NOT to punch them in the skull, hah.

  • 1 decade ago

    Way to go! =D

    Helping one dog at a time. Congrats!

    Anyway, I give my Yahoo-Spay-and-Neuter-Speech much more often. There are so many times when I hear about people wanting to breed their dogs, and it just rips me apart into a full-fledged monster.

    Of course I feel bad; but it just angers me how ignorant some people can be.

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  • 5 years ago

    Wedding Speeches Spellbind Your Audience -

  • 1 decade ago

    LMAO at the dentists office!! That cracked me up!

    Yes I do it all the time, but sometimes it gets me in trouble.

    My Aunt has a German Shepherd with chronic hot spots, and she feeds "Nature's Recipe" and wonders why he still has them!

    I tell her it's the food, give her the whole speech, and she gets mad at me.

    So, sometimes I do my speech, but most of the time it just gets me in trouble.

  • Rosa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well i have always thought of myself as a lesbian in a mans body. My partner has no tattoos, but we did have had a beauty of an argument in public.The awkward bit was when the Police showed up, getting locked up for being inebriated was funny though, because i ended up sharing a cell with friend i had not seen for years

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I have tried....with my parents. I have tried to get them to switch to Canidae (its the best food around that's even remotely nearby), I have tried them to spay our Aussie (MY Lab/Shepherd is Spayed), I have tried to get them to do all kinds of things, and they insist that Im the one in the wrong.

    Their dogs ARE happy, and very loved...there are just better ways to do things. I dont understand why they dont just spay our Aussie, since we live in the country so there's no chance of her getting pregnant, and they have NO intention to breed anyway...but there's just no understanding their logic.

    At least all you dog lovers can rest somewhat easier knowing I will Spay/Neuter (by the way, my cat is neutered as well), feed the good food, and spoil my dog and cat the way they were meant to be (my cat is behind my bed right now asleep in his bed that he made himself out of a sleeping bag).........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I occasionally do.

    My dad, brother, and stepmom all find it very embarassing.

    In restaurants when people taking about breeding, pet stores, etc. I weasel my way into the conversation. It is kinda odd seeing a 13-year-old girl talking about OFA/CERT testing....LOL!

  • 1 decade ago

    typically i dont because my family feels embarrassed about it. my sister likes to go to this pet store that sells a variety of puppies in the store. i told her the "Puppymill-Speech" but she asked and they said they get their dog's from breeders i tried giving her the "Backyard-Breeder-Speech" but she doesnt like to hear it and gets quite embarrassed when i warn potential buyers of these puppies. the only problem i have with this store is the puppies. if they could get rid of them i would be ok with them because they sell my dog's food so i have to go there. my family just doesnt like to hear it so i usually keep to myself. but you can bet that when im alone i definately warn these people to the point where the workers at the store have moved the cages to near the cash register so they can be watching me and the potential buyers.

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