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Lv 7
-RKO- asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why does McCain favor a $5000 tax credit?

John McCain favors a $5000 tax credit so that individuals who don't have health insurance at their jobs can buy health insurance.

WHY do the insurance companies have to be involved in our health care solutions? Only because the giant insurance lobby forces politicians to address the issue in that manner so they can reap more obscene profits?

I'd recommend that anyone who can afford to buy health insurance, or who is insured through an employer, continue to pay for health insurance. Then the insurance companies, doctors' offices and hospitals contribute a portion of their egregious profits to a health care fund for all those who cannot afford to buy insurance, or have no coverage through their employers. The poor, the destitute, the under-employed, and the unemployed should be able to walk into any hospital or doctor's office in the nation and get free medical care without insurance paperwork or complexity. If we can afford to spend TRILLIONS on a stupid war, we can get free healthcare

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rock on, RKO

    You are correct about the war...the cost of that war should be able to pay for education, help the homeless and the mentally ill, provide insurance coverage for everyone and benefits for our veterans. McCain's 5K wouldn't help at all, it would only allow the insurance & pharmaceutical industries to continue to control our health care needs.


  • 1 decade ago

    "....all those who cannot afford to buy insurance, or have no coverage through their employers. The poor, the destitute, the under-employed, and the unemployed should be able to walk into any hospital or doctor's office in the nation and get free medical care ..." They can & do it's called Medicade.

    The "paperwork" is so the government can pick up the tab other wise how do you suppose the hostipal get paid???

    McCains Tax CR. is for working class families who make too much for FREE ins.(medicade) & not enough to pay private ins. His idea has merit.

  • iceman
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It looks like a tactic being used by Reps, like bribing the Americans to gain their votes. bush did the same thing.Reps do any thing legal or not to win. lol

    Free Health care: Ask yourself why do we spend more on military than all the countries in the world combined?

    Coz by acting like a power full bully, and by attacking weak countries in the Middle East, we keep our economy and the $ value from crashing. We need to sell the Gov. Bonds. and having a strong and aggressive military is like a collateral we use to assure the other countries that it's a safe investment.

    Solution to over 90% of the US and the world problems:

    Just one :

    Eliminate the Federal Reserve (Great Satan).


  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    $5000 wouldn't go very far in terms of purchasing health care.

    It would only help if every member of the family is under 30, has no pre-exisiting conditions, no health risks, etc.

    In other words, if everyone falls under the catagories who are least likely to need health care.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because that's how republicans have found they can buy your vote - some miserable little amount borrowed from the Chinese and sent back to you. Same old thing that got Bush sort of "elected"

    How cheap we sell our freedoms!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    watch a movie by mike moore called sicko. its about the health care system around the world.excellent will answer your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    To buy the election, yet add billions to the deficit that our Grandchildren will pay for!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you are correct and it will be less coverage than what we have now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cuz he's stupid.

    kudos to maxmom

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