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Rush Limbaugh: Urging Republicans To Commit a Felony?

Liberals get a bit wiggy when it comes to electoral shenanigans in Ohio. On The Huffington Post, Ari Melber accuses Rush Limbaugh of encouraging Republicans to commit a felony by crossover voting for Hillary Clinton. Those "lying voters" are under investigation, although prosecutions are "considered unlikely," he reports:

"Operation Chaos," Rush Limbaugh's campaign urging Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton in Democratic primaries, has been very effective. It doubled Republican turnout in Ohio and Texas, boosting Clinton and prolonging the Democratic race. But in Ohio, it was also almost certainly illegal.

Ohio law requires that citizens genuinely support a political party in order to vote in its primary. To change parties for a primary, a citizen must pledge, under the penalty of election falsification, that she is affiliated with the party and "supports" its principles. Lying on the pledge is a felony, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. The law also stipulates that poll workers have a "duty" to challenge voters who are "not a member of the political party whose ballot the person desires to vote."

Melber, a writer with the far-left Nation magazine, concluded:

Limbaugh loves playing up partisan fights for his audience. But this is not only about politics. Limbaugh abused his listeners' trust and encouraged potentially illegal conduct. And after a Republican Justice Department spent years hyping voter fraud charges, now some of the most blatant election law violations are being stoked, repeatedly and unrepentantly, by one of the most prominent figures in Republican politics.

—Tim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center


NOTE: I am an Independent and don’t believe in putting so much weight into parties…however…I wanted to see what people thought about this.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That Ohio law just shows the ignorance, mindset, and lack of intelligence of the people of that state... Think Cleveland Browns! Generally accept the principles/policies of the party?!?!?! I didn't realize the democratic party even knows what their own policies or principles are. Their policy is to tell the people whatever they want to hear to get elected. I don't see how such a law could even hold up in court. That is old news anyway. They threatened to indict Rush in Ohio and he just laughed it off and said bring it on.

    This is probably not relevant, but in any case, here in PA, Hillary and Obama were actively seeking Republicans to cross over and vote for them. Just shows you how different the mindset of the 2 states are. I can't tell you the number of people who told me I couldn't vote democratic in the primary in PA bc they are closed, people who probably don't live here mind you. What they didn't understand is that all you have to do is change parties like 1 month before the election.

    Well I'm off subject, I think the law is absurd to contain language like that, this is a free country and you should be able to vote as you please. Limbaugh told Ohio voters to grow a beard, rip their jeans, don't shower for a week, grab Starbucks, and wear a "Bush lied, who died" shirt and they will never do their "duty" to challenge voters.

    This is America right? This sounds like Gestapo tactics. Glad you are independent, my wife also is. I'm registered republican but differ from them on a few issues. I just picked a party based on my core beliefs and for the simple fact that PA is a closed primary state. I use to be libertarian, I also considered the constitution party. I'll admit at times Limbaugh seems to have a bit of an ego and it may come back to bite him someday. He does profit from partisan politics I'll agree, but so do certain people on the left. I personally cannot stand the state of slow-hio.

    -edit- i agree that people put too much weight on parties and maybe should be a little more careful in that. it's sad to say, but platforms can shift and still be called the same party, but very different in beliefs. i say stay true to your beliefs and not your party if they no longer fit your beliefs. in my experience independents have been some of the most free thinking and tolerant people that i have talked to in political forums. i just think independents need to consider what far right policy results in (anarchy) and far left wing results in (communism) and decide for themselves where they lie on that continuum. I am more of an anarchist myself bc I believe people are basically good and will do right most of the time and gov. should not be all powerful.

  • 1 decade ago

    A liberal might think of this a voter intimidation:

    "The law also stipulates that poll workers have a "duty" to challenge voters who are "not a member of the political party whose ballot the person desires to vote."

    I will settle for a person being able to prove their identity and citizenship

  • emp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    And yet you didn't seem to be concerned about GOP primaries when Democrats crossed over and voted for McCain.

    The difference between the two parties in this is that the Democrats are digging in trenches and getting more and more upset with eachother.....GOP has grudgingly accept McCain with little to no in-fighting.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The DemocRATS are afraid of the certainty that Rush stands for. they're afraid that they are going to be found out. Rush is the voice for the Republican social gathering. Steele is RNC Chair yet he has no longer defended the Republican social gathering. he's a Rino. i'm hoping that BO'S policies fails to boot. no longer our united states.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I trust Timmy was equally concerned about dems doing the same and pushing mccain to be the republican nominee... If you'd kept your noses out of our primaries, there would be no operation chaos. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd like to see some facts as to how and when Rush directed his listeners to go do that, he may have made remarks about doing however I am sure he never said: Here go do!

    Show me some proof

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