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Why are people so racist against blacks, when blacks are the ones who were enslaved all over the world?

I am dating a black girl right now & i am tired of all the racist comments. Not only is she the most beautiful black woman i have ever seen, but she is the most beautiful woman i have seen in general.

Why are people so racist to blacks? Through out history they have never done anything to any country. I suppose they did invade sicily & that is why sicilians have dark skin, but as far as other whites, why do they hate blacks? Blacks are the ones who were enslaved for hundreds of years by lots of countries, not just the US. If anything they should be the racist ones & hate all whites but they dont. Can somebody help me out with this one? I have yet to understand.


I am white & i dont agree with alott of you. I never hear my girlfriend complain & say that us whites owe her something because of slavery. She takes the racism better than i do. I just dont get it! What have black people as a whole done to deserve so much hatred? I dont see many blacks hating whites in fact most of the biracial couples i see are a black male/white woman.

White Europeans have done something to almost every ethnic group you can think of. I dont see people hating us. You are all just jealous of other ethnic groups cause you will never be like them. Why are all white women obsessed with tanning then if other ethnic groups are so beneath us?

Update 2:

I love how alot of people are giving thumbs down to the all the valid answers. Some of these answers make sense, even if they dont agree with me entirely. As far as the tanning being "fashinable" these days, a large part of racism is judging someone based on the color of skin. Most black people, asians, middle easterners, hispanics & any other race you can think of that is not European have some form of brown skin. So why do some whites go tanning to make their skin darker if this dark skin is one of fhe huge things that make a white person racist? MY girlfriend has not experienced much racism because she is beautiful. People like beauty no matter what the ethnicity of the beautiful person. I am the one who is hearing all these racist comments about blacks now that i am dating her & its maddening. Because i am asking people about this does not make me "immature". I am 26 years old.

Update 3:

Yes there have been white slaves too, but i am not talking about white slaves. What i am talking about is black people & why they are hated so much. I am not denying that there are probably blacks that are racist as well, but that again is not what i am talking about. So you can roll all of that under the bus.

42 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the main reason people focus on the whites, (esp Americans) as the main perpretrators of slavery is because you held yourself as a nation founed on freedom, human rights and the dignity of man. At the time your Bill of Rights came about the idea of equality between persons was a foreign idea esp in Britain where the class system and knowing one's place has always had a lot of sway, (even today, but things have improved).

    Slavery stands at odds with all these lovely, noble ideas your country was supposedly founded on and reveals an America, which in many respects exists as a contradiction. YOU HELD, YOURSELVES AT AS SOMETHING MORE THAN YOU WERE and in the light of day have been shown wanting. All this rubbish about the American dream, the so-called land of opportunity is false. It was false for women, native americans, homosexuals and blacks who were just some of the groups who were excluded from your "all men are created equal" constitution.

    Also, as the most powerful nation in the world, of course your part in history will be remembered the most. For example, in Britain, we learn that the main Allies during WW1 and 2, were the US and the Austrailans. The US joined very late, (I think 2 years late), with regard to the 1st. You showed not an ounce on interest in European affairs during WW2, untill pearl harbour was bombed. It was the Commonwealth immigrants, (e.g. Africans and Indians etc who answered the call of the Empire, but they are not remebered at all.

    Sorry to go off topic, but I am just trying to show the supreme importance US has in all events, so of course your role in slavery and the way you treated blacks will be of more importance than anyone else's.

    Racism does exist everywhere unforunately and always will. Even if we all looked exactly the same, the only difference being that some people had green eyes, while others had brown, you would have both side saying "Look at your stupid eyes freak!" I am a Black Brit and I don't think the racism to us is as bad as it is in the US, (based on the above comments, I have to say I'm happy I'm not an American).

    I think the low socio-economic group, the belief that somehow blacks are genetically unintelligent are all part of the reason. However, above all I think people like to feel good about themselves and the best way to do that is make someone feel inferior, and not only that make a person feel inherently inferior. For this reason, prejudice will always exist.

    I find the people who made comments that blacks are racist too, rather pointless. You question was not a vague comment about racism in general, but racism as directed towards a particular group, so I don't understand why people keep saying blacks are racist too, who's denying that?

    Anyway I think the comment you made about your girlfriend was some of the sweetest I have ever heard. Don't get too caught up in the comments like "why did you have to mention her race?" Some people get to obsessed with nit-picking every little detail. I say live and let live and I wish more people were like you. Perhaps American isn't so bad after all.......

    P.S. What is up with the whole "remember the blacks did it too and white people were slaves as well comments......" So what. I mean really............stop trying to make slavery seem acceptable. It doesn't matter if every black person was also a slave owner or profitted.

    Nothing can be done to justify America's role in it so stop acting as if it can!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think everyone is racist agianst blacks, but yes there are many. I do believe that people just have a hard time letting things go, whites and blacks. After all the years of oppression blacks do have the right to be angry. Things in this country take a long time to happen. Racism is getting better with time. I don't believe people should be judged or take the blame for what people did years ago. Slavery was horrible but is long and over with in this country. I think we all need to move on communicate, admit mistakes of our ancestors and just try to be one people. There will always be people in this world white and black that will never grasp this concept, so we just need to ingnore those people and make them the minority. Life is too short to worry about what some people think. I admire your openess on the subject but don't get obsessed by it just enjoy the wonderful woman you have.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Maybe it's because SOME black people act like their race was the only ones who were ever enslaved, and that white people were the only ones who ever practiced slavery, and that there are racist black people, there were black people in history who had slaves, and that a lot of modern political movements who racebait like to conveniently forget that it was sympathetic white people who helped out black people in the civil war and civil rights eras.

    Source(s): Somebody who's a quarter hispanic, if that helps. It shouldn't, but it might.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that most people that are racist have either developed the beliefs of their parents and the ones before them or they had a bad experience with a black person and decided to believe that every black person is like the one that did something bad to them. I think everyone needs to realize that there are good and bad people in every race and no one is excluded. It's very wrong to associate the actions of a few to an entire race.

    I'm also in an interracial relationship. My bf is white and we have not endured the same kind of racism as you have. I guess it has to do with the location that we live in. I know that racism is everywhere and you really can't escape it, but there are some areas that are more tolerant of other races than other areas.

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  • 1 decade ago

    B/c people find a reason to hate anything that is different.

    To the woman above, merrywhiterose or what ever your screen name is, i think you ought to have a history lesson. Where do you get the idea that most black Americans have no ancestors that were slaves? Where do black Americans come from then,? Mars? You are a fool. There are Africans that now live in American & they will be the first ones to tell you they are not black American. The percentage of blacks in America that have actually moved here recently is way lower than the number of blacks that have been here for hundreds of years. Therefore every black American has ancestors that were slaves. How else did we get here? You are an ignoramus & you probably dont even live in the US. Dont make idiotic comments on subjects you know nothing about, woman.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eh...I think you need to do more research. And I don't think slavery has anything to do with why some people are racist.

    A lot of blacks, and other ethic and racial groups, that are very racist towards whites; And it's seemingly acceptable.

    I bet she's gotten, or will at some point, one or two comments about being a "traitor" to her race by fellow blacks as well. It seems even those who claim that they aren't racist still have a problem with interracial couples.

    I don't find that kind of hate in any form acceptable.

    But I think most racism or ethnocentrism, comes from a fear of the unknown.

    As stupid as it is, and believe me I think it's dumb, people don't want want to associate with others who are "different" from them.

    Think about high school and all the different groups that exist there. You have the jocks, the band geeks, the art kids, the choir kids, the AV kids, the preps, the slackers etc.

    One might have a friend in each group but by enlarge, you stick with a certain group when your in school. Some groups do hate each other and won't associate with those in that social group. And stereo typing is rampant.

    And see the links below. You talk as if blacks were the only group of people to ever be enslaved! Learn some history!

    Slavery wasn't unique to, nor were Africans the ONLY people to ever be en-slaved through out history. It still occurs today! And they aren't all black slaves!

    I think just about every race has been enslaved or been en-slavers!

    ___________________________________ you need to learn history!

    Tanning is about social status not race!

    Before the 1920's an tan was considered bad because it meant you worked out doors. Only those who had to work hard out the sun had tans. Women tried to keep as white as they could up till the 1920's.

    It wasn't until the 1920's that this attitude changed; purely by accident.

    "Style icon Coco Chanel came back from holidaying in the south of France with a - TAN!"

    "Suddenly a sun tan became a symbol of having money and leisure time. Certainly a bronzed face in winter showed that you could afford to have a break at a time of year when less monied mortals were confined to their offices."


    To her credit as well; Perhaps she is bothered by the comments, but feels that if she acts like a victim, she'll become one. Or maybe she thinks as I do, that the ignorant comments of strangers should be ignored. Those who make those kinds of comments only get power and attention if it's given to them.

    Off comments by jerks in public really don't mean squat. It's the same if they make fun of you because your too tall, or too short, or your bald etc. People are cruel and will probably find other reasons to make mean comments about others regardless of skin color.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Im thinking because it wasn't just whites who sold black people, it was black people themselves. Heres and example- Paul Cluffe was the richest African American during slavery. He had people working for him, so he sold them to white people as slaves. Another reason is because black people were brought to the U.S, so people thought that whites were more powerful 9 and because there were more whites) In my opinion i think its wrong to have slavery or be racist. African Americans are just like whites, and skin color doesn't matter. What matters is whats on the inside.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i'm not sure about racism but I do know that a lot of white british people these days have problems with people from other ethnic groups and assulm seekers. I have spoken to a lot of people who think we've got too many in this country and that we are losing our sense of englishness, some people even think that eventually there will be more coloured people in this country than white people so maybe thats one of the reasons, sorry!

  • karen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most all nationalities have been used as slaves at one time or another throughout history. African tribes were at war with one another and still are, and they captured and sold enemy tribes as slaves, and used them as slaves themselves.

    Read more history, most the black slaves in the U.S. that helped in the original fight for freedom would be appalled at what some of their people are doing with that freedom.

    Also not all white people are racist and not all black people are innocent of racism, I worked with a very nice lady that told me she would kill her daughter if she chose to be with a white man, this woman hated white people, and she isn't the only black person with a strong sense of hatred, racism is a shared dysfunction.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Much racism is from Blacks toward Whites because they automatically assume that every White person is racist and treat them as such.

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