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Job Question?

Is it normal to be fustrated with your career in your early thirties. I got my CPA / MBA a couple of years ago and I feel they are worthless. I guess it is about politics and a little bit of luck.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is normal to feel burned out in something. We all get frustrated and feel useless at least once in our lives. I realized about three years into college that I wouldn't use my degree in the legal world (BS in Paralegal Studies) because I do not like the politics in a legal office. I make probably half of what I could make because I work for a state university in a career services office. Looks like I am going to grad school to do something I want to do.

    Anyway, consider what it is you want to do professionally and what it would take to get you there. Being a CPA w/ an MBA, I would think you would have your choice of employers. However, you could consider consulting...

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