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American asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

What rights have men lost or have suffered by the feminist movement?

Men say that feminist get rights for women and the expense of the rights of men. What rights of men have been affected by the movement?


dsds women getting into schools over you was not a feminist movement but rather away for the male dominated government to say see were doing our part. Its not what feminist wanted at all... but it is close to the smartest thing you've ever written...

Update 2:

I am a feminist and I believe that you should be able to sign away your rights as a father. Of course no child support no child. Thats fair. I also believe that if a man is a qualified canidate for fatherhood and the women wants to abort she shoud have the child and give it to him and sign away her rights. However I also wish that people had to get license to have kids... I mean we need them to drive or own a gun...

Update 3:

Violence against women and domestic violence are kind of one in the same and if men didn't have such an ego problem and spoke out about violence their would be laws to protect them. I am against violence towards men. I am against affirmative action; I want equallity not favortism. Women getting their children... I know men who have gotten custudy... Its not feminist fault that that men don't get a majority of custody but you expect us to raise them thus we need the custody.

Update 4:

I am not going around in circle's feminist don't want favoritism... Sorry if you feel me being honest is gong around in circle's.

Update 5:

As I have told you before Carrie your opinions are extremist and not feminist... You are the women that make us look bad. I don't want my husband or my son to suffer so that my daughter or I can benefit. I want us all to have an equal chance to suceed and to prosper.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls Conference, 1848, took away men's "right" to presume to define society and the social consciousness from solely a self-serving male human perspective.

    The August 26, 1920 Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution took away men's "right" to lock women out of government.

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 took away men's "right" to lock women out of educational institutions or fields of study.

    The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) took away men's "right" to assault their female domestic partners. Men lost their "right" to rape their wives. Women had mandatory punishments and death penalties for murdering their husbands and domestic partners prior to the feminist movement. But laws and courts allowed men to abuse women and commit them to mental institutions any time they wanted to until the feminist movement.

    Thanks to feminism, women in developed nations have full reproductive rights. Men lost their "right" to presume to have control or owndership over a woman's body. And, thanks to DNA testing, men have lost their "right" to deny accountability for their children.

    Affirmative Action and quotas for women have effectively reduced the poverty that more women than men live in due to bigotries, sexist discriminations, sex harrassment in the workplace, and being locked out of occupations and financial opportunities, such as being "allowed" to have a bank account. Thanks to feminism, women are allowed to have a bank account today, drive to work, and own the company. Affirmative action holds up in court because all candidates must meet the same criteria for employment or placement. In no affirmative action has there been found even once an unqualifed applicant getting a job over a qualifed applicant. Men lost their "right" to lock women out of financial independence.

  • 1 decade ago

    No actual rights have been lost. Women do get advantages in areas like family and divorce court. It basically takes an act of God for a man to get custody of his kids. I've known several divorced couples, and never once did a man get equal custody. There's also VAWA and such which implies that violence against women is worse than violence against men (I know it can be used to help men in theory, but do you really think that happens much?). The fact is, if only one person is getting arrested for domestic violence, it's the man in almost every circumstance, regardless of what the evidence says. There are police who arrest both more often now. And don't get me started on how some women like Mary Winkler (I use that one a lot, I live in the same media market it happened in so I know a lot of details about it) can shoot their husbands, cry abuse, and nobody really questions it until after the trial is over and they're exonerated. I've never heard a man get away with that.

    Many men do overblow feminism's effects on men's lives, but don't think there haven't been any. They're usually subtle.

    Also, while many societal expectations about women have been changed, the ones about men haven't for the most part. That has little if anything to do with rights and more to do with society in general, but it still hasn't changed.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The whole child custody thing and its surrounding issues would probably be the largest area.

    Not just the right to sign away the child but the right to custody if they don't want to sign it away. Personally I'm for shared custody without a conviction for child abuse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    more recent one is that female applicants with same grades get accepted over males due to quotas in certain programs for funding.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    right to ego.

    treating you like a dog who does all the housework and satisfies us in bed

  • 1 decade ago

    you are too late. This question might have raised in 1940-50 times. That is the right time. Besides, you say ''men say'' .. which men say ? where they said ? i appreciate your unlimited imagination. Moreover additionally a question ''what rights of men have been affected by the movement?''.... on seeing your question, i have to laugh only. ok.. now get my answer.

    Before my answer.. a few words..

    you don't know the history. just like that you raised question.. it is the men who organised feminist forums and struggled for their freedom. it is is men. No woman came forward to support the movement except some famous social workers. i have the credit in organising forums in tamilnadu, chennai. what kind of troubles we faced, you know. ok.. what do you mean by feminist movement ? ok.. now continue..

    it is fact, the women suffered a lot, unlimited sufferings..from the society, from the culture, in the name of traditions, in the name of chavunism, men power, husband's torture, more that in-law's cruel tortures.. i salute the women, who tolerated these and now they got pride. once all said if born a female it is considered sin.. someone .. why average people killed the female children .. unlimited cruel.. no words to describe.. but, what is now? changed.. completed changed atmosphere now. However, still in some families, some areas the men chavunism continues is a sad thing, i agree. i know many women after marriage died by torture, run out of family, suicides.. To awake the women from the tortures, many men..please struggled for lifting them from their unlimited sufferings.. Take a female child.. from birth to death.. she has no independance..until she got married, she is under the control of parents, partiality among children by the own mother (she too a female) she will do good to the son, and she will show partiality to her own daughter, because she is female. After marriage, she suffered in the hands of husband, and his family, husband's sisters, relations, inlaws..i am having much pain even to answer to you. such a sufferings.. i personally interfered in a family affair and questioned her husband for which he used unparliament words and the woman herself came and begged to leave the matter..scoldings..scoldings.. no food.. no proper treatment if she get ill. she faced sexual abuses, she met sexual tortures from husband's brothers, even to say shame by her father-in-law himself. she tolerated and save her character.

    Now.. how happy, i am now in answering..they awoke.. they now leading a better life..they earn money, they got good education to stand on their own legs, they feed the family. But, they are not adopting the tortures..because, she is a woman. women always have a kind heart. She knows the sufferings..she met the time changed.. they lead the nation, they lead society, they teaches.. of point you said..that is..Men lost the captonship..Men lost their chavunism. Men lost his vision about the women. But, men are there seeing them happily.. please note.. men are there seeing the women who are leading their happy life.. In this context, we should not forget one thing.. it is fact men tortured women.. but, men alone is not responsible for this. This sciety, this culture, the religion, the situations, the circumstances.. you can blame any. so, men are there behind every women's success now. The old one also remains, no doubt.. for every success of men, sure there will be women. Now both are doing help each other. so, my answer is

    men have right, since he is standing in forefront in the women's forum and movement. He is proud on seeing women's liberation. No men got jealeosy on women. thanks for the opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope none but I think some will argue that they have been emascualted. Hopefully no one wanted to emascualte men though.

    Men are now often scared of being accused of sexism or of harrassment, a lot of which could be written off as silly or petty. Like, if you really mind someone calling you "love", or opening the door for you, or looking at you in a sexual way...I think you need to get over yourself. God forbid you ever face a real problem.

  • Combine my answer and Gun Fanatic's to get a really good idea.

    Women have VAWA, a law sexist by name and nature, which allows them to lock up a man whether he hit them or not. The 'must-arrest' clause enables them to do that. Violence againt WOMEN Act. Do feminists detect a slight bias there? Of course not.

    It rose from the misinterpretation of the stat that 90% of reported Domestic Violence victims are women. What they missed out is the word 'reported'. You see, men almost never report cases of DV against them. The myth that women make up the majority of the victims is duly debunked here:

    Lost right: Equal treatment under law (Arrest without evidence or trial)

    ------------- --------------- ------------- -------------- -------------

    Men like Warren Farrell and Neil Lyndon are facing the consequences of criticizing feminism. Neil Lyndon's life was made hell:

    Lost right: Free speech

    --------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------

    Divorce laws are open to interpretation, but due to history, mothers often get custody of the child, and the house. Women's compliance with Child Support payment is even worse than men's, but you only hear women complaining. Judges forget the consequences of a child growing up fatherless:

    Feminists objected to divorce laws being made gender neutral, arguing that 'women have always been the primary caregivers for children.'

    Lost right: Equal treatment under law

    --------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------

    The wage gap is a myth. Men lost almost no rights with this one, but it still worth mentioning:

    --------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------------

    While feminists promoted the wage gap as sexist (though it is not), they said the 'boy crisis' was due to boys not working hard enough. But it is due to the education system catering to the needs of girls in full and ignoring boys':

    Lost right: Equality in education

    -------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------

    Admit it, feminism has done more than enough in the Western World.

    EDIT: You say men don't raise their issues? This is what happens when we do:

    If feminists don't let us raise our issues and use bomb threats (Read the DV document) and make our lives a living hell (Read Neil Lyndon's story), what the hell are we supposed to do? People have tried it (raising men's issues), and feminists have vowed not to let us succeed. That isn't sexism, it's pure evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    Molly girl claims that men who don't want to become fathers should wear a condom. Of course, if we used Equality to tell WOMEN who don't want to become mothers that they should have used birth control, while saying "goodbye" to abortion, etc., women would scream "misogyny!".

    The fact is that women, ONLY, get two distinct non medical and non biological legal rights to, post natally, get rid of ALL of their responsibilities for their children: Legal Abandon Laws & Adopting Out Laws. The only reason not to give men similar legal rights to say " no " is misandrous sexism, the stock in trade of Feminist sexist bigots.

    Among the rights that women now get, and men don't, are such things as Title IX, where universities have to *restrict* men's athletic programs down to the size of women's programs, so the result is that 100% of women who wish to participate in sports get to, while 100% of men DON'T.

    Oh, since at least 40% of all domestic batterers are WOMEN,

    any programs that treat ONLY men as batterers is doomed to sexist failure.

    Source(s): Choice For Men (C4M)
  • 1 decade ago

    They've GAINED.

    Men who prefer staying home with their kids have gained.

    Men who aren't macho have gained, as they're no longer considered freaks.

    (I did a huge list of benefits to men of feminism just yesterday, without even fully firing up my brain, but brain sluggish today due to lack of the sleeping last night.)

    What's odd to me is the idea is that rights are like THINGS, where if I get them, you lose them. This is just wrong.

    Human rights for all is good for all humans.

    I suppose there are a few utterly incompetent men who might be able to find jobs if there were no women on the job market. But that's no reason to penalize women.

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