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How about if the govt gets out of the business of defining "marriage"?

.... and just enforces contracts between couples who stipulate their reciprocal obligations? Then "marriage" could be defined by churches or whoever wants to venture a definition.


Angry goomba...I'm proposing legal contracts. I'm just saying that religions can define the word "marriage" among their own congregation any way they choose. Their definition wouldn't have any legal sanctions. Only the contracts would.

Update 2:

Jill...children can't enter into contracts. Yes, I mean consenting adults.

Update 3:

Ultra ma...It doesn't work for everyone, hence the debate over gay marriage.Most opponents just get hung up on the word. Letting them define it according to their individual beliefs, would remove this issue from the political arena so it couldn't be used to garner votes by exploiting this divisive issue.

Update 4:

Apologies for not responding to your posts earlier.I'm on a moving boat and lost the signal right after posting the question. Thanks for answering.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It certainly would be nice if people in power didn't feel comfortable enforcing their own personal prejudices on everyone in the complete absence of any compelling public interest, but alas that's the world we live in. Just be happy that the tide is turning, many states have domestic partnership laws which give almost, if not all of the rights (and responsibilities) of marriage without the name, and marriage itself is even legal in a few.

    Things are getting better, it's just taking time, and the right-wing fundementalists are doing everything they can to oppose it. Why? I really have no idea, it certainly hurts nobody if two men or two women can get married, it doesn't change a thing about the sanctity (or lack therof) of anybody else's marriage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll vote for you as president if the Deal or No Deal models would be interested in Utah-style matrimony on my west Texas compound. Just call me "Heff the Latter Day Saint"!

    Oh yeah, somebody's tax dollars are going to need to pay for any children we bare and as long as we keep it under 5 buns per basket, your taxes - ie. my welfare dollars - will also pay for our new Olympic swimming pool.

    I agree, the government shouldn't get involved in things that don't effect other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suppose it could come down to money issues like people could marry just for insurance benefits ect and not even live together (same sex) the bible says it is between a man and a woman but just because you love someone of the same sex does not make you a bad person either, it is a hard topic. as long as the government is getting a fourth of our earned income what the hell do they care.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't REALLY expect them to enforce something like this in writing, do you??? Don't you realize how many call girls, mistresses-on-the-side and leasing companies who rent out "second apartments" that would put out of business???

    Our politicians make the rules and then turn around and break them. Make sure the "sissy boys" can't get married and let Mr. and Mrs. Middle America know that we're protecting them. That way, their votes will help us keep our jobs so we can keep our wives plastered with alcohol and our whores plastered with jewels and designer gowns. That's the good ol' American way!

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  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people have suggested this for a lot of years.


    prod, how many legal contracts have you entered with your dog? That is just a ridiculous justification for your hatred.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about if religion gets out of marriage?

    It is and always has been a major civil institution.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about if the government gets outta the business of everything and just leaves us to live our lives. Marry who you want, whenever you want... It's just a piece of paper anyway!

  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds nice. Its almost like really having freedom of religion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a little problem of age requirements, or do you mean consenting legal adults?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we should allow for mankind to decide what "marriage" should be. Hey wait, mankind did decide 1000's of years ago. Why change what works?

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