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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Are you aware of every word you utter?

every thought you write? where do the words and thoughts come from? conditioned mind? intuition? being? past memories? opinions? convictions? things you have heard and read? things you believe in?

18 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Perhaps all i say is an echo of that which has been said before filtered through my own hopes and fears.

    There was I time when I thought it important to remember every word but then i looked for the author. In doing so I realised that the words were not mine.

    Source(s): Does the breath of the flute player belong to the flute ?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not aware of anything. There is awareness of everything, nothing left out, nothing other than this.

    My actual experience of looking for thought reveals that there is no center or place for thought to come from or go to. Yet, this is known in the same way that I know to put my right shoe on my right foot and that I am typing these words.

    How do I know I have experienced the center-less-ness of thought? Who exactly does this? What I find is that it is not possible for an I to either think or to look for thinking. In looking, I found only wordless and thoughtless being that seems to be luminous, alive, without center and which is looking back – as the looker that I actually am. This is a complete and viscerally intimate and delightful surprise.



  • Lilyta
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    basically, yeah. but not on all of it. hope i could have more time and effort to do so though. the worst part in life is when i say something that sounds wrong, even if it's supposedly right.

    I've been wondering where do those things come from. they're out of my control and I just said them. sometimes they're even not something offensive but others could find it abusive (by which i did felt there was actually something wrong with it too.)

    a psychology book said that this came from our subconscious (or unconscious) mind, but they didn't mention any nice solutions on it.

    so i think if the best way is to form it in every of continuous thoughts such as: stop thinking negatively-don't take yours and others mistakes as an unchangeable big crime (who ask you to do so!?) , forgiving but not losing, live life with love, think a lot but don't feel to much- the "feeling" which are fears and fantasies (and the list of good things goes on).

    coz life are like termites. what destroys the woods are when termites are in big numbers, with continuous bites. so is life, one effort at once might seems nothing. so, it could be that what's in our subconscious mind are determined by what's at consistence effort on the conscious mind.

    that's why when some people say things that seems without consideration but sounds right, it could be coz they have been taking the effort to form the right thing consistently throughout their days, which had form their words come from tongue but meanings come from heart.

    there are also two reasons on why one aware of what he/she says.

    1. the willingness on taking the leadership in life ethically.

    2. fear

    however, the best is to choose the first one.

    fight against fears and fantasies and life live realistically. :)

    Source(s): sometimes i dunno what I'm talking about though they make sense.
  • 5 years ago

    Yes, I find "hurricane" a very fascinating word as well. I see the present times ahead, as time gains speed and confusion manifests in our world. It is as a tornado gaining momentum into a mega funnel storm of hurricane proportions. In the "Eye" of the storm it is calm and safe. This is where we must maintain our alignment with an airtight relationship with the Lord. For those who have not yet entered in, the time is getting short it will be increasingly more difficult to accomplish this. Woe to those who remain to bear the fury of the coming tempest, greater than mankind has ever witnessed... Words are for sharing, expressing and used to create a greater understanding for all. :D Peace and Blessings

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would I need to, if life keeps track for me?

    And, if life doesn't keep track, then why would I need to?

    But, in truth, I am highly aware of the "words" i utter (in thought and in speaking). But, as far as where they come from... all that should matter to another that is not myself, is that... I am a mirrored reflection.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I attempt to be...and at times whether awake or asleep, (dreaming) I practice setting more awareness into the conveyance of communication through language.

    Language, (words; uttered, written, deliberate, involuntary, carry within them great impact...therefore it is f good practice to watch it closely and with due respect!

  • 1 decade ago

    Medulla oblangata is the point, 6th crebrospinal centre, where the PRANA(life-force) enters into the body.

    It receives, directs the flow of cosmic energy.

    Where it is stored? It is stored in the 7th centre, topmost part of brain and distributed through out the body.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm semi-aware of what I write and say. Everyone can't completely control what they say or write. We all make mistakes and say/write things that we didn't mean. Sometimes the mouth works faster than the brain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes I am aware of every word that I speak and every word that I write. I really do not know where they come least the words I speak.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not always. But whenever that happened, often I regret it! As thoughts unaware emanate from dead past or delusions of future missing on the whole the present beings in front of us!

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