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it's a beautiful feeling, but it hides a lot of ugly truth. love is indeed, a delusion, though irresistible. but what a huge bet that you still mess around with it. oh, am i too, am i too. i hope not

  • how to stop your friend from staying over at your place?

    the first three days/nights was what i thought of as interesting for her to stay over. but once it gets more frequent that she really enjoyed staying at my place, i started to find it pretty uncomfortable. i miss the room i once had just for myself, the toilet that i didn't have to share with anybody, the privacy of changing inside the room and such. but now it seems like somebody's taking half of the space. besides the company, your privacy is interrupted and you're figuring out how to tell your friend to stop staying over at your place. her own place is comfortable enough, just that she's alone since her roommate kept on missing staying over at some other friend's place. how to let her know that, i do need my very own space?

    p.s. we are far away from our family's home.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • why did my question get reported?

    i think my question was quite cute

    "How many of you in GS changed your screen name as well as avatar?"


    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why so many patience needed?

    Too many selfishness, too many arrogances, too many jealousies, too many lies, they’re all trying to tell you wrong when you aren’t, bring you down, step over you, sometimes all of them come together in a day, even from different mediums and you question why so many things around that a big capacity of patience is on demand.. that you doubt if there would still be victory if you practice again such patience, tolerance and forgiveness as always, while knowing that do evil would just bring nowhere than just temporary relief and make bigger problem out of what is already there….. why is this all and whats the good ending for good act………………………it’s so frustrating when you think you’ve been so nice and you’re still ‘demanded’ to be nicer……...

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • rape victims do not come in small numbers, really?

    rape is basically forced and/or deceived to sex.

    other than the type of rape we know, even prostitution; whether free lance or under brothels, slavery (that include sex as service), sex under unconscious or irrational mode (e.g.: alcohol/drug influence or clueless kids not knowing what they do), arranged marriages not within own willingness, weird group rituals like 'sacrificial' for master, pornography acts, and other similar things - -to put all of them in one, they are termed under forced and/or deceived to sex.

    don't this just show that not few, but many women are raped?

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does it take big effort for women to stay loyal?

    Some man who spoke as if he was the representative for all the men on earth; he and some men like him, kept on posting things tried to stress that men don’t find monogamous, loyal-to-wife lifestyle as ideal. The answers agreed to his post seemed to receive many thumbs up either, on the period where the forum was occupied mostly by men. While we may still wonder are all men like that or only the thoughtless ones, are women the same thing? Do women, deep inside the desire, if not for the thought of responsibility on marriage and family (other than religion or moral factor), would love to cheat the same way men would?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • why do people condemn good guys when we need more of them?

    guys don't drink, guys don't party, guys abstain for marriage, guys be gentlemen, guys don't go outdoor unless for life necessity, guys do houseworks..

    i've heard that guys like these often condemned as emasculated and weak.

    why do this?

    we need more of them for the world, moreover good girls need good guys to marry!

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Is my mom making fun of her gender or something?

    we talked about some 22 yr old bachelor guy wed to a 30 yr old widow and his parents against their marriage. Mom said “because no parents, not even me would want their young son to marry a woman who’s that older, furthermore if she’s a widow (I wonder if she questions her virginity)”. But it’s not like the woman looks freak…She is as good looking as her young husband!

    at other time, a mom’s friend said she would like to introduce me to her friend. When she said he’s 36, I asked her isn’t he a bit too old (I was 20). Mom, who was also there, quickly said, “no… 16 years older is norma1!”

    About a male cousin who married a woman 9 years younger than him, mom said “9 years difference is nothing” –ok I have no concern on this one except the word “nothing”

    mom also came up with views like, men can be unattractive, for it’s their personality that matters, but it’s different for women, as they must always be pretty enough for the men. I wonder where she got such belief, when my mom herself was a very average looking lady married to my good looking father

    when we watch story about a woman who does not want to forgive the man who cheated her into prostitution for his benefit, mom said "she should forgive him, because he has changed". i understand the need of being forgiving, but it's not like his mistake was as small as stealing candies. i wonder if my mom actually has any idea how equivalent prostitution to a rape is

    what makes my mom buy into this double standard that attacks her own gender?

    5 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • is it normal for a woman to feel empowered when her man cheats?

    when it bruised her ego, burnt her enough, she loves the fight, the war, the blame game and she just love the way it makes her seek for independence. she was excited that she has found a man to be her punching bag in venting out all her angers to, including angers caused by problems not related to him. she also loves the way it feels to be able to open her heart to other men (hotter, better men) since she had fully lost interest in him, or just pursue with "i don't need a man" campaign . is it a common thing for women to feel this towards their cheating partners?

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Her photo distribution makes her a victim. Why must she be attacked?

    this happened to a number of women based on news articles i read.

    she doesn't distribute the photos for her own importance. somebody else violated photos she meant for personal by distributing them around to humiliate her. she is a victim of defamation.

    i don't support the act of taking own picture in indecent appearance either, but the picture end up in people’s views wasn’t her fault.

    But why did she got attacked at the end, lost her job/position, and being degraded when the guilty one is someone else (the distributor)?

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • women wanting "experienced men" it because those women are experienced as well?

    in the environment im living in, the women who save before marriage often look for men who save before marriage as well.

    they are really hoping not to end up with "experienced" men who often regarded manipulators and ruiners of women, especially with men's prejudice on women who are not virgin with the title "used goods", so this perception is a returned shot from women to fair it up.

    however, noticing few answers from female saying they'd rather end up with a man who have experienced a number of women before them... is it because the women themselves are experienced as well, which means, women on average prefer men who are just like them?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • do cats get fully awake at night and look for food?

    my cats are half independent, when nobody feeds their hunger, they'll look for own -including into the trashbins. if they get to sneak into the house at night when everybody's asleep, the next morning the bins are messed up. do they really stay that awake at such hour and hunt for food as how people do in daytime?

    the cats do get fed every morning, afternoon and evening-night, no supper.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • if men are smarter, what's the big deal, really?

    does that give men rights to devalue women

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • how to get people to pay back money?

    these people make you feel as if you've committed a crime for asking back what's yours. ive been very tolerance, for sense of humility especially, given her so many chances. now that the semester has end, we don't see each other in college anymore (except to depend on "coincidences"), and she never answers my phonecall. never.

    so, out of sense of humility again, i ask this;

    should i just knock her door?

    anyway i've been living with people who really pay back. so this chick has it new for me.

    please don't be so into blaming with "next time, don't...." yes, i know what i'll get for being very nice...again.

    but now, i want to get this woman to pay me back.

    how would you settle it if you were in this? better ideas?

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • they said, never lend your money to a friend?

    or else you'll lose two things at the end: 1. your money. 2.your friend

    ...are people that ruthless? I always try to avoid from borrowing, if i do i'd feel very pressured to pay it back soon and so i paid. the same goes for people who are close to me; they don't ask for money to borrow and in case there are certain maintainances i advanced for them, they'll pay back their parts.

    a friend borrowed 50 bucks. it should be nothing much, but it bothers me when i found out she really wasn't in trouble as how she described it, even seems to be a spendthrift. it's been so long since she borrowed and always say "later" whenever i asked her (which is very rare). now that we don't get the chance to see each other, i phone her yet she never anwers.

    so "never lend your money to a friend, or you'll lose your money and your friend".

    it's really like that huh?

    i've also heard that more than 90% students never pay back their study loans.

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • is it ok to be shallow this way?

    you aren't superficial in almost everything.

    you respect everyone, don't mind befriending anyone regardless of their looks, appearance, even status (it is fine if they're not beautiful or glamorous whatsoever)

    you love all harmelss animals and your pets equally, without regard on their looks. you never put price on them.

    you like kids doesn't matter how they look like. you don't differentiate a good looking kid with the oppose.

    you love everything, everyone for their niceness without counting looks at all.

    you know that every beauty and ugly people have own self-worth that you're not entitled to hurt them

    you don't look down upon people who are not good looking

    you believe there are a lot of beauty behind ugliness.

    just that

    you matter looks in choosing a partner, besides attitude and such.

    you're looking for somebody who's as good looking as you and as nice as you, as good or bad as you...just...somebody like you. you don't want somebody who's better looking than you either. if you turn ugly one day, you would want somebody who's ugly as you either. you.

    if you were to reject somebody because of their looks, you still look at him or her as somebody with self worth, you refuse them kindly. you never disrespect them.

    is this ok?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • "_ _ _ wants to connect with you on Yahoo!" email?

    is this a spam or something?

    coz i received like 26 requests and afraid if they're just spamming around and worst case if it's virus. do any of you ever receive this?

    3 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago
  • women: if pregnancy and every single of its pains are on men's body...?

    don't you think it's fair enough to put up with "his body, his choice" since he took all the pain including menstruation since puber to fertile the eggs whatever, the burden of pregnancy, childbirth, maternal bleeding, even breastfeed and physical defects due to the birth and in some instances the pain of being forced into sex that he never wanted to especially if it results unwanted baby in him, the pain of facing social stigma for carrying a baby outside of wedlock and even to abort the baby in him costs a huge pain. to conclude; ALL THE PAINS, PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ARE ON HIM. so isn't it fair enough to think that he has the main power to decide uponing "his body, his choice" for he carries it all on him, compared to the woman (let's say in this nature-switched situation) who carries none?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • is it ok to feed glucose to newborn kitten to rehydrate it?

    we are looking after motherless newborn kitten, feed them with replacement milk (made for kittens), but currently they are losing a lot of water, especially through diarrhoea. at this moment feeding milk could worsen the diarrhoea while glucose would help to rehydrate. thing is that, is it ok for such small kitten to live milkless and be fed merely by glucose, at least for the moment?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • why must sex appeal be expected from women, even in career?

    ok, "presentable", healthy looking, healthy appearance whatever. it's not that you're looking for a job as gym instructor. if heavy people regardless of genders get paid less due to less productivity; assuming more weight, less movement therefore less outcome - makes sense. but a study (i question how far the truth is too) told that a woman gets less from another woman on the same outcome they produced, for she is overweight. this seems obvious on women rather than men. a man can be fat and ugly, even old, and make more than better looking men for his own working performance, but not really a woman. what the heck? the question is not "why slimmer gals get more" but "why is this only on female?" sex appeal, hiding beneath the nice name "presentable" or "healthy looking" in measuring a woman's worth, even in her pay for career what makes it disturbing. come on, it's not just about slim or thin or "presentable", it's obviously sex appeal when a desirable size is outlined as a main determinant -especially if it's for women only. "to fit the uniform", as if you can never make it in different size? why is that whatever a woman does, sex appeal still the one that does it more? even in a formal thing? my source: 'heavy women earn less',

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago