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Southpaw asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What issue is the most important to you regarding the 2008 Presidential election?

Feel free to elaborate on why you this is the most important issue to you.

Are there any other issues you are concerned about? Are there any issues that you aren't concerned about at all?

Thanks in advance for your answers

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bringing a sense of economic stability, pride, and resolve are the most important leadership needs the nation, today, requires.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ending the war in Iraq is by far the number 1 issue for me, along with getting off of oil as a resource.

    Bush & Co. have not set any clear definition of what victory means, other than getting rid of Saddam. Well, we did that, but our brave soldiers are still dying, and we are spending billions of dollars we don't have now because we don't have a clear goal.

    We aren't even spending money we have for this war, we have to borrow it from the Chinese, which poses two problems. First, it gives the Chinese more power, and us less influence on them. They literally own us. Second, my 5 year old son will be paying for this war out of his taxes. That's just wrong.

    If we start making renewable energy a priority and invest seriously, we won't have to depend on backwards extremist tribal leaders and horrible governments to run our country. It doesn't make any sense; if Brazil can do it, why can't we? Why aren't we making that a priority, don't we believe in this country's greatness anymore? We have to borrow from the Chinese to fight for oil in the mid-east???? Those countries should be coming to us, looking up at us as an example of what greatness is.

  • Turning back the rising tide of dependency that seems to be growing in America. America was great because Americas were strong, independent, self reliant and courageous. Over the past 40 or so years they've become soft, weak, timid and dependent on a mommy and daddy government that is all too happy to caudal them. Obama promises more of this. So does McCain, but not as much.

    This growing tendency of Americans to eagerly suck at the government tit at all levels weakens us as a nation and is very disturbing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm concerned about the economy. That affects everyone rich to poor. As far as what to do, there are much smarter men and women than I who will have to answer that. Though I sure would like to see the Fair Tax given an honest look at.

    I'm not concerned about Global Warming as an issue.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Foreign policy in general. While I think the Iraq occupation is misguided, neither side has any ideas that make sense. Something needs to be done to fix Iraq, and crush the resistance movement in Afghanistan. Beyond that, we need to approach other countries with a much more balanced and nuanced policy. The domestic scene will just have to go through the bust like we have after every economic boom.

  • 1 decade ago


    As someone who just finished a tour in Iraq and can see the improvements we are making on a daily basis, I am more concerned about electing someone who will stay the course in Iraq. If we give up and withdraw, you will start seeing attacks on America and her interests like you have only imagined in your worst nightmares.

    Right now, we have volunteers who are in Iraq killing terrorists whose only dream it is to kill Americans. Let us do the job we volunteered to do. It's fine if that life is not for you ... let us do our job.

    As a matter of fact, I think that this issue is so important, it is the ONLY issue I am voting on this November.

  • 1 decade ago

    Supreme Court justices

  • 1 decade ago

    Since I'm one who supports low-key national domestic policy, for me it's all about foreign policy. Focusing on all the REAL trouble that happens around the world that we are uniquely equipped to handle.

    Without decimating civilians, preferably.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wining the war in Iraq. Economy. Imigration in that order.

    McCain 08

  • 1 decade ago

    I want someone who can fix the economy, not raise taxes, and lower gas prices.

    I know the prez can't do much about gas prices but they could at least try to do something.

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