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How can we stop the spread of lies and propaganda?

I read day after day the spread of untrue propaganda and outright lies about Barack Obama. It truly needs to stop, please check out this link before you decide to continue spreading these lies any further. It will clarify any misconceptions that you may have. You may not like him and you may not vote for him, but spreading things that are untrue doesn't say much for us as Americans.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's really about education. There are a lot of gullible people in this country, unfortunately. Then there are those that prey on those individuals and spoon feed them lies and propaganda that they in turn regurgitate to others that are as equally gullible. Sad cycle. All we can do is hope that more and more people continue to seek the truth for themselves, rather than believe the hype.

    *** For the poster above me - it's not ok to spread lies on either side. No matter who you support, the lies should stop! People should focus on the policies/platforms and leave the garbage in the can.

  • 1 decade ago

    Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape - this one is a rumor running around, and even McCain supporters (for the most part) realize this. It doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist, only time will tell but for now I'll give you this one.

    LIE: Barack Obama is a Muslim - only he knows for sure, but there is not proof he practices this religion today.

    LIE: Barack Obama attended a radical madrassa - if this is a lie, then he started it as he is the one who said he did.

    LIE: Senator Obama was sworn into the US Senate using the Koran - this one is a lie, it was another Senator.

    Obama's Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks

    LIE: A recent email forward allegedly quotes passages from Senator Obama's books related to race and religion. The majority of these are alterations, deliberate manipulations, and in one case, an outright fabrication of Obama's words. - I've actually read the book and while one or two statements are taken out of context, and one was an outright lie, the rest are there in black and white and hard to be misconstrued.

    Barack Obama Won't Say The Pledge of Allegiance/Won't Put His Hand Over His Heart

    LIE: Barack Obama won't say the pledge

    LIE: Barack Obama won't put his hand over this heart during the pledge of allegiance

    view video of Barack leading The Pledge of Allegiance in the United States Senate - this is a NEW video, something he did from all the fall out once he began his campaign. There is video of him not doing so. Either way, this isn't my issue with him.

    This addresses 4 issues, there are plenty more out there. This isn't really what I'm basing my decision on anyway. It is more about his politics and his inexperience in foreign affairs.

    On the flip side: there are plenty of smear campaigns going on about McCain as well. The one with his ex-wife is a good one - the article is so obviously false as it claims she is dead, and she is alive and kicking. The one where the liberal rags claim he gave away info to the Vietnamese . Tons of them. Odd how McCain chooses to address this issue head on and doesn't need to pay a bunch of college kids to fight his battles for him.

  • Sage
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Propaganda is spread to individuals who are weak minded and not prone to think for themselves. The key word that you wrote is "read". There are many sources to choose from and it takes effort to sort through it all. When I read an article, I usually check who wrote it and I then google them to see what their credentials are before I would make a decision as to whether or not the information presented is real. We won't be able to stop the spread of propaganda and lies but we can encourage people to think for themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Spoken like a true lib elitist P.O.S. Any one that disagrees with your BS ideology or the likes of MS NBC, CNN, or the Move On dot Morons are automatically and instantly branded liars and their listeners as "unsophisticated". "clownish figures playing on the hopes and fears of ordinary Americans for their own enrichment?" IF YOU were honest, you would admit that this is exactly what your boy Barry & Co.has been doing ever since the election. Was it not fear tactics that got the Lack of Stimulus Bill passed, with no time for Congress to even read the damn thing? And, if having you or the government decide who or what I listen to isn't censorship, just what the hell is it?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok, let me get this straight.

    You give us a website whose first allegation is a flat out lie "Rush Limbaugh says a tape exists of Michelle Obama using the word 'whitey' from the pulpit of Trinity United" and this is supposed to convince use to not accept lies and propaganda?

    Rush Limbaugh said many people, including the Clinton campaign, believe the tape exisits. He said he was skeptical but it would explain obama's sudden withdrawal from Trinity Church.

    But even if it weren't an amateurish hatchet job website it wouldn't matter. I've never paid any attention to any of those things anyway. obama's radical, leftist, agenda and complete lack of relevant experience is all the evidence I need that he is a terrible presidential candidate.

  • 1 decade ago

    OK Seebee, He says we as a collective need to care for our fellow americans, will raise taxes on the wealthy, so why would he be such a hypocrite as to dodge paying his taxes, he's just a politition with visions of self indulgence

    By Tim Middleton

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama wants to raises taxes on the wealthy, but as a member of that social class, he isn't eager to fall victim himself. He has invested at least $1 million in a fund that yields tax-free income.

    The Illinois senator's latest campaign-finance disclosure shows that his investments have nearly tripled in the past two years to as much as $7.4 million, and his income in 2007 surged past $4 million, not counting his government salary.

    Obama reported accounts with Morgan Chase Private Client Asset Management, an elite firm that deals only with the rich, as well as a host of retirement accounts, some in the name of his wife, Michelle.

    Because the required disclosure forms allow candidates to report their assets in ranges, such as $250,001 to $500,000, Obama's net worth at the end of 2007 -- not including his home and other nonfinancial assets -- was pegged between $2,022,016 and $7,356,000.

    Tax-free income By far the largest account, valued between $1 million and $5 million, was in the Northern Municipal Money Market Fund. It generated tax-free interest in 2007 of between $15,001 and $50,000.

    Northern Trust "has built a well-deserved reputation around being the banker for the überrich," says Andrew Richards, a Morningstar equity analyst. In a report on the Chicago company's stock, he writes, "The firm estimates it serves roughly 20% of the richest families profiled annually in the Forbes 400."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The attacks, name calling, lies, fact dodging, and smear campaigns coming from the compassionate conservatives have been unprecedented these past eight years.

    But the truth is we can't stop the spread of lies and propaganda.

    Not when conservatives cling to their Hannity, Rush, and Falwell types or anything coming from the state sponsored right wing media industrial complex as legitimate sources of information.

    We at least have common sense in our arsenal, and thanks to it, we see right through them and their fascist bull $hit...and we must always hold them accountable - else they will elect and re-elect half retarded oil millionaires from Texas to run our country...or ex patriots who support the oil millionaires in Texas.

  • Theo N
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Lies, propaganda and character assassination was just fine when Obama and his supporters used it against Clinton during the primaries. Now that Obama has to face the masters of the smear campaigns, Karl Rove and the Republicans, all of a sudden they're crying "no fair". The mudslinging that Obama is/will space can be explained easily.... to some it is "karma", to others it is "what goes around comes around", but I prefer to say its Obama's "roosters are coming home to roost."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We cannot stop it.

    Unfortunately, even time will not stop it. People still believe that Warren G Harding was 1/8th black.

    Imagine what they will say about Obama in 100 years. Although I hate to say it, Lies are part of history.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no way to stop it, all anyone can do is point them out for the lies they are.

    Don't like Obama's own site, how about It debunks the lies that have been circulating about all the candidates...

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