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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Does Presidental Candidate John Mccain Scare you?

Well let me start off by saying that i fear John Mccain why it simple because i think Mccain is evil and is just hinding it from america voters, so that he could try to be elected as presdient this year but i have no proof of this . sorry but i just can't trust him and have a really bad feeling about him something not right when i see him, also why does John Mccain not laugh mostly everytime you see him on the news he never laughs what up with that

And then let's add Mccain past history into this where he turn his back on his past wife who was in a accident and put into a hospital, and he was not there for her when she needed him the most in her life. so do you get what i'm pointing at John Mccain has a tricky past.. so for the very good reason i just give you are you now scare of Mccain, or should i say do you fear him since again i think he is hinding his real plans from his supporters , and is just saying what they want to hear



This is not a rant since i'm just saying that mccain scares me just a little and other votes. and it mostly has to do with how quite he is and stuff, the quite ones always has some plan, and again something just does not seem right about mccain and his plans.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, he certainly does. Bush's approval rating is at 31 percent right now primarily because of the war and the economy. When you consider the fact that the economy's downfall is partly due to the war (we're borrowing money from China and allowing them to take American industrial jobs in return) and Mccain wants to keep this war going, the prospect of McCain as President is very frightening.

    Bush will go down in history as the worst US President ever...and if McCain can't learn from his screw-ups, it's kinda scary

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't "fear" him. I don't want Obama to win, but I think McCain isn't the right man for the job. While I'll probably vote for Bob Barr, I don't do it out of fear, but out of concern.

  • Keith
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't fear John McCain, he gives me hope. Hope that we can elect someone to the office of President with Military experience, who's been in a war, and was a war hero who understands the sacrifices our troops are making and will do his best to end the war and leave the world safe from terrorism. Hope that we can have a President with real world experience to handle foreign affairs, hope that we can have a President with the real world experience to deal with gas prices, housing plunders, and the jobless rate on the domestic scene. And last I hope we can have a President who doesn't just talk the talk but walks the walk and has proven himself a person who will cross party lines to accomplish things for our country.

    What I fear is that we will have an unproven leader, with little experience, no military experience, votes more often for his party than the good of the country, and hopes he can pull the wool over our eyes so we change the President to him. His message of hope and change.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has never been an issue of who is in the presidents seat that scares me, its all of those other politicians that have their own agenda in mind that runs my blood cold. The President is a figure head of our nation but those other @@@ holes really determine how a person is received and perceived as president

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Answer: NO.

    If the country could survive 8 years of Clinton, NO ONE should scare us!

    Have a right-wing day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain doesn't scare me, he bores me. He talks in such a monotone, I have to change channels or go watch some paint dry.

    McCain seems to have a good well meaning heart, but he hasn't enough awareness to keep from making continual contradictions about domestic and especially international affairs. Anyone who thinks McCain's expertise is foreign affairs, hasn't been listening to him.

    I'm not worried, he is 10% behind Obama in the polls, and the more people see him talk between now and November, they too will see how unaware McCain is about the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. His warmongering attitude is the wrong approach at a very important time in our history. He doesn't seem to think in a sane, rational way when it comes to foreign policy. In addition, he has serious issues in his political ethical background that do not bode well for future. We have had enough of corruption and dishonesty in government during the past few years and need a very different approach.

  • ArRo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I'd be surprised if he lasted four years in the Oval Office. I think he would "break down" long before his term is up and the VP would have to take over. I don't expect him to be elected, but if it should happen, maybe the VP would be better anyway. I suspect his years of torture in prison has left him with some serious issues.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Candidate McCain does not scare me.

    President-elect mcCain- now that scares me.

  • 1 decade ago

    No he doesn't scare me...because Barack Obama is going to win.

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