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Why does Obama keep bringing up race?

From his speech 6/20/08:

"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"


Sorry eddie b, source is not Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or even Fox news. It's from Reuters.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It fuels controversy and keeps him in the news focused on anything other than real issues.

    When asked what his positions are, what his plans are and how he intends on implementing them, he has no answers. The race thing lets him side step the real issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the OBamas are the biggest racists there are! Hello America! If any white man or any other man of any other race said , did, or associated with the people he did/does- they would be so outta here because it would be politically incorrect, BUT he can say and do whatever he wants because ....well, he's black. Racism is racism people!

    OMG! I can see it all now- he loses because of the race issue, sues to be pesident and America kow tows to him and gives himpresidency to do the right thing....

  • Obama knows race will be an issue in the general election he's trying to dilute the impact of this issue before the GOP brings it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    No no no its the Republicans and BushMcCain who are bringing up race, that's what Obama said

    even though i never heard McCain bring up race, and with a few exceptions from some racist people (dems and reps alike) i have heard more about race from Obama and the Clintons

    Obama is a sneak and convinced his supporters that he is not an average politician so they give him a free pass on everything and feel that he is infallible

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yea Obama is just a ( fill in the blank for yourself)

    Here he is half white, and is still a racist. There is some real racism in the country, and then their is those that use Racism to get ahead in life. That is what he does, it is sickening.

    If it were possible he would sue America for not voting him in because he is Black.. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The simple answer is because he is a racist and has made many statements in speeches and his own books to prove it. Now he wants to blame it all on the white man. He was raised a Muslim and is now claiming to have always been a christian. please see the link below and see what his teachers and childhood friends say.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's not a true statement. You have people like Sean Hannety and Rush (drug addict) Limbaugh, the idiots at fox news you continue to push his race,and his religion hoping to scare white people away from a person who represents all Americans. Whites in power love to mess with poor Whites minds, just like after the civil war, Whites would spread rumors about how Black politicians would steal lands owned by Whites,and that Blacks would take White women( how absurd) White people always say "do for yourself" and when we do,some Whites spread rumors,and the only people who believe the crap that some Whites spew.

    I heard on the radio one day, that a White person was afraid that if Obama was to win,we would take money from all Whites in order to pay for reparations. How stupid is that.

  • 1 decade ago

    The race card will always work in Obama's favor, so if the Republicans don't bring it up, then he will. Sad, isn't it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "politicians could use race-baiting to overcome a host of limitations"

    Barry in his book "dreams"

    During the primaries he had his minions do it with assistance from the MSM. I really hope it backfires and to use Michelle's words I am confident America will wake up and NOT vote for Barry.

  • 1 decade ago

    What concerns me more is this sort of 'pre-emptive strike' towards Republicans; 'Why doth he protesteth so much?', hmmmm.

    I always believed truth and logic stands on its own and needs no defense, or in this case, offense.

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