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Which Political Party(s) in America support LGBT rights and Humanitarian Intervention?

Elections are coming up and I'm going to register to vote at since I'm 18.

I don't know much about Politics so I'm asking the experts this question.

LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgered) rights and Humanitarian Intervention are the things that are most important to me and I want to know which Political Party(s) support them so I can pick which party I can go with.

I know that pretty much every party support Humanitarian, but what about LGBT rights? I read that Democratic party support them, is it true?

And what of our Presidential Candidates? Who support LGBT rights (including marriage equality) and Humanitarian? Obama or McCain? or both?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would recommend Independent.

    First off the notion that just because you are one thing means you can't support something out side the general accepted view is a fallacy.

    I am a life long Republican And I have voted in favor of Gay Marriage twice and plan to vote in favor again this November.

    And if you look at the history of California a very "Liberal state" the last time Gay marriage was on the Ballot it was trounced by a huge percentage, which means a large number of detractors had to come from the liberal side of the spectrum.

    Your party should not define your opinions. Rather it should represent you better qualities and views. For example as I stated I am a life long Republican, but that hardly means I am some religious gun nut, most of my opinions are moderate and occasionally liberal. However I Am for self reliance, non-intrusive government and I am strongly opposed to spending money on broken Social programs that create a welfare state. Ok I am interested in guns, but thats coming from a fascination with military history not anything else.

    Ultimately the choice is yours, you need to decide who you are and what you believe. But don't feel goaded in to choosing one side over another and don't feel obligated to go lock step with the side you pick.

    Best of luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if it's any help.... last year I tuned into the candidate forum (not a debate) that focused on LGBT issues and was was hosted by the LOGO channel. Only the Democrat candidates attended, all of the Republican candidates declined the invitation. In my opinion... Kucinich and Gravel (sp?) seemed to support LGBT issues without hesitation or 'conditions', the rest seemed uncertain and uncomfortable.

    The Libertarian Party might also be sensitive to LGBT issues because, generally speaking, they tend to be liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. Bob Barr, a former Republican, is the Libertarian candidate. I don't know his position on LGBT issues because I've only heard him speak about economic issues and as a panel member during the recent House judiciary committee meeting on Executive Powers. McKinney/Gonzales on the Independent Party ticket might also be aligned with the issues that are important to you.

    I'd like to offer an alternative suggestion to help with your decision:

    -- Make a list of issues that are important to you and prioritize it. Most likely, you won't find a single candidate that you agree with on all issues, so it will help you compare candidates against your most important issues.

    -- 10 question quiz; good info on political positions:

    -- More in-depth quiz; world view of political positions, including US Presidential candidates:

    -- each candidate has a website that lists their position on issues. Google will pull them up

    -- If you want to dig deeper, candidates positions on issues, voting records and who's behind their campaign money

    It's YOUR vote!

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Neither Democrat or Republican is advocating full rights and marriage equality for gay citizens. The Republicans are out to take away as many rights and privileges as they can from GLBT Americans.

    As for humanitarian aid both are about the same for providing releif and aid in disasters, but for more chronic and pervasive problems the Republicans do not believe in helping as much as the Democrats.

    So of the two, you are best to side with Democrats.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no question that any laws enacted to extend rights to the LGBT community were the result of Democratic efforts in the face of Republican opposition. The same has been true of all significant civil rights legislation over the last decades.

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  • 5 years ago

    You betchya! this is not purely the occasion leaders, this is the media, the lobbyists, the mindless idiots who vote as they are informed to vote, the unions, the entitlements crowd and a hundred different communities with an schedule. We certainly might desire to break the stranglehold the two events have in this usa, not something is getting completed and a few very not sturdy issues are looming on the horizon.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A Transparent Government is a Government run by the people for the people. When people run a Government it is transparent and you can correct the mistakes so it does not happen again. Much like a normal human does for it self. Notice the our Government keeps making mistakes? It's not Transparent, thus not by the people for the people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our Republican party represents the interests of the closeted homosexual and a few fringe radical out conservative homosexuals who should go back into the closet. We hypocritically do not support gay rights

    Dems are out and support gay rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They all do. Democrats just support pandering to them as a voting block to get votes by promising them special rights not afforded to other citizens.

  • phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    if that is all your concerned about ,you have an easy life,democrats pander to the lgbt community so you would like them

  • 1 decade ago

    Be careful about being a "1 issue" voter, you'll almost always be disappointed.

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