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Lv 4
Erin asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Besides being a POW what is McCains foreign policy experience?

Has he served on any congressional or Senate boards?

Has he written any books or made any philosophical speeches?

Has he made any major decisions on combat or foreign relations?

Has he ever worked for a defense department?

I never hear him talk about foreign policy unless its about winning war and thats not policy, that is just about troop commanding.

This is an honest question. Don't act like an a**, give me a real answer please.



Um, I didn't ask about Obama. No I don't have an Obama bumper sticker you dunce. Why would you assume I was an Obama supporter?

Update 2:

Thanks Mr. Krinkle

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the Senate, he is the senior Republican on the Armed Services Committee.

    McCain has visited every region of the world, including Antarctica and the Arctic Circle, and frequently meets with leaders of the countries to which he's traveled, both when he visits their countries and when they visit the United States.

    Mr. McCain has been across the world so many times that aides named off the tops of their heads some 69 countries he's visited, including Azerbaijan, Estonia, Laos, and Palau.

    Aides say he keeps up to speed on the politics and policies of many nations and understands the long-term ramifications of having well-established personal relationships with foreign leaders.

    He makes it a point to meet with up-and-comers, too. Aides say he met Angela Merkel at a Munich conference several years ago before she became German chancellor. In summer 2004, Mr. McCain met at a restaurant with Viktor Yushchenko before the Orange Revolution when he was elected Ukrainian president.

    Mr. McCain has relationships with every leader in Israel he plans to see, including Prime Minister Olmert, the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, the defense minister, Ehud Barak, and the hawkish opposition leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

    The senator last met with Prime Minister al-Maliki of Iraq last Thanksgiving, and knows other members of the Iraqi government.

    "There's nothing like being on the ground," he said. Mentioning a mountainous area in northwestern Pakistan, he added, "I went to Waziristan once and it gave me a much better understanding of how difficult it is to get Osama bin Laden."

    The Brookings analyst Mr. O'Hanlon, says Mr. McCain has shown a more realistic vision than Mr. Bush about the number of troops needed to succeed in Iraq, as well as the problems that were likely to be encountered after the invasion.

    "What that tells me in terms of future policy is McCain may be willing to stay the course, so to speak, in terms of future difficulties, but also assess if the strategy is really working or not," Mr. O'Hanlon said.

    A former Bush administration aide who now runs the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Jon Alterman, notes that Bush's father spoke of "the vision thing."

    "This president has always been strong on the vision thing, even when the implementation is lacking. I don't think John McCain is enamored with the vision thing. He talks about the task and focuses on the task. It's just a different orientation," Mr. Alterman said.

  • 1 decade ago

    After the Vietnam War, John McCain continued to serve in the military. He was the Navy's liaison in the Senate in the late 1970's.

    John McCain has been a senator for decades. During that time he served on many committees that deal with foreign policy and defense issues. (He's currently a ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.)

    He's also made official trips to many countries, and has met many important world leaders.

    John McCain has far more foreign policy experience than Barack Obama - nobody disputes that. However, experience doesn't always mean that a person will make the right decision.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    His service to country shows where his commitment is and shows he is willing to stand up for what he believes. It alone does not qualify him at all. Bill Clinton said McCain helped normalize relations in Vietnam The fact that McCaon talked Bush into the surge, as well as others, when the war was not going well shows his foresight. Obama was against the surge and said it would never work. It has worked so that is an indication of experience and foresight that is helpful. Obama now admits it has been successful. McCain also believes in our country and will not allow others to walk all over us.; He also spoke out immediately against Russia's actions on Georgia. Obama hummed and hawed for two days and then took the same stance as McCain. Obama thinks Iran and other countries that threaten USA are "small countries" that do not threaten us at all. McCain has a better understanding of what countries truly propose a threat....Obama is trying to learn but has a lot of catching up to do. Kind of like Palin on foreign policy. They both have a lot to learn to understand what McCain already knows.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that before he was shot down, he dropped a few bombs.Does this qualify?

    Ok, comedy aside, I think we will end up in WW III with either candidate. The world is just too unstable for either of these clowns(Obama, or McCain) leading our country. Neither has come up with any real plans (which make sense) to fix the mess our country's in, much less the world. Bush will be handing off a hot potato, and I don't think either of our to be's can juggle it. It's now all just a matter of whether we take the high road, or the low road to the same destination.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John McCain helped write the New York Times Bestseller - Obama Nation. As a U.S. Marine, John McCain's military service is sufficient foreign affairs experience to be qualified as President. Obama's only foreign experience was giving a useless bunch of gibberish to a bunch of underage teeny boppers that were about to have Mall Withdrawal, back in Berlin.

    Source(s): Southern Man - Neil Young circa 1970 Elected - Alice Cooper circa 1973
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Military academy graduate fought in Vietnam.

    Two terms in Congress and four terms in the Senate equaling 25 years in Congress.

    John McCain sits on the following committees:

    Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Airland, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Subcommittee on Personnel, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Subcommittee on SeaPower, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

    Member, Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security , Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety

    Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade, and Tourism, Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Innovation Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security,Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

    In his career he has sponsored 537 bills and cosponsored 1229 bills.

  • netjr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    His web site will illustrated which committees he has served, but you do recognize that the US Senate of which he's been a member for about 16 years longer then Obama deals with foreign policy a great deal.

    One thing you said I want to politely take to task - you say his statement about winning the war is about troop commanding. That is not true. The American Left and much of our media declared us losers in Iraq, Obama once suggested we bring all the troops home now, and many liberals in congress say that routinely. That is a policy statement not one of commanding troops. It is a foreign policy of McCains that we win in Iraq at all cost. That is not about commanding troops - its a policy decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain has over 30 yrs of proven experience, character, leadership, personal ethics, clear vision on American needs, proven knowledge of foreign affairs, lower taxes, proven judgment,Graduated from the United States Naval Academy,US congressman for 26 years,ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee,Chairman of the powerful Senate Commerce Committee,Member of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs,has voted with his party only 63% of the time showing he is willing to put the country ahead of political parties. John McCain a REAL PATRIOT has 17 Medals, including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross and 4 Commendations and 2 Citations,to earn those commendations,McCain stayed in the POW camp, not for future political leverage, but because he put the good of all before his own well being.That alone is proof of a great leader!! What do you have an Obama bumper sticker?

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain has been around since the Reagan era.

    McCain could tell you but then...he would have to killya.

  • 1 decade ago

    what is obamas? way less them McCains. being a POW (prissoner of war) is a highly respecable thing it should not be taken lightly

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