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Explanation about cats ?

I have one female cat and her two sons (about 2 years old )

I have noticed that recently the mother does not let one of sons into the house anymore .She attacks him each time he tries to enter the house.

The other son she supports and they lick each other , but He does get a smack from time to time.

But the son which stays in the house, goes out and copulates with his brother. What's going on?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Overtime, cats forget about their familly relation. Many sons will try to mate with their mother later on (Which is not desirable as the newborn might have genetic problems, just like humans of a same familly mating)

    So I would advise you to get your mother neutered and your males fixed. The agressive behavior will get better and you might avoid a painfull pregnancy for your female.

    If they are fixed/neutered then you have there a classic case of territorial war. There is not much you can do. Mother owns the house, tolerated the other son because he might be strong enough to have made a place for himself somewhere in the house but the other son is "too weak" to enter the house.

    Have them all in the house at all time, which, by the way would be better for them as they would live longer and you'll have less vet fees....and no they will not miss outside...just ignore them for 2 weeks when they ask to go outside and after 14 days, they won't ask again. Don't budge, don't look at them and don't punish them when they ask to go outside. Ignore them for 14 days and you'll see. They will fight, they will growls but things will get back to normal)

    Othewise there is not much you can about the neglected child. Do not interveen or try to make mother understaqnd that is son is allowed in the house. You will only make things worst as she will want to reassert the message more violently on that son to compensate for your intervention. Let them be.

    Good luck

  • 5 years ago

    That description is basically correct. The poison was activated by the decay of a certain radioactive isotope, and since quantum states are indeterminant until measured, quantum mechanically, the wave function that described the cat was a linear combination of wave functions that described the cat being alive and the cat being dead. This means that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time. It should be noted, however, that Schrodinger did not take this result seriously and actually thought it was absurd. He used this result to show a certain inadequacy of the underlying mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had and seen male gay dogs before that had preferred mates. But I've never seen a gay cat... then again most animals I've cared for have been castrated.

    To the ninny that doesn't believe in homosexual animals, please remove your head from your holy book of choice and actually pay attention to the animal kingdom. It's quite common in social animals, with twice the indcidence in males as females, just like a certain arrogant primate species.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes pets abandon their children maybe thats what shes doing she likes one of her sons but not the other. Maybe you should tell her off for being mean and bring the son indoors to show her that you want him to be inside. And try and make them become friends.


    Hope this helps

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it's their way of showing dominance and the mother doesn't like the one cat because he takes it.

  • eyJude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you need to get ALL YOUR CATS spayed/ neutered.

    this will end the bikkering and other odd typed of behavior

    I also think the "brother" is a sister.

    Animals are not homosexuals ESPECIALLY CATS!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of animals will do homosexuality. Cats are no exception.

    They also no absolutely no problems about screwing their relatives.

  • Sabine
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    sounds like a territorial thing to me. Neutering would help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aw, That sounds awful, Could it be because its gone out?

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