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Lv 4
twelve asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do you think republicans are less racist than they used to be?

Or is the Grand Ole Party still all about white boys?


The Republican part of Lincoln would barely be recognized today as Republicans.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well from my experience there is still some racism in the Republican Party of Texas, I haven't worked with other states. I think the religious right is mostly to blame though. During the County and State conventions I watched as people voted almost unanimously for a resolution to ensure "Judeo-Christian students groups" access to school facilities. When the someone tried to amend it to allow members "of all religious student groups" the debate was pure blatant racism, stating that other groups were terrorists, this is a Judeo Christian nation, ... and on and on. The amendment was shot down almost unamiously with the exception of the old school conservative there backing Ron Paul, and the people who were seated around me and my brother who heard us argue about paying taxes for the schools and my brother serving in Iraq fighting for everyones rights and not just Judeo Christian ones. I never usually use the "race card" and rarely think as my self different from most Americans, but that was the first time I had ever felt discrimated against. It really hurt because I thought there were protections for minorities and the fact that the racism was so widespread there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racists don't know a thing about political parties. To be a racist means you aren't capable of rational, intelligent thinking so racists come in all political persuasions. Think about the racists you have known, if you have been unfortunate enough to know any, any remember what you thought about the way they acted or talked. Do you REALLY think they would be smart enough to be politically motivated or are they just plain and simple, knuckle dragging, ignorant bullies? I think it is great that millions of Americans are finally able to put color aside and vote for the person they think is best, in this case Barack Obama! I hope for the sake of the country, that there are fewer racists out there now and that the ones who are still breathing fail to vote. Because, in answer to your question, the Republicans are now, more if anything, racist than before. I can almost guarantee you will see reports of the booming voices of the preachers in the lily white churches telling their mostly Republican church goers all about how Obama is the anti-Christ. (It's already started and the preacher folk are only doing what they are paid to do, which is: say what the lily white church goers want to hear)

    Source(s): Inter-net news reports
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You do realize until LBJ passed the ivil rights legislation more blacks voted for the GOP.

    and that outside of African-Americans the GOp have strong support from Asian, East Indians, Hispanci and other minority groups.

    I guess unless your black then your not considered an minority by the DNC.

    Tell me what have the DEMS actaully done since the passing of the Civil rights amendmendants have done for African-Americans besides lokc them up in jail.

    Please do some research on who has been the most predominant Senator in regards to drug laws and sentencing.

    Or do you want me to do you ta favor - Jow Biden,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before 1964, most Southerners were Democrats, so before then, there were probably more racist Democrats. However, as everyone knows, things changed and most Southerners became Republicans mostly because of civil rights legislation.

    Recently, Republicans have increased their moderate base, so one could argue that they are not as racist as years past. With that said, the KKK and Neo Nazis do not vote Democrat.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The neocons absolutley not but the rest of the party possibly, it's hard to say because republicans seem to be so self absorbed that they are critical of anyone except other republicans. Considering how most of them feel on how to deal with immigration and wanting to kick people out of the country regardless of thier situation and without regard to the impact on our economy, I'd say most of them still have issues regarding race.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't have time to work on if Republicans are racist[as you post] I spend most of my time watching the un-American Democrats that hate America

  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that you have the two parties confused.

    It was southern Democrat governors who were standing in schoolhouse doors blocking desegregation of their schools. It took a Republican president to send in troops to enforce court orders to integrate them.

    It was southern democrat senators (notably Robert Byrd, the only former KKK member in the senate and Al Gore Sr) who filibustered to block civil rights legislation.

    The first black congressmen and senator elected were both Republicans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans freed the slaves....while southern democrats still had their whips intact.

    You are referring to liberals vs conservatives not reps and dems. There is a difference.

    Source(s): History
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lincoln a racist?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There have always been more racists in the Dem party, than the Rep party - learn your history. How many Dem congressmen were former KKK members? That's what I thought!!!

    Source(s): 6-pack of Billy Beer
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