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Kitsu asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How do I Curb my Kitty's Bratty-ness?

I have lost count on how many times my hands and feet have been mauled, my laptop attacked, my homework almost eaten, student's essays that I've graded- dive-bombed... And worse of all, my face pounced in all odd hours of the night ears nipped and bitten, scratched, bunny-kicked.

Storm is 6weeks old and he's a royal terror at times. However I know that this is how kittens behave none the less I need to get sleep and it seems that nothing I do works.

First off, I cannot remove him from my room- my dad's allergic to him- so I have no choice but to keep him with me.

Second, water bottles do /not/ work with him. He likes water. Granted he won't play with wires now, but none the less he doesn't mind water, probably for the fact I've had to give him baths.

Thirdly raising my voice a bit and snapping "No." at him in a firm tone only ends up with him flicking his ears back and attacking.

Fourth, I've gently yet firmly held him by the scruff of the neck like I've had to giving him medications (since that's what the vet told me). ...That too doesn't work, it only gets him even crazier.

>< Does anyone else have a suggestion? I'm nearing end of solutions. I do not want to pop him or anything because that would only cause more chaotic behavior from him- its a negative thing to say the very least.




Oh yes... >> He has toys, quite a few of them actually. But... He apparently likes to eat hands and my face more.

Update 2:

Spike & Co.: I never said that I do not give him attention. Further, do not assume I do not have the time to play with him. I DO, and I DO play with him every chance I get. Even further my siblings play with him quite a lot as well. I am not getting rid of my kitten because YOU think that its the right thing to do.

Update 3:

Further, the reason why he is as young as he is, is because the people I got him from were planning on just dumping the kittens off somewhere. I've been wanting a cat for a while now and I did not want them just to be dropped off in some area. Unfortunately I cannot afford to have a bunch of kittehs and well my father would have a fit as would the dog. That aside, stop ragging me with the age.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I say "slap" I do *not* mean hard. Discipline a kit just like the mama kitty would. Mama kits slap their kits away when they are being annoying.

    You do have to do this several times for them to get the message to move on to something else.

    Also, direct his attention to something else. Even better, when kitty is very playful like this, take a minute or two and play with a wand toy with him. Tire him out and them leave him playing with the toy in his own while you get back to work.

    He'll grow out of this stage and then you'll miss it a bit! : )

  • I have a new kitten, too. He's three months old, darling, but a holy terror. He teases, torments and drives my older cat to the point where she hisses, growls and swats at him. Still, he has moments where he's sweet and loving and a purring machine.

    Yours is very young and so some of this behavior is normal. When mine bites, I "flick" my fingers at his nose and say "NO" and then stop all contact with him until he settles down. It's not a slap, but more of a snap on his nose. He gets the message. You have to really be firm and stay with it. As far as the claws, for me with an older cat in the house who's declawed, I have an appt. to get him declawed.

    His favorite toys? A huge plastic bag in which he hides (I usually throw a couple of his little cat toys inside and he likes to go in and get them). His real favorite is a Bud Light beer box (12 pak size) with one end open wide. He's small enough that he can go in there and hide or play.

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like Storm is very young and very bored. At six weeks he should still be with his Mom.

    If Storm is alone all day in one room he is not being socialized. You are everything to him and right now all this activity is normal for a kitten who is learning about the world. It's a bit like leaving a young child locked up all day and then expecting it to go to sleep when it finally has a chance for some attention....I know you would not do that.

    I don't wish to be harsh, but you might consider if this is the right time for you to have a kitten. Finding another home might be the best and kindest solution for both of you at this time.

    Good Luck!

  • eyJude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are going to act like ALFA cat!

    Cats will bite ears.. and slap each other when they are out of line.

    I don't suggest biting it ...

    I would hold the mouth closed until the cat starts squirming /

    Put a little vinigar in the squirt bottle that will fix the LIKING water from THIS bottle.

    I know some don't agree with this apparently even you..(and probably will have comment) but when I just can't get through to a cat by all other means I pick them up by the scruff of the neck and swat them on the butt. Not hard but enough to get through to the brain... it SHOCKS them and makes them realize that I am serious. I use "NO" for one command and "QUIT" for the more serious command. All of my cats will test a "NO" but won't test "quit" at all.

    I wouldn't give meds...

    This really doesn't agree with your thinking but it has worked for me for years... I foster cats and have 3 (now) of my own.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He sounds like a very lively little fellow so you need to completely ware him out in the day. Play with him as much as possible so he can burn all the energy he has and will actually want to sleep at night. Lots of games, fun toys and playing with you will also give you and him and good connection and will also teach him how to play nice. It is no good just sitting him down with his toys as he might be stubborn and not want to play or wants attention from you so he will ignore his toys and bother you (a little bit like a child). It will be far more enjoyable for him if you join in and actually stimulate him and create games and make him want to play; he obviously likes being around you and getting attention from you so he wants to play with you and not just with his toys. I liked to play hide the mouse with my kitten and I would wear a jumper and hide the mouse in my jumper pocket and he would go looking for it lol. Enjoy him being a little baby though as it goes fast lol, I know it can be difficult when they are little but it is great that he has such a character! Xx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The main reason I'm answering is to warn you (and others) that someone here gave some bad advice and to please ignore it! The poster that mentioned giving your kitten HAIR ELASTICS is severely mistaken about what a safe toy is. This is EXTREMELY dangerous as kittens will put anything in their mouth and will often swallow them. They can get caught in their intestines and require surgery. This is a very bad idea so please, no one do this!

    You do not need to hit the kitten, but I occasionally give my kitty a tap on the nose (one finger, not hard) and say NO firmly when she bites me. She hates it and it usually stops her from doing it again for a few days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like kitty needs some stimulation, so make sure he has toys. Paper bags large enough for him to fit in and elastic hair bands will keep him busy for hours, provided you don't mind the noise the paper bag will make. Through trial and error, I have purchased cat toys at stores and found my cat has more interest in simple household items.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well since your cat likes water and cats are sensitive to smell... use vinegar instead of water. cats hate the smell and make sure you say NO each time you spray him. also shake the spray bottle if he is doing something bad to give him a warning. i love cats but when they act like that then you need to pull out the vinegar and spray. also, buy a small kennel box thing and put him in there at night. you stay asleep and he learns to behave:-).

    hope i helped.

    Source(s): adopting kitten + have had 2 cats in past
  • 1 decade ago

    Awwwwww he is cute!!




    Give him treats when he does things good...GOD

    he sounds like a kitten thats what kittens do... jeez...Morons


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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