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Steve-O asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Those people who support adoption as an alternative to abortion--would you support gay couples adopting?

As that is probably the single largest demographic group in the US looking to adopt but mostly being barred from doing so.

I'm not trying to mock you--it's one of those paradoxes that I just don't understand--like how so many hard-line anti-abortion people also don't believe in birth control or sexual education.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have a problem with a gay couple adopting kids at all.

    Observation - isn't it amazing how people can have kids and not want them, but people who want kids have to jump through hurdles and bureaucratic red tape to adopt?

  • indigo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have always argued for homosexuals (gay, lesbian, whatever) to be allowed to adopt.

    Friends of mine were foster parents, I wish I could show people how damaged and lonely and hurt (physically and emotionally) the kids waiting for adoption are. And sadly, after about 1yr old, no one wants them. Believe me, those kids know they are damaged and unwanted. It's horrible. Have you ever seen a 5 year old child who was afraid to be hugged?

    There simply aren't enough heterosexual couples out there that want to adopt every child looking for a family. So we warehouse the kids until they're 18 and then hope they can make it in society.

    If a homosexual couple wants these kids - the God bless them. If they CAN give them a home, and love and affection and an education, then they should be allowed to. I don't see how having 2 loving parents is leaves a kid worse off than they were in a state run orphanage (or group home or whatever).

    That's just my rant. I've been ranting for years on this subject. It makes me cry that people would keep ANYONE who is willing to take on adopting a child from doing so.

    Thanks for letting me rant :p

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I would be in support of allowing gay couples to adopt. More people would be comfortable with allowing this if studies of preexisting gay families were done to determine whether the children in them were emotionally healthy. I think that they would find that there are many gay couples who would make great parents. That being said, I think that gay marriage should be allowed before gay adoption is pushed forward. Children thrive in a stable environment with two committed parents. While there are many committed couples who aren't married, marriage is a social contract that designates the intention of staying together permanently.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would absolutely support anybody - gay, straight, bisexual or other - adopting a child if they can provide that child with the love and nurturing it needs. Gay couples have just as much right to a family as anyone else, and I don't know many people who think otherwise. Here in New Zealand, most people who have a discriminatory attitude towards homosexuality are shunned pretty quickly by everyone else because this is 2008, not 1908, and nowadays people should have rights.

    Having said that, I also believe abortion has its place, and it is the choice of the individual alone. They should not have to fear judgement for others, most of whom have not been in the situation. Again, I have almost never come across anyone in NZ who does not respect a woman's right to choose.

    Thanks for such a good question :)

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  • Erin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If a gay couple can go through the tests, inspections and scrutiny that straight couples go through (I'm talking about adoptions through agencies, of course), I don't have a problem with gay couples adopting at all. Perhaps the reason why this isn't currently allowed is because the couple is not stable because they are not married. Of course there's the whole conundrum of gay couples not being allowed to marry, which I also fully support.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider myself to be very open minded and i have gay friends and i feel that there is nothing wrong with a gay couple raising a child.. Just because your gay doesn't mean that you are going to voice your life style on that child.. I know some people who was gay and have children and they actually are very good parents to there children.. You shouldn't judge a person on there sexually orientations

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I support anyone who genuinely wants to adopt children. Gays should not be barred from adopting. This is another form of descrimination due to sexuality. There's probably some decent parents in the making amongst this group.

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If the alternative is a childhood in foster care, then yes. I don't understand why some people feel that being in foster care and shuffled from one foster or group home to another is somehow "better" than having a gay couple adopting that child.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm a Christian yet confident i might help that software. I probable does not donate funds yet i don't see an issue with it. beginning is a miracle and adoption could be a much extra desirable determination than taking a toddler's existence.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are approximately 530,000( from a census in 2004) children in foster care right now. I don't see how any one can find that number acceptable. We should be allowing homosexual couples who wish to adopt to do so. If they're fit to care for a child, why shouldn't they? These children have been abused and mistreated by hetero couples, so you can't say that being hetero automatically makes you a better parent. Look at the statistics. I really wish more people were open minded.

  • S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Are you kidding? Of course. I think anyone who doesn't have a violent criminal record and can support children should be able to adopt, even single people. Maybe if it wasn't so hard for people to adopt, it wouldn't be a problem.

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