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What does McCain have to do to salvage the ground he has lost?

Senator McCain's stunt with putting his campaign on hold for the economic crisis has backfired on him after the bailout plan was killed in Congress (largely by the Republicans that McCain was supposed to have been pulling together). Although the selection of Governor Palin as his running-mate initially gave his campaign a boost, after the Katie Couric interview on CBS in which she did not appear to have a solid grasp of key issues, that choice is now starting to look a bit unwise. The latest polls have shown him losing ground since only a week ago. What has to happen for Sen. McCain to regain this lost ground and perhaps even put up a lead on Sen. Obama?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the only thing that could change the trend now would be for Palin to drop off the ticket, a major scandal with Obama, or some drastic turn around in the economy which can be attributed to Republicans.

    Even if Palin hits a grand slam at the debate on Thursday, she's going to be a tough sell to independents. She's already shown a general lack of competence which has created a lack of confidence. It brings back that issue of who do you want answering the White House phone at 3am.

    The idea of dropping Palin for the ticket is dangerous though. Even if he picks someone who would be very popular with Republicans, he'll still appear to have bad judgment for picking Palin in the first place. That would likely drive away many independent voters. Besides, he would have to pick someone like Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee and that would likely cost him all those Hillary supporters who were swayed by the selection of Palin.


    For flashy d: I just listened to an electoral map prediction on MSNBC that was posted today. They have shifted 4 states (66 electoral votes) from the lean McCain to the toss-up category. As they describe it, North Carolina, Virgina, Indiana, and Colorado were states where it was initially thought Obama didn't have a chance and now they are completely in play. CNN has moved Michigan into the Lean Obama category from toss-up.

    I haven't seen any national poll numbers, but it certainly looks like McCain is losing some ground in some key states. And as we know from 2000, it's all about the electoral votes, not the popular vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is quickly running out of time and may just have to jettison Palin as a running mate and do the unthinkable. I feel that the killer ticket for him, is to woo Hillary to his corner so all the woman will come to his rescue and he can pull the dems that are not too keen about Obama. I feel this is his only sure fire way of guaranteeing a win to the white-house.

    The Hillary haters may not like it, but she is intelligent and brilliant when it comes to politics. Look at all the years she has done battle with the repubs and she is still holding stronger than ever. A bipartisan ticket would do wonders for all of us. She is also well respected around the world and has experience we can live with.

  • 1 decade ago

    He lost all respect from me when he chose Palin.

    The most disturbing aspect of him choosing her was how little he checked her out. Had he had a real conversation with her he would have realized how low her IQ is. She is probably popular in Alaska because she got every body a tax kick back from the oil companies.

    She clearly does not read the newspaper or understand what she reads if she does.

    If he got rid of her it might help. But I really do not trust his decision making ability.

    He often acts like he has the beginning of Dementia. He acts like a spoiled white guy, just one of the good ole boys. I am sick of them. We need change a big change.

  • 1 decade ago

    c'mon, after chosing Palin, there is no winning the election! She is a complete moron! I could never support McCain now. Sad cause I would have voted for him..... before chosing Sarah "dumdass" Palin!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well the only thing that will save McCain now is if Jesus himself comes down from heaven and says "I am Jesus and i am voting for McCain! Now rejoice motha f*ckas im back!" Anything short of that miracle wont be enough to help McCain.

  • Dump Palin and start being honest & acting with integrity. Plus shut up about the POW. All I can think is "mental instability" when he talks about it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Suspend Palin's campaign. LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best thing for our country and economy is that he NOT recover. I think most Americans are coming to this same conclusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    A pole dance

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think McCain has lost any ground. I think MSNBC has thrown some states into the toss up category to make it looks like Obama has a lead in the electoral college and they are hoping this sways some more people to vote for Obama. I think the Bradley effect will easily decide the election for McCain/Palin! Biden better hope they don't ask him who was president in 1929 during the debate!

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