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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you think that it's time for a general strike by all the people of the United States?

On November 4th we hold our national election. Would a general strike on that day send a message to whoever gets elected that day to lead this nation that WE, the PEOPLE demand an equitable solution to this economic turmoil that has our nation and our world almost paralyzed? Isn't it time that we, the people received a bail out? Isn't it time that the economists come to realize that the REAL source of all that money on Wall St. is US, the working people of America? Aren't you tired of the talking head pundits telling you that the average person doesn't understand economics because they don't "play" the stocks and bonds game? Doesn't the average person working for less than 20 dollars an hour KNOW more about economics simply by going to the store, the gas station, the clinic or the bank? Don't they realize that to US, the economy means being able to purchase the things that we need just to survive day to day?

To the Wall St "players" it IS nothing but a game. When THEY win we lose, when they lose we lose. No matter HOW the "game" turns out WE lose. Listen to them, it's the "Game of politics", the "Game of economics", the "Game of life", it's ALL just a game to them. The only things is the game pieces are US and the stakes are what is in OUR pockets and THEY want it all and they don't care that WE need it too, because we're just "small time players" and expendable in their eyes.

Isn't it time that THEY be shown who the REAL source of wealth is in this nation and world? Isn't it time for US to just sit down and stop whatever we are doing at 12:01 AM on Nov 4 and not do anything until 24 hours later? Don't you think THAT wil send the message to our NEXT president that he had better pay attention and get busy fixing things and doing it right, with fairness for everyone, including the average working person in the shops and factories of the country?

If you agree, don't even bother to answer this question, just pass it around to everyone you know and have them pass it around until everyone gets the message and at 12:01 AM on Nov 4, 2008, we can take back our world for US, the average person. If you oppose this idea, post your answer, I'd love to see what kind of justification that you have for continuing to exploit the average person in favor of the high and mighty, the rich and powerful people who are trying to do our thinkg for us.

Brightest Blessings,

Raji the Green Witch


Ah, but McKenzie they DO owe us. They owe us a decent wage for an honest day's work. They owe us for the sweat of OUR labor which produces the goods which they developed. They owe US fair and JUST reward for DOING the jobs which THEY have provided. I never once mentioned anything about anything socialistic in nature. I only mentioned rewarding hard work with FAIR pay. The creators and innovators play an important part in the economy, and I'm NOT trying to deny them their due, BUT, they wouldn't be worth one red cent if they couldn't find the workers to make the goods which they have developed. I'm NOT asking them to give up everything, I AM asking them to give the people who PRODUCE their products a fair chance to survive on a day to day basis. This means a decent wage, with decent benefits, including health care. In other words, I'm asking them to do the RIGHT thing and TAKE responsibility for those who are working FOR them and producing their obscene wealth.

Update 2:

YES, PLEASE VOTE! The strike does NOT include not voting. VOTE but other wise do not do anything else for the entire day. AS is said, I do not CARE who you vote FOR. It is just that WHO EVER gets elected will have a STRONG message that WE the PEOPLE are tired of having the fat cats STEAL from us and give NOTHING back.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I Agree whole heartedly! I LOVE YOU!!!! This is what I've been saying for Years. Let's not go to work, to stores, turn off as many appliances as you can. Let's make it a TOTAL STRIKE, EXCEPT FOR VOTING, for if we do not vote, the other guy and the "takers" will win. Sit at home and play cards by candlelight for the day, but VOTE, PLEASE.

    I live on disability after having worked for over 35 years. I got a raise in food stamps this month. Now, instead of $10 I get $14 A MONTH. What happened to all the social security and taxes I paid in for all those years? What happened to "taking care of those who supported their country through taxes and in the services"? Talk about "surviving day to day," and these are supposed to be my "golden years." My husband fought for this country and paid taxes for much of his life, yet when he speaks of the unfairness of this government, he is told "to love it or leave it." When he needs to see a doctor, he's told he makes $25 too much on Social Security and has to pay $400 a month for his meds and doctor bills. Where is the fairness in that? HE FOUGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY AND IT IS SHAFTING HIM WHEN HE NEEDS THEM MOST.


    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    I wish that our society had enough radicals left to jump on this idea and make a statement.

    It's interesting to me anyone interpreted your idea as a request for handouts or rewarding "doing nothing" with something, when you are simply pointing out the increasingly ridiculous divide between working class and "rich." The erosion of the middle class is not a myth - it's an economic reality. We are becoming a nation of either very rich, or poor. Period.

    I fail to understand how anyone can justify the management of corporate costs by cutting basic benefits and healthcare of employees , and condone paying corporate executives multi-million dollar salaries, giving them perks that include company cars, phones, housing allowances, and stocks, AND allowing them to walk away with millions of dollars in severance EVEN when the company LOSES money...

    Come on now...can you REALLY say that it is fair to take 2 million dollars that would pay part of the health benefit costs of thousands of employees who are probably making between 18 and 30K annually to give to the fat cat who already has all living expenses paid by the company and gets a nice big multi-million dollar annual salary to play with? What? He might have to forego buying an xtra vacation home? Those employees are going to have to watch their kids suffer because they can't come up with a 3000.00 deductible that has to be paid before insurance will cover anything...

    But...short of a revolution (and my fear is that if current trend continues, that will be the eventual very messy, very sad, and possibly very violent result) ...I fear we will only see more of the same...

    Your idea is at least an attempt at a non-violent wake-up call.

  • 1 decade ago

    What we need, is not a general strike on the vote, but a very real strike against the two-party system.

    People have been brainwashed into thinking that they throw away their vote if they don't vote for the democrats or republicans only.

    If enough people vote for other candidates, then we can, very effectively, remove the power base of both of the major parties and put them both on notice that "politics as usual" is no longer tolerated by the American People; The same people that employ them.

    Do not vote your party. Vote your conscience.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    The solution is simple:

    No more socialism.

    Enough rewarding people for NOT being successful, not creating jobs, not creating goods, not creating services, not working.

    Enough robbing people who are successful, do create jobs, do create goods, do create services.

    Enough socialism. It's raised the cost of healthcare through the roof, and now it's being applied to the present crisis.


    We don't OWE you. We don't owe them. No bail outs. No money.

    Go earn it.

    And most people don't understand economics. They're like a bunch of kibbitzing people around the game board yelling and screaming at the "dumb players" who don't know how to move their pieces, crown a king, jump properly, let alone double jump.

    And the players (Wall Street, government, people with an actual education) just keep playing and roll their eyes...

    ...while playing CHESS.

    Fairness is a child's concept of "Justice". Fairness, everyone gets it, even if they don't deserve it. Justice, those that deserve it get it.

    Thank you, I prefer justice. I'm an adult.

    The real wealth in this nation is created by innovators, creators, people who WORK at it, create it themselves, not the average person who just wants a paycheck. Who are you kidding?

    Don't bother answering if we don't agree? I LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES! WE have FREE SPEECH. You don't get to decide who answers.

    Pass it around? How many times in my decades have I seen such nonsense. No. We will not help your personal crusade to mess with our system, ruin an election, and send a pointless message.

    The U.S. already belongs to us. We're not giving it to the socialists or any other group that has no idea what the American Dream is about.

    No. Enough.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the elections look like they have, once again, been readjusted to benefit a certain party, I am so there. And not for just a 12 hour period, either. Not again, no freakin way. There is a point where a person must stand up a defend democracy, at any cost.

  • 1 decade ago

    I participated in 2 walk out regarding California proposition 187 the anti-imigrant proposition that would deny health care and schooling to children of illegals. I was an employee of UCLA and we union employees staged the largest walk out in L. A. history.

    Yes I would strike. The problem is country wide strikes haven't really happened in the U.S. since the 1960's. The culture would have to change to be more rebelious to actually have a mass protest like this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I see what you're saying Raji, but to ever imagine you could get enough people to agree to this "strike" to make it matter is a ludicrous thought.

    the best bet is to vote for the candidate that you feel will actually do something good for us. I feel strongly that this is the case for this election.

    So good luck. Go picket outside of polling places. I think you'll find yourself very much alone.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's a great idea..... in theory. However, if everyone in the country refused to vote there's a pretty strong chance that they would take it as consent to choose our next president for us. Or worse yet, leave the one that's already there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's time to arrest 1/2 on Congress,

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that ,I'm gonna write you in for my presidential vote. Is that ok with you

    Blessed Be .

    and keep on spreading the word ,to all of us ants who keep this country going.

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