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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

working mothers are not real mothers?

this woman actually said this in a question earlier whats your oppinion?

" In my first marriage I knew my husband could not bring in enough income to let me be a real mother as a SAHM."


I am a sahm but i dont think women who are not are not real mothers im a sahm b.c i chose to be and it makes life easier for our family .some mothers need to work and I think its amazing that they do

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are stupid. And can rarely see outside themselves.

    Having the privilege of being a "Stay at Home Mom" doesn't make anyone a "good mother" ... Staying at home guarantees nothing. It doesn't guarantee quality of care.

    You see plenty of stories on the news of unemployed crack heads with kids....technically, they're SAHM's aren't they?

    The mere fact that a person doesn't have employment by no means pre-qualifies them as "good mothers".

    I personally know of at least three aquantances of mine that are convinced they're guaranteed sainthood because they're stay at home moms...except that they're complete idiots and they're children are totally unattended, dirty, hopped up on sugar, getting hurt and running wild half the time.

    I stick with my initial sentiment. People are stupid.

    I work a full 40, I take my son to every single swim class (every day for nine weeks), I take him to and from a daycare that he loves every day, I bake cakes and cupcakes for his daycare, I cook for his potluck functions, I cook a balanced dinner for the fam every night, we go to the park almost every weekend, we color and play every single day, we have never spent a single night apart...and he is a very happy child.

    I am an outstanding mother, despite the fact that I also work a full time job. And as an added bonus, because of my job, my son has the best health care coverage that money can buy.

    I think that people that are that narrow minded to believe that working mothers love their children any less than those of you that get to stay home are just plain stupid and not worth my concern.

    So there you go. ;)


    Hey nine sound just like the ladies that I was talking about above....hmmmm.

    So the fact that my son sleeps 14 hours a day and that's 14 hours that he doesn't get to play with me...that makes him my PART TIME SON?

    Um, No...that's retarded.

    You can do all the math you want "hunny" but all that adds up is that you're feeling a little holier than thou today apparently...

    I wonder how many hours a day are alloted to becoming a "Yahoo Top Contributor" and to making ridiculous Myspace pages and uploading hundred of pictures on a dial up modem....what does that add up to?

    BTW - I didn't know that full length shirts were in such short supply in Tennessee, I can send you a couple if you'd like.


    I also think its HILARIOUS that there are at least 8 people here that agree with 9weeks and just don't have the sack to speak up.

    I think THAT is classic.

    I'm calling you out ...grow a pair, and show us the errors of our ways. Tell me why you think she's right...

    Besides arbitrary time tables that are wholly unrealistic....tell me how you're a better mother than me.

  • 5 years ago

    Im 36 and i was in the same situation. My dad had custody and met his wife who is still here, and i call her mom, she may not have given birth to me, but she may as well had. She is the one who had put her life on hold to raise and love a child of 6 that had been raised by my grandmother since i was 4. I still refer to the one that gave birth to me as my birth mother. As for the nannies that are raising children, i feel the real parent should step up and be a parent, there are single women everywhere that have to, and just because some have money doesnt mean they can pawn their kids off. In some sad situations, the child knows the nanny better than their own parent, and yes, end up calling them mother. The daycare workers, have many other children to take care of also, so their time is split between 10-15 kids. I think the personable time between two people makes the bond.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think lil miss 9weeks til induction is stuck up and way off base

    I work from 8am to 4pm my kis are in school from 9to 3 So i am away from them 2hours...When YOUR kids are in scholl 9 weeks will that make you a "part time MOM" *****

    being a stay at home my is a job in it self BUT being a working mom is just as important it installs VALUES and appreciation an a GREAT work ethic MOST Mothers who work do not work 8-14hr days ? AND if Women get ragged on for working then Men should to and the WHOLE COUNTRY would be on Wel-fare Witch most SAHM's that have a problem with working Moms have a problem with "Wel fare" Moms too SO What should those Women do WORK???

    Also -5hrs ATLEAST of your littel time table because cleaning cooking and time with spouse are ALL done with the kids there AND i do not have ERRANDS every Day more like once a week-

    You can't please em all

    *****MOM2C Great answer!!!

  • That is total crap. I am a SAHM who babysits, but that does not make me any more a mom then someone who works all day. You have to do what you can these's not so easy to do the stay at home gig for some because of money....some just need to get out. If you carried that child, gave birth, love and care for that child then you are a REAL MOTHER. (that goes for adoptive moms too and moms who had a surrogate)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'll give the woman the benefit of the doubt and believe that she didn't mean for her question to come out sounding that way. However, if she did mean that....then she is wrong. I'm a working mother (who'd rather be home). My heart is with my baby all day long...I just think about her all the time, and want to be there, but I can't. I have all the love and support I can give to her. And I take advantage of any time I can spend with her. I have to work, because otherwise I would be a bad mother with the fact that I wouldn't be able to afford the things I need to care for my child.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't disagree more!

    If that were true, do you know how many "fake" mothers are out there? Not all people get to enjoy the luxury of staying home with their children. And to state that a person isn't a "real mother" because they have to work to keep a roof over their child's head, that's a pretty low and judgemental comment to make.

    I didn't "choose" to go to work. I have to go to work. Unless someone else plans on paying for my health insurance each month, or my weekly pay of $500 each week, or even my mortgage for that matter, by all means, I'll stay home with my son. But we can't make ends meet as we work 40+ hours now, I can't imagine trying to live off my husband's income alone. Plus he pays child support for his daughter which means he has to work extra hard to bring in that money!

    I choose who watches my son carefully. I don't pass him off to just anyone. And I don't look for the "cheapest bargain" in terms of daycare.

    And to add, my mother worked 2 and 3 jobs when I was a kid. I lived at the daycare. But you know what? The respect I have for mother now, as an adult, she's an amazing person who worked her *** off for her kids.

    If that's not a "real" mother, then I don't know what is...

    Source(s): Mom and stepmom that works full time. And I'm a damn good mother to my kids.
  • Well i'll be a stay at home mom in a 6 or 7 weeks. But i will say this much i'd work if i could cause damn money is tight and its only going to get worse my hubby has been laid off for over a year. And going to college so we get his benefits from the army but that's it and my pregnancy from three months on hasn't been easy enough to work a job with let alone the doc didn't want me to work.. but i think that helping take care of 74 and 75 year old in laws is enough to keep anyone busy

    Source(s): were all mothers don't rag on everything just to have something to say cause there is plenty of mothers out there that get drunk hugh and everything else you can think of instead of spending time with their children thats what i call not being a mother MY VERY PREGNANT B*TCHY SELF
  • 1 decade ago

    I am a mom who also works full time! It breaks my heart that I cant stay at home with Sophie every minute of everyday but you know what I am a d**n good mom! I work because I have too.. financially we cant live off my husbands income and my child has, clothes, shelter... I am providing for her! I dont work because I LIKE to have time away from her! She knows who her mommy is.... everything I do is for my daughter so anyone who thinks, "working mothers are not real mother" or are "part time mothers" Can shove it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a working mom and cannot imagine how hard it must be.To do it all AND work takes a lot outta you I imagine and I think it takes a strong woman to do it all.Whether a woman works or not doesn't make her a bad mother.Nor it is anyone else's business but the family's.It is women like 9 weeks or whatever her name is that makes this site suck sometimes and gives stay at home moms a bad rep..I feel sorry for your whole family..Attitudes like your usually rub off on the rest of the family and most people that have attitudes like that aren't worth anything.I suggest you get off your soapbox and come down to reality.

    Source(s): ~Kudos to all you working mommas.~
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's terrible (and inaccurate) to say that working mothers are not real mothers. I do think it is better for kids to have a mother at home with them up to a certain age, but mothers need to do what they need to do to survive and support their kids financially. Especially in the case of single mothers. They have no choice in the matter; it would be irresponsible to NOT work and feed off of welfare. (Plenty of married couples need 2 incomes to make it, too.) I just hope by the time I have kids I won't have to work full time. My mom worked part time while I was growing up and I didn't mind because I got to spend time with my grandparents.

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