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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why Are Republicans screaming mad that they are about to lose due to a massive get out the vote move by ACORN?

My God are the Republicans beginning to look more and more like the old Dixiecrat party of the South, anti-Civil Rights, anti-Voting Rights.

What in the world are they doing trying to vilify a voter registration movement?

Hillary Sent Me!

Obama/Biden '08


There's no voter fraud, none of the Republicans that are whining foul play have provided any physical evidence proving it. More false smears by the Republicans to draw attention and try to slow down the inevitable blow out that will be the Nov 4 election results.

14 Answers

  • kozzm0
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every major organization that hires people to register voters will have a few employees who decide to cheat and turn in fakes to make their quotas. Make a little effort to look further than Fox News and you'll find examples of conservative organizations that have had employees commit fraud on them too.

    Nobody has filed any charges, nobody has determined that any registrations were indeed fraudulent at all let alone how many, and nobody has even gone close to alleging that it was a systemic attempt by ACORN as an organization to commit fraud, rather than the actions of a few rogue employees.

    In Nevada the number of suspect cards was estimated at 146 the only time it was quoted in a neutral context to media. Even if every state had a similar number of suspect registrations, that would be 7500 out of 1.3 million suspect, or 6 out of 1000 turned in. That is a low rate, comparable to the rate of suspect registrations turned in by private citizens. Because the general public isn't a huge organizaiton like ACORN, nobody notices that. If you register 1.3 million people, of course some are going to be suspect. Even a few thousand. It's not a big deal and nobody familiar with voter registration methods would consider it to be one. Making an issue out of it is a stunt, and yes, it smacks of vote suppression.

    You can't assume that "suspect" registrations are really fraudulent, either. Many are being considered "suspect" because they are duplicate or have no address. Anybody who registers, forgets they registered and registers again will produce a duplicate. That's not fraud, just trivial negligence. As for having no address, it is not legal in any state to disenfranchise the homeless. All a homeless person needs to do to register to vote is to provide information about what area they sleep in. An organization that registers low-income people is bound to have some no-address cards then. The vast majority of those are not fraudulent, they are just pulled off the shelves for investigation, in this case it seems for political reasons.

    Others have been pulled for having nonexistent addresses, before jumping to conclusions about that, getting even one digit of your address wrong can make it a nonexistent address. Many of these are just simple mistakes.

    Considering that low-income people are underrepresented in polls usually, there is no way McCain will be beaten by a few dozen fraudulent registrations that may happen to go unnoticed. He's behind by about 8 million votes right now. It's a political stunt, nothing more.

    As for the employee who though they could make their quota by registering the Dallas Cowboys, who could be so naive as to think an organized vote fraud effort would use such obviously detectable methods? If ACORN were trying to commit fraud, they'd have made a little more effort than that. Besides which, the idea that people would have actually shown up to vote as the Dallas Cowboys is pretty far-fetched.

    "Hi, I'm Tony Romo, I'm here to cast my vote..." "uh, no you're not..."

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Voter fraud might have something to do with people being mad. People should be pissed off no matter what party they are in. The more I am on YA the more I believe I will stick with the Libertarian party. The people that follow the major parties deserve what they get!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why?! Maybe because its fraud!!

    More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mrs hilton the name fits you perfectly cause you dont have a clue!acorn was raided the other day and there are dead people voting and people in prison voting and even terrell owens and tony romo are registered in nevada! how brillant is that? you need to watch the news before you make such ignorant statements.

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  • Jenny
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    "What's up with people caring about fraud?"

    Yeah I know right...its like people want their voices to be heard or something.

    CNN broke the news first for me..and ...I'm sorry..but I think the dead and my local mcdonalds shouldn't have the same voting power as me..ya know?

    If you really cared about this election you would want EVERY vote counted and wouldn't want Obama to win because he cheated the American people.

    Source(s): NOT ~~~~ONE~~~~ Person agrees with you so far...I hope thats an eye opener for you. CNN just broke that Obama gave Acorn 800,000 and that they officially endorse Obama for president.....and that he did work with them during the primaries but not in the general it is very possible Hillary WON..grrrrrr I am fuming.
  • 1 decade ago

    Do you really believe your own bs, seriously, and any moron that cannot figure out how to register on their own should not get to vote, plain and simple.

    How many of the 9,000 "golden week" early Ohio votes were duplicate, triplicate and dead voters paid for by Acorn, and what did Barry get for his $832,598?

    Source(s): "An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. -- a subsidiary of ACORN -- worked in "get-out-the-vote" projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary. "
  • 1 decade ago

    Have you not watched the news they have shown several instances of the fraud there are thousands more, they have physical evidence. Oh I just noticed your picture, I see why you don't understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    You've already asked this question and I've already answered it. Face the facts: ACORN is a corrupt group that are making fraudulant votes.

  • 1 decade ago

    They ever registered a CAT! We might as well live in Africa. They don't have legitimate elections either! Doesn't anybody care that your vote is meaningless now? What's wrong with you people?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because ACORN is dirty! Obama is dirty, CNN says NO to Obama

    Obama is a lying SOB I agree with Anderson Cooper on CNN,

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