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Homework interfering with health?

I phoned my daughter-in-law this morning and she said she would call me back in half an hour as she was helping my eldest grandson with his homework and needed to get it done before he went to his friends birthday party this afternoon.

I was shocked!

My boy should be out in the fresh air playing on a Saturday, not cooped up doing 'sums'. From what I could understand the poor boy had 10 of these additions to complete and it was going to take him at least 15 minutes - time that could be better spent in the garden.

How can I tell my daughter in law that she should take a stand against the school and their homework and what advice can I give her to make sure my boy gets his outdoor play?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope these questions keep up - they really make me laugh.

  • Bren
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    u dont mention his age speaking as a grandmother and also the mother of 3 kids age 11 14 and 15 they have a lot of homework and the policy these days for even an 11 yr old is 1/2 hr a day thats how life is these days and the consequences of not doing it for the boy and his parents means there is no alternative. as for playing outside yes he should be but equally he needs that homework done. yr DIL taking a stand against the school herself is no point all schools all over the country have this policy now. im sure yr daughter in law doesnt appreciate yr interfering in something that she has no choice but to be doing. im sure she would rather be spending her weekend and evenings doing something else than helping with his homework and what about the grandparents helping to give her a break my dad used to help my older girls with theirs when he was alive for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello. im only 14 and i dont no much about this but i think your grandson should do his sums because it will help him have a good future everything he learns now will help in his life so on.

    he will have homework noone can ever get out of homework everyone has homework. Homeowrk is lie lessons its helping him understand the work.

    Like maths you learn about sums in school and to help you you get some for homework it is only for helping you if you stuggle a bit I Struggled with maths and my dad helped me it took me a while but now i understand everything . Homework is fine theres no need to make a stand againest the school tht is halping your grandson get the best possible start he can.

    There helping .

  • meow22
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    15mins is nothing to spend on homework!! there's nothing wrong with him doing that then going out after, hes going to a friends birthday party later so its not like hes missing out on anything.

    education is important even when there small, your daughter in law is doing a great job getting him into the routine of doing homework first then playing 2nd! that's what he needs for when he goes to secondary school! wait till then and he has to do an hour a night of homework!

    you don't want a thick grandchild do you! so leave her be! shes doing a great job.... that's whats wrong With this country now parents not making there kids prioritise school and education first and getting them off the streets!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you think you are going a bit too far?

    15 minutes out of the entire day is nothing really.

    Children and teenagers should do a bit of homework everyday, to keep their minds and brains stimulated, which is very important to their health (Intellectual needs)

    Although fresh air and exercise is very good for you, so is work, and as I said, it is important to keep the brain stimulated.

    15 minutes of work surely can't hurt the boy?

    After all, school is very important.

    If you think 15 minutes is a lot now, wait until he's older and in secondary school, working for hours!


  • 1 decade ago

    Whats wrong with 15minutes of education on the weekend?

    He may be having a lot of trouble or something. You never know and it's definately not your place to say something, especially, if it's only for 15minutes!

    10 additions? Are you joking? Just 10? Maybe she is getting him prepared for further education when he will have hundreds!

    Really, Are you kidding?

    The child's time is far better spent being educated with assistance from his clearly, loving, caring and motivated mother.

    Palming your kid out into the garden 24/7 hardly shows those qualities. Let her parent herself. It wont kill him.

    ** Remember, education is a lot harder, and far more stenuous now than it was when you were a child. How old is he? If he is in secondary school, 15minutes isn't even enough!

    Source(s): Wow, you sound like a bit of a controlling, annoying MIL. Maybe she made it up so she didnt have to talk to you and listen to you tell her what to do!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    15 minutes is not a long time, you should be happy your daughter-in-law is able and willing to help him, some parents can't be bothered to help their children. He will benefit in the long run, maybe he was having trouble understanding how to do the work and his mam was going over it with him so he got it before he went back to school . I spent a bit of time with my children helping them out and would not appreciate my mother-in-law having your opinion, mine are glad that i help mine.

  • Isn't this getting old.

    To answer the question (so I don't get deleted) I think some homework in moderation is fine for kids and there's plenty of time for outdoor play.

  • 7 years ago

    15 minutes is NOTHING compared to the amount of homework i get. It takes me 2 HOURS AVERAGE to get mine done. HE'S LUUUCKY!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My grandsons have to do their homework on the computer. As they haven't got one (well not on the net) , they all do their homework down my house. Perhaps you could suggest the same then you can see a bit more of them.

    Mind you - don't start me on the 'homework' thing . Kiddies are in school long enough each day without having to work in the evenings and weekends.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Hes not YOUR child so you dont have a right to get involved in any way other than being his grandmother - giving hin love, sweets and pocket money - like my grandmothers do

    2) Hes lucky - my sister is 14 and spends EVERY evening and EVERY weekend doing homework. But shes still a wonderfully rounded, well adjusted child. 15minutes is NOT going to harm him

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