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Obama's tax schedule would duplicate the Reagan Administration's. Is this proof that Reagan was a socialist?

I've long suspected that Reagan was pinker than any of us knew. Is he now (posthumously) outed?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama keeps changing his programs so it's impossible to believe anything. Bill Clinton promised to cut Middle Class taxes but when elected he raised them. What you can count on is Congress spending more than it takes in.

  • I know one thing, I had just graduated high school when Reagan became president. I worked part-time at a full service gas station (was working on the "I'm gonna be a Rock Star" playing guitar, which was fun) and there were grown men with familys actually begging me to talk to my boss about a job, that paid minimum wage. Times were terrible.

    (btw, I took on a real job as time went by and became a Blues player, I play for the love, not the money!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone goes back and forth on taxes.

    We need more tax money to keep this ship going.

    The rich always want more. They need to buy fake hooties for their wives. They need to keep up a lifestyle that is impressive to their peers.

    They have a lot of pressure on them to beat the other guy. The rich are like wolves. They will claw you and rip you up to get what they want.

    When taxes go up they will find ways to make more money. They will think of something to make that folks in other countries will buy. They will hire US to make these things. Taxes will invigorate the economy. It will get the ambitious going to make more money. It will give them more initiative. It will not make them close their doors and go home. They need more money. They will continue to figure out how to make more. They need you to work for them making them money. Taxes are not going to do anything but help. Don't listen to the spin.

    We need to be Democratic to grow. We need to be a little more Liberal so the workers have a little more Liberty.

    We have a chance for a great future looking you in the face. Don't blow it by being afraid of change. Let's move forward folks...

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Obama is proosing a $1000 rebate to taxpayers even if they didn't pay taxes (as long as they filed). Reagan reduced substantially tax policies from his predecessor Carter. But under Reagan's plan if you didn't pay taxes you didn't get a rebate.

    That is a fundamental difference. Reagan wanted you to keep what you earned. Obama wants you to keep what someone else earned.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the perfect fee interior the forties and 50s and into the 60s grew to become into as much as 92% and those have been arguably the appropriate years interior the rustic. a lot of wealth grew to become into created and maintained. i do no longer think of each person is going broke interior the perfect 10% right here if taxes get raised.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good point.

    Reagan, H Bush, Jimmy Carter and Clinton were all financial geniuses compared to Bush, who has bankrupted our country with corporate giveaways (which have also greatly benefited his immediate and extended family who are ALL involved in big Wall Street or Oil business of some kind.

    This is the most shameless profiteering by any President since LBJ, and THAT's saying something!

    Source(s): And what State were those two guys from again? Hm...escapes me right now...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Naw considering that Reaganomics trickledown supports the rich people. Reagan is probaly in hell. Margaret Thatcher the milk snather also is an evil woman. Phil Gramm is McCains economic advisor and Phil Gramm seems to hate poor people. Rick Davis is the new Jack Abramoff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tax policy does not a socialist make. Taxpayer owned institutions, like.. the bailout, which Obama -and- McCain voted for, are socialist. Public Education is socialist.

    So your question is invalid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think you fully grasped the concept of Reaganomics. It's wealth from the top down, and smaller government and less government in peoples lives. This is completely the opposite of Obamas plan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you have to look at how bad it was before Reagan to see how much Reagan moved things to the right..carter was and is a communist..

    America nearly fell under his rule

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