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Mothers, why do we do this?

Why on earth do some mothers feel it is their duty to put other mother's down for their decisions?

I don't understand how people can be so judgmental. What works for my family may not work for yours and vice versa. I am not here to push my personal opinions on anyone here. I thought this site was about HELPING people. I try to do that with my answers but have noticed that MANY people on here use this as their personal soap box, so to all of them....

1) We ALL want what is best for our children not what you think is best.

2) It is a Big Big world and just because my opinion isn't the same as yours doesn't make me a better or worse mother just a different one.

3(and finally) If you don't have anything nice (or constructive) to say don't say (answer) anything at all.


and about to use it on you 52 days, you are one of the worst offenders, I see you not only expressing your opinion but putting people down and if that's the game you want to play I'm sure there are many people that could do the same to you.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    It can be really bad sometimes. It's too bad, this site is meant for people sharing tips and advice, but some people just use it as an excuse to push their agenda and quite frankly to pick fights. I try to ignore those people as best as I can, No matter if you're at work, or with friends, or with family, there is always that 1 person that gets on everybody's nerves, so that's who those people are on here. Also judgement stems from insecurity and bitterness, so the more someone convinces you they are a better parent, the more you can be sure they are not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you and I am a Mom I just use what I know to help it is up to the person to take the advice or not and even if someone asked me in person I wouldn't push my opinion on them!

    Some people think there opinion is the only way actually now that I think about it that is my Mom. Unless I do it her way I am wrong!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's just human nature. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Many of us will ponder things we come across and actually use critical thinking skills and decide the way we were doing something (or were going to do something) might need to be challenged and embrace a difference, but some of us are almost like herd animals, remaining in the pack, never intellectually challenging what we think we know.

    Source(s): Live abroad and face this kind of dilemma often (as in, do I do it the way I was taught or do I do things differently).
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have read and answered questions that I often wish I could reach through the computer and slap the asker. and same with some answers. sometimes people ask and answer questions the way they do just to get people upset it's like they wake up with a goal to insult everyone. I have answered one question that was like why don't you really stay home with your kids? or something like that I was shocked that she even had to ask the question it was like do you live under a rock? and some people are so gung ho and think they way they do things is the only way to do things. it's sad

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not sure which specific posts you are referring to here.

    But frankly, if someone asks a question, they have to expect to get answers that may NOT be the answer they expect.

    And if 'what they think is best' is clearly NOT what is really best -- is it better to let them know the possible outcome of their choice, or just sit back and say nothing and let them risk harming their children?

    I mean... I'm sure if a mother wrote to ask "I dont' want to use a car seat. How should I hold my baby while riding in the car?" she would NOT get ovewhelming support. So why is it not appropriate to respond to a question about feeding solids to a 2 month old, or making a newborn cry it out when hungry, with the advice that it's NOT a good idea -- and why?

    I absolutely agree that there is no reason to be rude or insulting (and some posters are indeed rude and insulting), but polite advice should be accepted and considered. That's what this site is about. (It IS called Yahoo!Answers. It's not 'Yahoo!BlindSupportAndAgreement."

  • Groovy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm telling you, the ONLY section that is NOT judgmental is the Home & Garden section. Everyone here has different opinions, were raised differently, some are more holier than thou than's just the way it is.

    I get reemed all the time because it's not that I'm being mean...I'm just trying to be honest and factual. I'm not holding their hands or telling them what they want to hear, so I get in trouble for it. Hormones can have that effect too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hear ya'. I can't even count how many times a mother or random woman has slipped me a "helpful" comment when I'm out walking my kids. But on here it's even worse at times. You just gotta realize that people are going to give you their opinions whether we want them or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm new to this questions and answers things and I have already seen some nasty answers. I have always been told I am to nice so I will try my best not to insult any one. if any one was to tell me my opinion was wrong I would just let it go we don't know any one here personally any way so who care's if they don't like your answer.

  • I completely agree. Some mothers are just totally off their rocker though. Some mothers really need to be told what they are doing is wrong. I usually don't have anything mean to say unless another mother wants to argue about spanking/not spanking or other arguments like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I usually give my opinion and then give something along the lines of whatever you decide is right for your situation and hope I was able to help in some way or good luck!

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