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Am I correct in my assumption about the catholic church see details?

I was invited to join a catholic forum from an answer I gave on here. So I joined and the first thing I was told was to go on meet and greet forum.

I did that saying that I did not know why I had been invited as I was of the opinion that the Roman Catholic church was corrupt, morally, financially and spiritually But I noted that people kept going to the churches where they took part in a ceremony that involved eating what they really believed was human flesh and drank what they really believed was human blood and if they did not really believe that then they were not true catholics. Naturally I expected some flack and to be asked what I meant when I said the the Roman Catholic church was corrupt but all that happened was that I was banned for anti catholic rant.. My conclusion is that the Roman Catholic church is unable to deal with real criticism


Dear rebel I do understand libel I am a law graduate but did not say that the catholic church was corrupt I said in my opinion it was and I am entitled to my opinion. If you want to know why I am of that opinion there are a number of reasons but there is a book called In Gods Name which is worth a read

Update 2:

Hi anonymous sorry but in the UK we don't celebrate thanksgiving but we do eat turkey at christmas (as you call it) which is the feats of Saturnalia and Mithrase's birthday

Update 3:

Lilth Raven where did you get that bit about a heated iron mask. I know the inquistition tortured people at one time (and who knows maybe they still do they are after all still around) but I never heard it said that they did that..

Oh and in case anyone needs to know the inquistion is now called The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the current pope used to be head of it.

Update 4:

I have read and reread what I said and I will repeat I was voicing and opinion note making a statement. I cannot see that I was in any way rude. How would you expect me to say what I had to say "Please sirs I am sorry to says this but" I could not take part in such a forum without making my opinions and position clear. This I did and I was banned. Okay that was the right of the admistrators if they were unable to deal with my opinions

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're spot on!!

    Now I'm going to express a deeply unpopular view here in as much as you are right., thumbs at the ready to "judge not lest ye be judged"

    5 years of catholic schooling made me realise that 99% of the ones I met were unable to handle challenges of any sort.

    And what's more the ones I meet now are still picking at finger buffet that is catholicism, ie. well contraception doesn't apply to me or I can have sex before marriage or get divorced.. I know nobody is perfect but my friend who is catholic doesn't seem to feel that terminations, contraception & sex outside marriage are in conflict with her beliefs in any way whatsoever.

    If & when I encounter some devout & sincere catholics I'll listen to their views, but for the time being I think I'll avoid them as much as I can...

    By the way they have a reputation for supressing free speech.. be glad we're living the 21st century...

    When a sinner had "blasphemed the holy name of god", or when he had perhaps told some truth about the local priest, it was customary to apply the holy trinity. The Iron mask was heated in an open fire until red hot, then put upon his head. The scourge, also red hot, was then applied to his back. After the mask had cooled, it was removed from the sinner, taking skin (and usually eyeballs) with it. The prisoner's mouth was then opened and red hot pincers were used to remove the prisoner's tongue.

    It is interesting to note that the Holy Trinity was designed not to cause death, so that the maimed, blinded and mute prisoner could live out his days as a burden to his family and as a testimony to what happens when one lets his tongue wag too freely.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    <<Am I correct in my assumption about the catholic church see details?>>

    Having NOT read ahead, since you wrote quite a bit, I'm going to guess. . . . No. Nothing personal. It's just that most people don't post as much as you've posted - and find all their assumptions to be accurate. It just doesn't happen. So let's see if we can go through and correct any misconceptions, shall we?

    <<I was invited to join a catholic forum from an answer I gave on here. So I joined and the first thing I was told was to go on meet and greet forum. I did that saying that I did not know why I had been invited as I was of the opinion that the Roman Catholic church was corrupt, morally, financially and spiritually>>

    The Church, the Church - itself, is not corrupt. Individual people wrestle with varying degrees of moral imperfections but, despite this fact, the Church itself remains uncorrupted. Amazing, seemingly paradoxical, but true.

    I almost never accept such invitations when I get them. Mostly because I don't have the time, but also because it might be a "trap"; I'm being lead to believe I'm being invited into a 'friendly' group when all they really want to do is slam my theology. Not everyone, of course. There are legit invites to friendly groups.

    <<But I noted that people kept going to the churches where they took part in a ceremony>>

    Called 'Mass'.

    <<that involved eating what they really believed was human flesh and drank what they really believed was human blood>>

    No, not human flesh. Catholics believe to eat the Glorified Body and Blood of Christ.

    <<and if they did not really believe that then they were not true catholics.>>

    True. The belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist, as it is called, is a precept of the Catholic Faith.

    <<Naturally I expected some flack and to be asked what I meant when I said the the Roman Catholic church was corrupt but all that happened was that I was banned for anti catholic rant..>>

    You must have made the accusation without providing any evidence, just as you've done here.

    <<My conclusion is that the Roman Catholic church is unable to deal with real criticism.>>

    The Church has been around for 2,000 years. In all that time, the Church has been assaulted by heresy after heresy. In 2,000 years, the Church has become quite adept at dealing with criticism - much of it unfair and unprovoked criticism as well.

    What you have to understand is that the Roman Catholic Church boasts the Fulness of Revealed Truth. Anything contrary to this Truth isn't going to be taken seriously by Catholics with stout Faith. It's not that Catholics aren't good at accepting criticism. Like everybody else, we Catholics lead busy lives too, and we simply don't have time for "bull".

  • 1 decade ago

    You were invited because you cannot really understand the faith of Catholicism without being a part of it. It is a ritual that you understand to be symbolism. It is ritual of faith that you do in honor of the real events. Much like Thanksgiving, you eat of the turkey and dressing because you celebrate the original feast. The ritual is important because of the high degree of faith involved, while it is a celebration of what Christ has done for us, not a belief of eating real flesh. Every catholic knows it is not real, but does it as symbolism for the real event that occurred before that changed the entire world.

    Roman Catholics aren't afraid of your critical rants, they just realize that you don't grasp the concept and they feel that if you aren't going to be respectful enough to learn it then you don't need to be rude. If you learned more about the catholic ways then you would understand, respect and be sincerely drawn into the faith. Perhaps you have a barrier up that keeps you from learning it because you don't want to get close to God. I could speculate all day based on my own past experiences but that is pointless. The point is really that if you actually understood the faith you would feel the love and the energy that makes one want to perform these symbolic rituals in honor of Jesus. You cannot grasp it until you open your heart to it. If you haven't opened your heart to it then you have no reason to judge others you cannot possibly understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Paul tells us of wicked men who use deceit and craftiness to ensnare and lead away from the truth as it is in Jesus :

    ... That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

    The Roman Catholic Church certainly fits that description.

    Certainly it is both corrupt and corrupts the truth.

    Look how it claims to have the authority of the Apostles who were personally selected by Christ and who as eyewitnesses simply cannot pass on their authority. Their authority only comes to us through the Apostle's word in the Bible. And as John says :

    We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

    And of those who do not listen to the Apostles he says :

    They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

    Not only does the Roman Catholic Church not listen to the Apostles but they pretend to have inherited a personal eyewitness authority which is the foundation of God's church which obviously cannot be passed on.

    Not only absurd, but how can a foundation be passed on for 2000 years? Has there been no church built for 2000 years?

    You see how deceitful and corrupt they are on just this one but fundamental point?

    Not to mention their savage, barbarous, murderous, history (Little Raven's post is mild, read Fox's Book of Martyrs) and prohibition of the Apostles word, the Bible, for hundreds of years, the seizing of property, their phenomenal wealth and selling of indulgences, and ...

    ...could go on and on and on ...

    Just compare their worldly pomp and wealth and ways with the humility of Christ and His dependence upon the Father for everything.

    Do you also notice how Roman Catholics are always drawing attention to their church rather than the glory of God?

    By their fruits ye shall know them ...

    Examine and consider the life and teaching of Christ and how He has offered proof, for He is the Saviour and there is none other.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You may be a "Law Graduate" But you have MUCH to learn about Ethics. I would expect a REAL "Law Graduate" to present an honest Opinion without being Rude & Insulting. Your Verbal Format was Corrupt.

    Would you enter into a classroom and tell your Professor you thought he was Corrupt morally and financially? You simply showed how arrogant you are and Not Interested in understanding a different idea than your own.

    I've participated in forums and been enlightened with Scriptural basis on many areas of interest.

    I would suggest you extend your reading capabilities as well as your etiquette.

    You state: Naturally I expected some Flack. Obviously you were aware you were being confrontational to be polite...Sincerity was sorely lacking. Forums are designed to develop knowledge and understanding, not a place to rant childishly. Why did you accept the invite if you were sincere? You weren't !

    Peace be with You.

    Source(s): Catholic@Heart (((RomanC))) Great Answer! (((Sweetie RC))) You Too!
  • Catholic apologetics answer criticism & constructive everyday on Catholic forums and forums such as this one. I do not know the site you speak of or what 'Exactly' you posted on this site but it is very rare and unusual for a person to be banned from a Catholic site. They gave you a reason, 'Anti Catholic rants' if a person went onto a Jewish site and started Anti Semitics they would be banned like any other site. I suggest you consider how you construct your sentences and questions rather then rant, if you wish to question us Catholics feel free to do the same on here we will answer, we do everyday.

  • 1 decade ago

    it seems like you were invited my mistake and since it's a forum for like minded individuals and your ignorance to the reality of the Rcc was unable to be corrected - you were banned. i can't beliebe you will base your knowledge on the Rcc on simplistic unrealistic silliness fo one board "the Rcc is unable to deal with real criticism". apparently you live outside the realm of reality and have not had access to the internet or televisions for the last century or so. doing some simple research and maybe then you will, be more competant to make statements.

    i notice you are a lawyer and thus should know better about making such ridiculous blanket statements.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We, Catholics, do not shy away from criticism. Lets face it, the only real allowed prejudice allowed today is that against Catholics.

    What we don't like, as I would suspect few people like, is when people make judgments on something they don't understand, and then take an answer from someone that doesn't understand either.

    If you have questions about what the Catholic church believes, ask a Catholic - don't ask a Baptist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Angela why do you always talk a load of tripe?

    I think you would love to be a Catholic, and what you cant get you attack, why don't you grow up.

    Catholic don't believe that rubbish, are you quite sure you are an old man, I think you are a stupid schoolboy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have withstood "real criticism" for over 2000+ yrs. now, and still going. The real criticism that we have withstood has included torture and death and fire and wild beasts, and we survive. The opinions people like you and Chris have of us are nothing compared to what Holy Mother Church has suffered for the faith over the centuries. Our ancestors brought the barbarian tribes of Europe and your island out of savagery and into the fold of Christ and gave them all the blessings of Chrisy and civilization. We saved Christian Europe from the attacks of the Moslem's. We kept Christianity alive so people like Chris could fall into error and proclaim we are not Christian, because we do not follow his error. You can keep on criticizing, we will survive.

  • to go as far as to say corrupt, i don't know. certainly they are misguided. many people have suspected mafia connections, but this may just be people who have a thought once every ten years and the thought for this decade was: 'Mafia = Italian links; Roman Cathilic = Italian links; therefore, Roman Catholic = Italian Links = Mafia.'. or there could be a grain of truth in there; muck and gold come out the same mine, no smoke without fire, etc...

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