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Does this news story illustrate the non-violent nature of Islam?

KISMAYU, Somalia - Somali Islamists have stoned to death a woman accused of adultery in the first such public killing by the militants for about two years, witnesses said.

The 23-year-old woman was placed in a hole up to her neck for the execution late on Monday in front of hundreds of people in a square of the southern port of Kismayu, which the Islamist insurgents captured in August.

Stones were hurled at her head, and she was brought out of the hole three times to see if she had died.

When a relative and others surged forward, guards opened fire, killing a child, the witnesses said.


The article says they are Islamic extremists... but why didn't the non-extremists stop them from doing this? Not just the family... but the other dozens of people who came to watch? A non-violent people don't condone violence, either.


Me F.: If Islam means peace, why did these followers of Islam stone a woman to death and open fire on the family who attempted to save her? That seems to contradict your statement.

Update 2:

From an article on on the same news story:

"The stoning was totally irreligious and illogical," said her sister, who asked not to be named. "Islam does not execute a woman for adultery unless four witnesses and the man with whom she committed sex are brought forward publicly."

So even the peaceful followers of Islam would stone a woman to death if 4 witnesses and the man with whom she had sex came forward... and the man is not put to death as well?


Update 3:

Blackacre... yup, I've read up on the Salem witch trials AND the bible and all other forms of Christian violence toward people. Their god is one of the most violent beings in history, IMHO. I'm an atheist myself... and I've been witness to some good, old-fashioned Christian "tolerance."

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wonder if such large groups of people could be so incredibly mean if they didn't have a religion to justify their behavior. Islam, like any other religion means whatever a person wants it to. If a person wants peace they say it means peace. If a person wants to beat a woman to death they say it tells them to beat a woman to death. Problem is if the guy next to you says it means beat the infidels and you disagree, that makes you the next infidel. You have to shut off a certain amount of your brain to believe any part of those religious teachings and for some the leap to turn off that part of your brain that makes you a reasonable human being and not a sociopath isn't that big of a jump. We see it everyday. Then they will turn around and call us evil because we don't believe in god. When was they last time you saw a group of atheist gathered up to stone someone to death?

  • 5 years ago

    Interesting theory but: When Islam began the whole world was violent, not just the Muslims. Also in America where sexuality is not repressed but freely expressed, there is quite a lot of crime and violence. I think the cause of Islamic violence has more to do with the govts in power in Islamic countries and their mindset to accept the powers that be. This has also happened in Germany and Russia in recent history. Violence is not unique to Islam. In times past, Christians had much the same mindset that Muslims do now. Becoming more and more secular has resulted in More violence in society, not less.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is not an Islamic problem. The same laws and punishments are in the Bible and in the Torah.

    This is a problem with backward societies that have not developed past the theocracy level with the rest of the world.

    Think more of why we ignore biblical commandments and laws. This is because our societies have moved on to a secular level where the laws are made by society rather than copied out of an old book, not because those books were rewritten.

    As for why this was not stopped, having armed guards has a pretty strong effect. Sure, a crowd of a few hundred could overcome a squad of guards. But many will die. Who wants to be the one who starts the crowd off, and be the first one shot?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What many don't know is the meaning of Islam in Arabic is not "peace" but "submission." In my opinion, not every Muslim is violent at heart. Most are living peaceful lives. They simply want to work and raise their families the best way they can.

    This story breaks my heart. I can only imagine the terror and fear this poor woman and her family experienced. It is beyond my comprehension how such barbaric practices still take place in today's world.

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  • Jimbo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think that this illustrates the backward nature of the societal zeitgeist in these countries far more than it does anything hateful regarding Islam itself. Use of a religion to advocate violence is something that still takes place in the name of Christianity, and used to to a far greater extent. What is shocking and disgusting to me is that religion is allowed any place in determining a national law, and that the death penalty is allowed to continue anywhere. Effort should be made to remedy this in these countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find it a strange religion... Mohammed married a 6 year old girl, Aisha, and consummated the marriage when she was 9! Her father Abu Bakr played a major role in the Sunni and Shia split that occurred within the faith. I don't know how Muslims view these occurrences?

  • 1 decade ago

    (((by simon T))) I guess your unaware, Jesus stopped the stoning of the adulteress women...Let he without sin cast the first stone!

    why didn't the non-extremists stop them from doing this? Not just the family... but the other dozens of people who came to watch? A non-violent people don't condone violence, either.

    Words well chosen, and wise. But...I must ask you to consider that <<< Their god is one of the most violent beings in history>>> is not the example Jesus portrayed...That is Man's doing. God sent His Son to Show us how to Love one another. Did they follow Jesus actions, @#$No.

    Source(s): Catholic@Heart
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it would appear so (sarcasm intended). Islam is the arabic word for submission, so it doesn't mean peace in any sense. Salam is the word for peace. Islamic Shariah law violates all of the basic human rights.

  • S K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Whatever gains the violent part of Islam makes will benefit the non-violent part of Islam. That's why they say they don't agree with the actions, but will gladly enjoy the benefits.

  • 1 decade ago

    In each and every community and religion there are devils in sheep's clothing. Unfortunately the media is biased towards highlighting these kind of people. Its more sensational,and it appeals to our sense of intrigue.

    People reading, reporting and commenting about this article do not differ from those who watched while the woman was butchered. It's the most interesting part of their day!

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