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Nobama! asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

So what is the number now?

First Obama said that you were getting higher taxes if you make over 250k. Today Biden said that number is 150k. The Obama camp then corrected it and said 200k.

What is the final number for wealth redistribution?


Its not a progressive tax system if you give a rebate back to someone who didn't pay taxes. That is "spreading the wealth around."

Update 2:

As far as the cite, I'll have to find it in print. I saw the video on ABC news at 5:30 pm

If you refund some of the money that companies paid in taxes, that is a refund just like many individuals get. If you give money to more people than pay taxes, that is redistribution.

Update 3:

Joe Biden interview yesterday on WNEP-TV, Channel 16 in Scranton Wilkes-Barre

19 Answers

  • Andrea
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's voted to raise taxes 4 times this year on people making $42,500. I won't take his word, I'll look at his voting history

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama and Biden are obviously not on the same page. Obama will employ spreading the wealth by letting the Bush tax cuts expire, and also by using judges that he appoints to the supreme court to go around the separation of powers act.

    Obama has called the Constitution a bill of negative rights. He means to appoint judges to the supreme court that will go further than the Warren court went. These people will effectively circumvent the bill of rights, via separation of powers and let judges redistribute the wealth as they see fit.

    In other words if your poor or lower middle class you’ll get money from those who have more.

    McCain / Palin

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not just the number, it's how it's calculated.

    For instance, Democrat calculations of "the rich" have often included "imputed rent". What does this mean? If you own your own home it is calculated as if you received rent income. So, while your pay stub may say $50,000/year, to a Democrat you earn $75,000 because of the rent you didn't have to pay on the house you own.

    Get medical benefits? Add some for that.

    Dental insurance? Add some more.

    Disability insurance? Cha-ching.

    Life insurance? Congratulations! You're rich!

  • 1 decade ago

    I wasn't aware that it had changed, and I'm not finding anything in the news that indicates it has. Do you have a link or two? I'd love to read up on this.

    FYI, "wealth redistribution" is a misnomer. The rich will be giving more to the government, not to the poor.

    The only existing proposal for sending money to the poor is from Bernanke, and he's not associated with either campaign.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You all sound so stupid over the wealth redistribution. Why not criticize Bush for the wealth redistribution for Wall Street? What surprises me is the americans who are criticizing Obama's plan (Same as Bill Clinton and we had some pretty good years.) will never come close to making over 250,000 in their life time to worry about this. Get over it Obama will win Nov. 4th and life will go on.

  • 1 decade ago

    The final number will be determined by the cost of all the give-aways he has promised. You didn't really think he could pull off his plan without hitting up more of America's "rich" folks, did you.

    Give him a couple of years and "rich" will probably be around 50K. I can't wait - I've always wanted to be rich!

  • 1 decade ago

    The constitution outlines a "progressive tax system", so calling it wealth redistribution is just rhetoric.

    The numbers changing around is not good, however.

  • 1 decade ago

    The final number will be anything you make,,time is short people better wake up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama voted 94 times, to raise taxes on anyone making less then $42,000 a year. He is going to tax us to death. That is one thing you can be sure of.

  • 1 decade ago

    There will be no final number. New taxes for EVERYBODY!!!!!!!! Not just the rich. It is his way to get elected. Such a joke and yet people are buying into his scheming.

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