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Why are we willing to accept tainted foods and goods that are killing us?

Come on North America, we are the people, why are we accepting such abuse from the free trade world and governments.

Have we not lost enough of our love ones, afraid to eat everything from lettuce, chicken, or drink our water


Afraid to allow our kids to play with lead filled toys (plastics and paints)

Haven't our water ways been depleted enough with ships dumping illegal oils and debri, fished our seas empty for the rich, and then sell our products back to us at prices we can't afford. And what about the lakes and rivers we used to be able to swim in, not important enough I guess.

What about the groceries that are rotten inside from the long trips to our countries unripe, frozen and then found to be rotten when we get them home.

Deplete our forests to sell to other countries and then again sell the lumber back to us at outrages prices.

Why can't we go back to buying products grown in our own countries, support our farmers, families and have the money to buy the things grown in our oun backyards.

We are the people and the money is not going into our pockets, why are we waiting, we can see how this has been working for us so far, how much more do we need to take before we take action.

I live in the richest area of the best soil which used to produce the best crops, but now I can't go to the groceries store to buy them. Our farmers can't afford to grow them anymore as the government won't support our farmers.

I am tired of buying clothes that last us a few days and then need to be thrown out as the material is not made to last.

Where did our rights go as a free consumers?

I guess it has gone with our paycheques that used to come from our jobs which are now in the 2nd and 3rd worlds which pays pennies for their labour.

Yes this is a new world, congradulation, I hope you feel very proud of what you have done.

Great jobs all you CEOs and government official, I guess this is not a concern of yours, you can have planes ship you the best, get the best medical treatment and vacation in luxury while we try to figure out whether we can afford the gas to earn a few dollars to buy the groceries that is making us sick.

Perhaps you could drop a few cans of goods into our food banks, some toys into the local boxes to help make a childs Christmas this year, help collect some coats for the kids who must go cold this winter, and if you have a heart, maybe you could arrange for our kids to get the school supplies to dream of jobs that are no longer here.

By the way, don't worry about my dogs who have died due to the poisonous plastics that your accepted into our countries as dog food, they died in our arms because we couldn't afford the vet bills.

Enjoy the money that you will never be able to spend as I am sure you feel powerful, perhaps you can buy a spot on Mars, I am sure you will enjoy the view of what used to be earth!

And as for us left behind, are we going to sit by and watch this play out any futher? or have we had enough?

Are we going to use our last breath to speak out and say no more!, or are we going to use it to complain to each other?

I for one am so tired of the greed that comes with money

We used to be considered middle class, with two incomes, now we are a now am just another one those who lost our home because we couln't afford the mortage.


wow, some of you have a real funny sense of humour and you gave me a good laugh this morning.

However, I was not just talking about myself although I did use some of my details, I was talking to North Americans.

If you have not been affected by some of these issues yet, just wait!, it is coming.

I now buy strickly from North America, plant a small garden and buy from used clothing stores, I ride a bike when I can and try to use my free time to convince those of you who can to use your voice in hopes of making change!

Thanks for the laughs, even in these times of recession and depression :-)

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, that's capitalism and globalization for you.

    Everything that the CEOs do is economically sound. You're right, they don't care about our health and well being, only to the degree that we don't file lawsuits and cause them to lose money. And they do more than just bring poisonous foods and materials into the country. They fund and support wars, control the prison/"corrections" industry,

    And when people like you put the corporations, lobbyists, and politicians out for what they really are, they claim it's your fault and you need to "work harder".

    It's time for a change, but too many people are ignorant to what changes it is that need to be made.


    Source(s): Socialist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. So you have lost family members to tainted vegetables, your kids have no toys, you can't go swimming, the food you get at the grocery store is rotten inside, your dogs have died, and you've lost your house? You are either the unluckiest person alive, writing a country song, or the dumbest a$$hole I've ever heard of.

    Ps. Stop shopping at the dollar store for your clothes.

  • Amber
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So buy American made products, they aren't that hard to find. Go to farmers markets and mom and pop shops. And I'm sorry about you losing your house, but you should know better than to take out a loan that sounds too good to be true.

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