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What to get for my step-girls?

One is in the 8th grade (and that means in high school where we live) the other is in the 6th grade. I got them each a HSM throw for their beds and HSM bath and body sets, and I got them each a Vera Bradley Bag (but not the same one-I got them a bag based on what they carry with them). My hubby is now a bit put out that I didn't do our usual thing of getting them the exact same stuff. And he is now determined that the remaining gifts be the same. I think they are old enough to get that they are 2 separate people with separate interest-I want to get my oldest books that she wants or a gift card to a book store and the youngest something that she likes. Last year we asked for 2 months for a gift list and they never did give us one so we just had to guess and my hubby got them Barbies. Any tips on what is big with this age group? Shopping for them was easier when they liked toys-LOL.


And I should say my hubby still seems to think both girls are around the age of 5-7. I talked to the girls about this and they get that he wants them to be his little girls and is having a tough time thinking of them as teens-but still I would rather not have to explain gifts that don't really suit them again this year. And I did check and VB is big at thier schools and they seemed to be interested in it-so I think that will be a great surprise/treat, but they will know that I picked that. I want their dad to pick something appropriate for them this year.

Update 2:

Needs to be under the $25 mark for each-we try to keep it under $100 for them since their mother also uses the child support payment to do Xmas gifts for them. And we have also found in the past they will give the same list to thier mom.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    try doing equal things but not the exact same... like two books each, a cd each, and stuff like that. tell your husband this way they can share them and it'll be less waste since it's like four for each of them to share. my parents always do that for my brothers and i... like we all get books (the same #) and we'll get clothes that are similar (like jeans i'll get the girl version and they'll get identical guy versions). This way neither of them feel older or younger, and they won't be jelous because they can share. also, if you're doign the shopping tell him you're getting htem what you want or else he can do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you definently know what the girl's like and so far I think you're doing a great job! It's understandable that he still thinks they're little. My dad is still in shock and denial that I'm a grown woman and no longer in my teens and living with my boyfriend now! I don't think they should get the same things. They're old enough to not get jealous over what the other one has. Each is different and want the things they're into. It's completely understandable. I don't have any tips for you because you are doing great! Keep doing what you're doin.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would think by now they have grown out of Barbies, maybe start them a collection of those barbies (the ones you keep in the box). That would be a suggestion for your husband to get them.

    Ask him what he wants to get them, and go from there. I don't think that you getting them another present (books/gift card for the one and a seperate for the other) will be that big of a deal and he can still get them something he wants to get them.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they must be the same, go to and order personalized pillowcases. They're bright and funky, not plain embroidered. They're $15, practical, and you can make them match. Girls around here absolutely love the things! Who'd have thought a pillowcase would make a good gift? Best gift EVER!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i do not think kids should get the same things, funny thing is my kids and my husband would disagree with you and I. I always mess up by mot getting them the same-even my daughter need to have them cars too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you can get your oldest daughter, a camera or an ipod?

    maybe you can get the younger one, some brats? i dont know.

    try to ask them want they really want.

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