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Should children get rewarded for helping out at home?? i dont think explain why?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think it depends on the chore and the age of the child... for example my children who are under five are expected to do small jobs like cleaning up their toys and helping to keep things tidy, if they do a good job without complaining i may reward them with being able to watch a show they like, dessert after dinner, or something as simple as playing a game with them... no matter what attitude they started with i always give them praise after they've finished a job... however i think older children should be given pocket money/allowance that they only get if they complete their chores. i think by rewarding a child when they've helped out it gives them a sense of being helpful and achieving something. Just as in the grown up world you get paid to do a job.

  • 1 decade ago

    To some extent they should be rewarded, but not every time or all the time. This is called conditioning. If you let your kids think that they will get rewarded, they will do the chores by themselves without you having to tell them. It is what they call a POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT. It encourages good behavior. Reward them sometimes so they don't expect to be rewarded but will be happy if they do. Search sigmund freud. The experiment he did with the dog and the way it salivated will explain part of it. (Not that I am comparing kids with dogs.)

    Source(s): psychology 101
  • Ynot
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I certainly believe they should. Kids should be rewarded for doing good and punished when they're bad. It's part of the learning process.

    However, how you reward them is another question. It may be simply to give them more time, more respect, more leeway, and more tolerance. Rewards in cash or goodies by themselves is serving little purpose other than encouraging materialism.

  • 1 decade ago

    depends on each child. if the child needs attention and praise then yes they should be rewarded. however if the child does not need constant praise then no, it may not be beneficiary to reward them.

    some kids have low self esteem, and rewards will make them feel better about themselves.

    however as adults who have children need to remember, that your child will grow up one day, and if you are always giving them rewards, they will start to expect rewards all the time and may want rewards as an adult to

    Source(s): my own logic
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes and no...

    Some kids do the chores / help out because they want to whereas other kids only do it because they're afraid of being spanked/ good hidings

    So yes, if you ask a child to do something and they do it, they should be rewarded

    If they don't do something when you've asked them to do it, they should be punished

    But yet again different strokes for different folks

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