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Tim L
Lv 5
Tim L asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why are we still arguing over Obama's birth certificate?

Now, I'm NOT an Obama supporter. Didn't vote for the man who is now President-Elect. But this whole birth certificate stuff is just nonsense.

In order to believe that Obama was not a natural-born citizen, you have to believe that:

1) He was born in Kenya (okay)

2) Either a) someone with his exact same name (and father's name) was born on the same day in Hawaii and had a birth announcement in the papers OR

b) His parents (or someone close to them) decided to make a fake birth announcement in Hawaii newspapers on that day.

3) There was such a conspiracy that they KNEW that Obama was the "messiah" and would one day be President, which is why it was so important for him to fake natural born citizenship (as opposed to naturalized citizenship)

4) That despite wanting him to be President someday, they gave him his father's middle name Hussein, which is clearly of Arab origin and would most likely scare off middle America.

5) That Hillary Clinton's crack-job team of investigators would have failed to bring this up in the Primaries.

Like I said, I didn't vote for the man, but isn't all this nonsense? Why does he have to dignify these baseless lawsuits with a response?


6) That McCain's team would have overlooked this as well.

7) That McCain, after losing the election, would just let this sort of thing slide.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess we will know on Dec. 5 when the supreme court hears the case. Either he will prove it or not.

    I personally hope they make a fool out of him

    If you read the actually papers in the lawsuit rather than internet interpretations then you will see there are some good questions Obama needs to answer. I jsut wonder why if he is a citizen that he has not release certified copies of everything about him. That would have settled the whole issue. Instead he's kept it hidden.

    What they are saying is that Obama's grandmother claims that she was actually present at the birth of Obama in a kenyan hospital. She has told reporters that and Philip Berg has a tape of it. Obama's mother was too pregnant to get on the plane to fly to Hawaii and they made her stay in Kenya. She had Obama in Kenya, then flew to Hawaii and registered his birth. Now to be a citizen, if you have both parents as citizens and born out of the country then you are automatically a citizen, but if only one of them is a citizen like in Obama's case then obama's mother would have had to be at least 19 to qualify him as a citizen and she was only 17 at the time. These are reasons they are suing. There were way more than a few family members in Kenya saying the same things

    If you would like a Lawyers accurate interpretation of the law, seeing that some people don't know how to read it, then go to bergs website and pull up the actually court documents and read through them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, everyone wondering about a birth certificate proving that Obama is eligible under the constitution must be crazy. In fact there were over 107,000 nut cases that wrote to their congressmen wanting clarification on the website. There are over 17 lawsuits against him. What other president elect has ever had lawsuits filed against them prior to taking office?

    At this point, Obama better produce it. This is our Constitution. He has already said it needs changing. It isn't good enough for it good enough for you? How can anyone trust a man who can't even pass his own job application for a security clearance.

    It is the media that usually vets the candidates. The media didn't do their job. It was lost in the haze, the image, the myth. He wouldn't release any information, everything was sealed. Don't you wonder why? This is not baseless....and not just Republicans are wanting the truth. This was started way before the elections.

    A Kenyan ambassador says on the radio that Obama’s birthplace IN KENYA is now a pilgrimage spot. Says it’s common knowledge in Kenya. "WRIF Radio, Detroit About twelve minutes into a Detroit radio station’s interview with Kenyan ambassador Peter Ogego, he is asked whether or not monuments will be erected in honor of Obama’s elevation to the United States presidency. Do listen to it in total, so you hear the entire connection going through to Kenya.

    Then there is World Net Daily that is starting a petition too.


    WorldNetDaily Exclusive

    Petition to see the birth certificate

    Online effort launched to answer presidential eligibility question



    Obama's state secret: His birth certificate!

    Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges readers to sign Constitution-saving petition

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it is an important point to be looked into as pointed out by Catcher: Your points are very well taken and documented. The sheeple need to know if they were duped by a foreigner and at this point in tme, throw everything and everyone into chaos.

    Source(s): Don't blame me...I voted for Ron Paul
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, only 1) above is required.

    Obama's mother probably came back and did not want to admit that she gave birth in Kenya, because then Obama would not be a U.S. citizen, so she fibbed about the birth date when she returned and registered the birth and put a matching birth announcement in the papers.

    FYI (and this means you - dayooper57) - Under the laws in existance in August 1961, Obama would NOT be a U.S. citizen if he were born in Kenya.

    Catcher in the Rye - You are not exactly correct.

    Obama’s mother (Ann Dunham Soetoro) was born in November 29, 1942, and Obama was born August 4, 1961.

    Under the laws in effect in 1961, 66 Stat. 163, the “Immigration and Nationality Act” of 1952:

    Sec. 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

    (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen…

    Obama’s mother's deadline (for the " least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen…) ended on November 29, 1961, almost 4 months AFTER Obama was born.

    Therefore, when she gave birth to Obama, Section 7 did not confir U.S. citizenship on Obama.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not. I can't believe anyone thinks a candidate could get through the primaries AND the general election without being a background check by the feds.

  • 1 decade ago

    well they have till dec 1 to reply to the charges then a trial date will be set by the supreme court. so we will all find out soon enough one way or another.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your mother was an american citizen it makes no difference what country you were born in you are and american citizen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They can't honestly think of a better reason to be against him so a desperate to hold onto this false theory

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People can't get over it when they need to

  • 1 decade ago

    the people that do it, basically, have no lives.

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