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When is it ok to hold a family intervention?

I just had a nice time talking with my uncle, his gf, and cousin that stoppped over for Thanksgiving today. And everyone was getting along pretty well. Even my mom that isn't really for interracial dating, as my uncle's gf is white. But after they left the real trouble started, when my cousin used our computer and brought up a MySpace page for me and my mom to look at. My dad saw it too when he was coming to get something to drink. And low and behold it was of my newly turned 12 year old second cousin, posing on there as a 14 year old girl living in some place that she doesn't and having added older people that posted nude pics, and even have her nickname as MissFlamedUp. Now I'm not all that affiliated with gangs or anything, but my cousin told my mom that there used to be pics up of our second cousin in red and the Flamed up nickname was a code for the Bloods gang, that some of the second cousin's father's side of the family might be into. More background is that for years everyone in the family has known my aunt negatively influenced my second cousin for quite some time ever since she was a baby. And the second cousin's mom even says she hates her(that is due to the father no longer wanting to be with her). But still there has been quite a bit of negativity going on for some time around this girl and I'm personally sick of it. I know its not my place as a cousin to get into that side of the family's business. But I don't really know what to do or to say anymore and I just don't want to see this young kid hurt. Does anyone have any ideas or clues as to how to start a family intervention with the aunt and the girl's mother and even the child herself? Because this behavior has gotten especially dangerous now. I mean the girl lies, and steals, even fights back with my aunt, alot of it physically now. And the whole gang deal is not helping matters. So please anyone have any ideas what I can do? I mean my own mom says I should leave it to God, but I don't think I can anymore.

3 Answers

  • Marc M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd recommend looking into professional help; there are former gang members who are now gang intervention specialists, who might be able to help the girl get out of the gang. This assumes that the aunt now recognizes that the situation has gotten out of hand, and wants to help. Beyond that, you can try to be as supportive as possible, and (if none of these steps are working) have as little to do as possible with those members of the family.

    Good luck, I hope you are able to resolve the situation.

  • Chiky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would also recommend a former gang member to talk to. In fact, seek out your local community center and ask if they have a social worker on staff who might know of a former gang member that might be willing to help. Talk to that former gang member, see what he and/or the social worker would recommend. Specifically how you can help the mom get hold of this situation. An intervention is a bit much... at least with your involvement. But here's the thing... if it were me, I'd convince the mom to call the cops the next time that child stole something or hit someone, or I'd call them myself. I would never recommend that to anyone else. You really don't want to get in the middle. But as far as the myspace thing, you can turn her in to Myspace. And it can be completely anonymous. Even if her profile can only be seen by friends, she doesn't have to know you are the friend that turned her in. But any questionable pictures can be traced. That needs to stop NOW! If she seeks attention from older men, that could get ugly really quick! That's extremely dangerous, and I encourage no one to take lightly things that are questionable like nude pictures from of-age people sent to a teen or under-aged person. It's sick and not cool by any means.

    Good luck!

  • 5 years ago

    Federal law states it's illegal for a illegal to work in the US. Congress will not vote to change that. Allowing one state to do this opens the door for every state.

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