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C&A How would you survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

So I was thinking about Hellsing, and High School of the Dead, and I thought this would be a fun question to ask.

A couple of ground rules:

1. Make it realistic. Yes a secret underground military bunker would be the BEST place to hide out, but you aren't going to find that. And unless your town is somehow overflowing with AK-47s, you can't just randomly have one. Oh and obviously no C&Aish superpowers.

2. The Zombies don't have any supernatural abilities (super strength, speed, jumping, etc). They move relatively slow (largely from infection wounds), but can run if they are in a good enough body. They are stupid (they will try to knock down an unlock door instead of using the handle). Animals don't get infected.

Without further ado, here's the questionnaire:

>Primary Weapon:

>Secondary Weapon:

>Melee Weapon:


>Other Gear:

>Base of Operations:

>Solo or Group:

>Basic Survival Plan:


Anyways, here's my list:

>Primary Weapon: I have a bolt action rifle at home. Would prefer to trade up to an M1 Carbine at local gun shop.

>Secondary Weapon: Browning BDM Pistol

>Melee Weapon: Cricket Bat (yes Chu, I saw Shaun of the Dead)

>Clothing: Pierce resistant clothing as a bottom layer (old Fencing suit), and whatever over top. Hunting vest to hold clips, knife, light, etc. The best helmet I can find.

>Other Gear: Water filters, radio, MREs, compass, map, backpack, extra ammo, cordless drill w/ screws, batteries.

>Base of Operations: Steel Factory near my house. It is surrounded by a fence, and has a train for an escape route. It also has a dining hall, first aid station, and a crane for lookout- and lots o materials XD.

>Solo or Group: Whoever is near bye.

>Basic Survival Plan: Get some basic supplies, and head to the Plant. Fortify with steel. Contact and quarantine survivors, and wait.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So cool, i love role playing XD

    >Primary Weapon:

    Um, realistic eh.. i have a dagger in my cabinet which i can use and an old katana in another cabinet at home. Yeah pretty old style but its better than nothing.

    >Secondary Weapon:

    My brother has a pretty realistic pellet gun, its really strong, the kind of pellets are metal and can pierce thru skin O.o idk why he has it but im taking it if i need to.And it shoots 600 rounds per min. it could be auto or semi auto XD

    >Melee Weapon:

    lol i have a sledge hammer under my bed but no one would believe me since im just a 14 yr old girl. But yea i have one under my bed. XD and im strong so i can carry the thing around.


    Let me see, i dont have much but the only thing i can think off was armour from my martial arts and self defense training, so ill use that. and some comfortable clothes underneath

    >Other Gear:

    uhhh! my brothers motor helmet ^^ and a backpack with a radio,water,some energy bars

    >Base of Operations:

    lol, where i live, cuz i live in a building and it has 22 floors sooo much space to hide in! Or maybe the airforce base and navy base nearby XD

    >Solo or Group:

    Umm, Id tag along anyone i see or id let anyone tag along with me ^^

    >Basic Survival Plan:

    Ummm.. Since base is home ill just have to lock up and stock on food. But if ever something goes wrong in the building id bring some necessary stuff to the navy base, since there are boats there in case i need to escape XD, that..and wait. Oh and since im either in the building(home) or the base, which has a few floors, i can snipe shot some zombies from up there ^_^.. I think it was an AK47 model.

    thank youuu this is soo fun ♥

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This sounds more like an RPG thing. And the weridest thing is that I'm currently involved with one.

    >Primary Weapon: Shotgun

    >Secondary Weapon: Pistol

    >Melee Weapon: Metal pole

    >Clothing: basic human clothing with a little chain mail.

    >Other Gear: Survival pack, case of Ammo, computer, bicycle run power generator, a few gallons of gasoline, TV and a few other things to fend off boredom and other.

    >Base of Operations: Gander Mountain location in Eden Prairie MN

    >Solo or Group: Group, it'd get lonely and sooner or later you'll end up joining them if you're all alone.

    >Basic Survival Plan: Live. Get to a high ground and put as much stuff in the way as possible. Shut down the elevator and lock the doors leading into the place (they may be stupid, but that doesn't mean that they can't set off motion senors)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mat, if you have seen Shaun of the Dead, That is obviously what I will do 8)

    >Primary Weapon: Shovel

    >Secondary Weapon: Butcher Knife

    >Melee Weapon: Baseball Bat

    >Clothing: Fleece, Jeans, KSwiss Shoes x)

    >Other Gear: Cell phone

    >Base of Operations: The Pub, lmfao jk, Police Station? Walmart?

    >Solo or Group: Hmm, my friend, he'd be like Ed from Shaun of the Dead x)

    >Basic Survival Plan: Go to Wal Mart, and wait with the rest of the people, their are basically weapons there, plus protection? and protection will come :P

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice Q Mat

    >Primary Weapon: Two Glock 19. M1911 (cuz my step-dad's a cop and these would be the only guns in the house, except for...)

    >Secondary Weapon: A hunting rifle. idk what kind it would be but it's the only other gun we have in the house. logical choice

    >Melee Weapon: Katana. Ok so i would have to sharpen it, but it still would work. I always wanted to cut the head off of something >:D

    >Clothing: Kendo gear and anything that would make good padding lying around.

    >Other Gear: Cooler with food and drinks, ammo, any other weapons we can carry, anything needed to hotwire a car, cell phones (privided they still work), map and compass, other small essentials

    >Base of Operations: The high school just a few blocks away. Doors lock, and there's food and some busses and a nearby in case we need to re-locate

    >Solo or Group: Any of my friends/family who have survived, as well as any SANE person still alive.

    >Basic Survival Plan: prepare to transport all survivors from the high school in the busses to a safer place, attempting to contact other survivors

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    This really sounds fun. It does remind me of Hellsing's type of zombies, and those zombie movies.

    >Primary Weapon: Pistols

    >Secondary Weapon: Flame Thrower

    >Melee Weapon: rocks

    >Clothing: Hoodie, jeans, good running shoes

    >Other Gear: Backback, wireless internet laptop, map, food and water, bike

    >Base of Operations: Tree house, basement, drug store, mall

    >Solo or Group: Group (can't really do it alone) with neighbors and family, friends, others

    >Basic Survival Plan: Just kill many zombies, moving from place to place to find another group. "Survival of the fitess"

    If this takes months, I basically need a whole lot of gasoline for the flame thrower. Zombies rot or distinguish when they're in a blaze. Try to find out what causes the zombies to roam around on land. Find the military base.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

    According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.

  • 1 decade ago

    >Primary Weapon: err..I was gonna say katana...but I don't thnk that'll e enough, and I'm too young to have a gun..

    to hell with rules!!!>:3

    I'll have a gun thiny!!:D

    >Secondary Weapon:YAY!! Ktana!! which I found on a weapon shop thingy that is abandoned. So I kinda stole it..XD

    >Melee Weapon:err...cellphone? to contact others..err an axe would be nice too..:3

    >Clothing:OOH!!!! err...of course a shirt. a COMFY shirt. and a jacket thingy with a hood!! aaaaand a skirt and leggings. Black leggings.. and the comfiest boots to ever exist!!!X3ooh. if not leggings, black tights.:3

    or black leggings AND black and white striped knee-high socks. the leggings go like an inch and a half from the knees.XD

    and the boots inch below the knee, and the socks cover the whole knee.

    I love dressing up..o.o''


    >Other Gear:err..a backpack with all essentials? paper,pen,knives,cellphone, mp4, manga, water, holy water..[o.o''] but super light, like it doesn't contain anything at all..because of adrenaline..?


    >Base of Chu said, Walmart or something like that can get ALL sorts of things you'll ever need.>:3

    >Solo or Group: group? whoever's still alive I guess..XD

    >Basic Survival Plan: err. survive. what else?


    err. kill zombies. or re-kill them. like send them back to their graves. and try to find a way to cure the ones that was infected. aaaaaaand people who doesn't like blood and gore should be left on the base and do something useful, else we use them as bait so we won't be eaten. Mercy shouldn't exist in this situation.o.o''


    I forgot to include an internet laptop thingy!! so yeah!!>:3

    include that!!


  • 1 decade ago

    Ello Neighbor!

    >Primary Weapon: A ummmmmm....let's go with math book.

    >Secondary Weapon: unbearably heavy backpack with math book.

    >Melee Weapon: foot.

    >Clothing:school wear

    >Other Gear:art pencils!!!!

    >Base of Operations:art class....(all the cool people avoid it).

    >Solo or Group:Semi-solo. I team up when I need to.

    >Basic Survival Plan: Zombies can't think of anything but large, healthy brains so everyone stay in the art and gym classes!! Math classes will go first!!!

    heay, that's what would really happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Big Axe


    Cricket Bat

    Nothing Special, dont have anything

    Swiss Army Knife, Compass, Water Purifying tablets

    Building Site near my house


    Guerilla warfare

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