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maggie asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

I have two cats they are 2 and allmost two and they are great except?

the grey one wants to be in bed right on my stomach and wont let the other one on the bed she wont leave me all night and i try to put her down and she comes right back whats wrong with her is she that devoted or afraid to get down???

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't worry too much about it.

    We have two cats as well. One is our male, the other our female. Our female is super cuddly and loves being with us all the time and likes to get under covers, and our male will just curl up in the same area as us, but not always right next to you. But at night time, everything changes!

    He'll be on my mom's bed and will lay right by her face, and actually used to lay on her face like he was trying to suffocate her, but now he just lays by her chest. Anyway, our female will try to come up and lay close to her face, too, but he'll kick her off! He won't ever let her get close so she's forced to sleep by her feet.

    It's a cat thing. They like cuddling and warmth, and enjoy being close to their people, but get territorial. By chance is it a male with another male or female or two females? Because that would explain it. Males are naturally dominate, and with two females they will compete with dominance, too.

    With your cat not leaving you after you put it down, same thing. Our female won't ever leave you alone! I counted one night how many times she would come into my bed before she would stop, and it was 16!

    Just let her snuggle with you and be happy you have a heater in the winter =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haha no. I have a cat that is exactly the same way except hes 8 and he has been doing it since he was a kitten. If your gone a lot at work or something or you just changed from being away at home he could feel a little left out or maybe he just wants to be with you. It helps if you just sit on the couch and pet her and let her know that she is one of your top priorities. But what i would do is try to have the other cat on the bed before or try holding them out of your bedroom at the same time. and give time for the other cat to get use to having him or her on the bed with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like your grey cat is trying to be the dominate one. Telling the other one that she's not allowed on the bed. Just put them both up there, and make her figure out that they are both allowed on the bed. I had a cat that slept on my stomach too. Don't know why, he just did. Good luck with your kitties.

  • 1 decade ago

    the grey cat sounds lovely but a bit irritating it obviously loves you very much but also knows the other cat wants a share in the intimacy and is being possessive and clingy to annoy the other cat.

    you will never sort this out as the grey cat is dominant but you could mess them up a little by shutting them both out of the bedroom sometimes .

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  • 1 decade ago

    She just got taken away from her mama so let her stay there and put the other one there too let them play. They need attention so yeah!

  • 1 decade ago

    she loves you and she feels safe with you! She doesn't want the other cat around you because she wants all of your attention!

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