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Should I cancel the Holiday?

I have four kids aged 19 through 10. I went to wrap presents today and one of the presents is missing. I believe one of the children took it and will not admit it. I even think I know which child didi it. I can not prove it . Should I refuse presents to all 4 kids until the guilty party comes forward and if not, What should I do?


the present was for my 17yo autistic son, I believe my 19 yo son took it since it was a item he really wanted as well. I know I didn't misplace it since I had all the presents in one bag and this is the only one missing and I had shown it to my wife just 12 hours before.

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yes you should. It'll teach them all a lesson not to steal. They have to learn sooner or later.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's tough to punish the other kids for one kid's mistake

    If it were me - I would say that Christmas is going to be canceled for everyone unless the present was put back or someone confessed and then leave and give them the opportunity to put it back

    Although... I'VE been known to be wrong and forget where I put something too - I'd be very very sure you didn't misplace the present yourself before I canceled Christmas :)

    I swore up and down about a gash on our wood floor that I swore was a mark left by my son's skateboard - I punished all the kids because none would confess to leaving the gash - and then two days later I caught the damn dog eating our wooden floor - needless to say I had to apologize to the kids and eat quite a bit of crow (which was not very fun in the least!)

    my point being - make sure you didn't loose it or misplace it ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are sure you didn't just misplace it somewhere and have a pretty good idea of who took it, have a (calm) talk with the kid you suspect. I think what is more important than WHO is WHY. Mere mischief or bad feelings over something?

    Have the talk and leave an opening for a later confession if you get no admission of guilt on the spot.

    I think you can express your disappointment to the group, but I wouldn't make everyone unhappy over this. Hope you all have a happy Christmas,in any case. It's so much more than presents.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that you should make sure it wasn't misplaced, first. Ask the household if anyone has seen a Christmas present that has gone missing, and announce that if it's not returned, no one gets anything. Also announce that if it finds its way back to a specified place by a specified time, everyone gets their presents, no questions asked. This way, you give the others a chance to lean on the one who took it, you give the one who took it a chance to do the right thing, but you also get to teach them that doing right is sometimes rewarded and appreciated. You also teach them all that if they work together, they can force change. Also, if you put it all on the one who took the present, you're not the bad guy, and when they all get their gifts, you're the hero. Kind of win-win for you this way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    im a dad also. if a chi;d takes a present and won't admit it buy like a big present that's for all of them.then you say to them they can have it if the one that took the present confesses. if they do confess then you talk them to the bathroom then woop them. then you say that it was wrong and stuff. then you return the present. :}

    Source(s): im a dad
  • 1 decade ago

    First, I would make sure that its just missing and not stolen.

    If you can't find it anywhere, I would do it.

    The pressure from the other kids will make one squeal, because the idea of not getting christmas presents will be terrible on them.

  • 1 decade ago will be kids...don't ruin the holiday, just wrap the gifts as planned, but do find a less stellar replacement for the the missing one. don't be a scrooge! esp. if you think it the culprit was one of the younger children.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh come on let it go..... here is what ya do.... Say to them who ever took the present please put it back where ya found it by tomorrow or no one will get anything for xmas

  • 1 decade ago

    that is a very good i dea tell all the kids of wat happened and tell them that they can not get there gifts until the guilty one comes foward

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