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What would you do if you had a lottery ticket and your friend stole it?

And then those numbers came up.

What would you do?


If it was the Jackpot...not just a few pounds or few hundred or thousand.


8 Answers

  • Vanity
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Report it stolen with the local police and also call the lottery commission and let them know that there may be possible charges filed and depending how much it was for, a possible lawsuit as well.

  • Laredo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    With a "friend" like that, who needs enemies? If the lottery ticket was worth less than $100 I would let it go but if it was more than that; I'd take it out of his/her skin. If you take this person to court, you have to prove it was stolen and that would be almost impossible.

    The other alternative to get revenge is to steal his/her favorite piece of jewelry and toss it into a lake so it can't be traced back to you.

    The mayor of a city was always causing trouble between my husband and I because he used him as an excuse to go out drinking and meet his girlfriend. I told my husband he had to tell the mayor to find someone else but he wouldn't. One night they had been out drinking all night and about 2:30 a.m. I found the mayor's car parked at my husband's place of employment with the keys in the ignition. The key to every government office in the city, his car keys, and house keys were on that huge key ring. I took the whole thing and drove to the river bridge and tossed them over into the water. It felt so good to do that mean little trick.

    Soon after they returned and the mayor got out of the car and my husband drove off. The mayor was stranded and had to call his wife out of bed to come and pick him up. She was furious. lol

    You have lots of ways to get even before you ditch this sham of a friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you said lottery ticket you did not say how much the ticket was. If it was in the thousands I would just not talk to the person anymore and beat the crap out of them. If it was millions of dollars I would put them in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    Thats a different story, you can sue him, because in the first place if she/he is really your friend, she'll return the ticket. I she didn't then she's no longer your friend, you can get it by force coz you have the right coz that ticket is really yours...

    Source(s): my own idea for you pretty girl
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  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be like ,

    "I can't believe I lost my lottery ticket ! But why'd anyone steal it ?"

    Make her feel guilty . MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA !

    Then ask her casually

    "This sucks so bad . What'd you do if your lottery ticket got stolen ? "

  • Chef
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think I would kick the sheeet out of them. If they were a friend, they would make out okay because I would give them a break.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would kick his or her royal @$$ and claim my victory back!

    (Your Avatar is beautiful).

  • 1 decade ago

    Destroy her property of that amount

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