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Was eating of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge the first sin, or was it the birth of sin?

Before they ate the apple, they we're without sin, they had no knowledge of sin. Even up to the point of taking a bite, they didn't know. Now I realize that God had said not to, but if you do something without knowing it's wrong, is it really bad. Agreed that after obtaining knowledge, the bar went way up, but was it actually a sin itself, or was it actually just the singular action which made man a sinner.

I couldn't figure out how to make this a poll in this section. I'm looking for opinions so don't link me to death, I'm interested in what you think and why. Please don't be disparaging against other answerers. I will pick for BA one that is accompanied with a good, coherent, and brief supportive statement.


I meant as it pertains to man, yes, Sin itself always existed, but until they ate of the apple, they were free of it, they were outside of it. Man certainly didn't invent sin, even though he seems to excel at it.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually the serpent, also know as Satan, who tempted Adam and Eve had already brought sin into the universe when he rebelled against Adam and Eve strictly speaking, did not commit the first sin ever.

    You say they did "something without knowing it's wrong." Somehow they must have known that it was wrong not to believe God, while simultaneously choosing to believe the serpent. No matter how you look at it, Adam and Eve exhibited a lack of faith in God. Perhaps that was their original sin, just simply not having faith in God, and then choosing another path.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you include in your possibilities that sin is a creation of man?

    Anytime when someone exhibits more of something- like intellect or the ability to hold more than one idea and compare and contrast and then choose , select which idea will work the best int he context of all creation


    there will someone who is jealous or stupid and wants to

    spoil the party-

    This idea , this question, supports dumbing down- unless you consider that some jealous men in the past have used this argument to keep women quiet and not using the gift of intelligent critical thinking...

    I do not believe this story- this is a myth

    how could anyone

    with true love and interest

    withhold information

    from you

    without informing you of your choice?

    What kind of world are we creating by promulgating this type of reasoning?

    ", but was it actually a sin itself, or was it actually just the singular action which made man a sinner."

    I cannot answer this question because it's intent is to distract you from asking what needs to be asked- It is a cover up of the Truth- the truth that you are pretending to seek

    shift your thoughts to what you are really wanting to know....and then ask the questions you really need

    At best, this question supports keeping women as scapegoats.


  • 1 decade ago

    You must be over looking the Lucifer rebellion. The teachings beyond the writings of Scriptures add to the knowledge that man has been around for about one million years so it would have to start with that.It is true that Adam and Eve did fail and sin but it is also true just like you and I all sin is forgiven when we ask for forgiveness,

    Of course logic would have to prevail that if Lucifer sinned so long before Adam and Eve then sin must be a potential for us all, the alternative to the choosing of Good. Think of your own errors of choosing when it became a sin was when you new it was not the right thing to do. When you corrected your choosing you new it was forgiven if you did not do it again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It was wrong of Eve to take a bite, because even though she had no knowledge of it, she had been told by God to not taste it, for if she does she will be condemed for it. She was told it was evil and was told to trust God. However when left alone, Eve gives in to her temptation and her curious mind takes the bait.... The moral of this story is that she should have trusted God, her creator. Now we spend our whole lives trying to fight the obsticles palced on our paths, a battle between good and evil. Many temptations come our way, and man is natrually curious. We werent ready to live in paradise so were punished by "slaving" on earth. Man is inclined to make sin because of this and some argue man is "evil by nature".

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  • 1 decade ago

    Satan committed the first sin by rebelling against God according to Christianity. Mankind just kinda got dragged down with him.

    If you want my opinion I find the story completely ridiculous and almost find it hard to believe that people take it literally. If there were an omnipotent God who wanted a perfect universe He wouldn't have created a universe that would lead to sin. He would have foreseen everything before He created it so either He is not omnipotent or He meant for there to be sin.

    Source(s): atheist
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the place does it say it replaced into an apple? God expressed to the 1st woman, Eve, after she had sinned, what the top result would be as to childbearing. If she had remained obedient, God’s blessing would have continued upon her and childbearing would have been an unmixed excitement, for, “the blessing of Jehovah—that's what makes wealthy, and he provides no discomfort with it.” (Pr 10:22) yet now, as a everyday rule, the imperfect functioning of the physique would carry discomfort. in this occasion, God reported (as often the failings that he facilitates are reported to be performed by him): “I shall a great deal advance the discomfort of your being pregnant; in delivery pangs you will carry on babies.”—Ge 3:sixteen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sin was a possibility before that incident but it was how humanity decided to eat the apple even though they had been told not to. They didn't know what sin was because they had never sinned but there was always the potential for sin since God forbade them to eat from that tree.

  • 1 decade ago

    For me I reckon when Eve picked the apple she was questioning God. Thought God gave her the freedom of choice I see that as the 'ability to sin' we were made 'in Gods image' which I see as having the freedom to choose for ourselves. However, like an child Eve pushed the boundary when she took the apple.

    However, Adam really was the start of our downfall. God had given him so much, but he had to try a bit more. The one thing God had said DON'T DO he chose to do. Adam didn't get deceived, he chose to give in to temptation, he thought about it first. It's that selfish streak in all of us that always is the root of our trouble. So for me the first sin was Adam questioning God. The birth of sin was the moment God created Mankind with freedom of choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    To me, it has always seemed that their original sin was, in fact, not the eating, but the disobedience in which they did take the fateful bite. As we see in the tale of Onan, the sin was not the failure to impregnate his brother's widow, but the disobedience of refusing to do so.

    Also, the praise most commonly heaped upon Jesus was His perfect obedience, even in the knowledge of His approaching suffering and death. In my own life, my rewards come from obedience to the urging of The Holy Spirit. With which, incidentally, Jesus was apparently in constant communion, and thus never had to guess what was right and what was wrong. Of, indeed, what His Father wanted of Him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According the the old book ...YES ! it was the first sin. Afterwards, we are born into this sin. Supposely, we acquired consciousness, began to know the difference between good and evil ! Plus ...we got horny.

    Source(s): Which implies ...that before that we were stupid, eunuchs monkeys running naked in paradise. MMMmmm !
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