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Linda_Doxiegal asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Do you want your TV viewing choice taken away? PETA seeks to have USA Network drop Westminster KC Dog Show?

So - what are your thoughts on this issue?? Personally, I have purebred dogs and I have shown in agility (NADAC, AKC & USDAA). I support spay/neuter laws if an intact dog owner pays higher licensing fees or must have a breeding permit.

But why does PETA (or any other organization for that matter) have the right to dictate my TV viewing habits? I'm an adult. I can make informed decisions. I can decide what I should or should not watch. Thoughts, Y!Aers?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No they don't.

    And they managed to make the BBC bow down and take off Crufts.

    Here is USA's feedback page if anyone wants to send them off a message telling them to tell PETA to kiss it.

    First it was Ben and Jerry's and Peta's suggestion for BREASTMILK ice cream

    Then it was Blue Cross Blue Shield and raising the rates of non vegetarians.

    PETA needs to shut up and trying to dictate the lives of other people and accepting the fact that not all of us want to be veg heads. I respect Vegetarians/Vegans but I have no respect or tolerance for PETA. Which is why I wear my anti PETA shirt whenever i get the chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not personally a big fan of conformation showing. I feel that it restricts a dog's right to act like a dog and it's more of an exhibition of the aesthetic appeal of an animal rather than what would make it a good dog. HOWEVER, PETA is taking it way too far. The organization has been stepping on toes like this just for the shock factor for decades. They never get anywhere with it. Everyone just rolls their eyes and says, "Hush now, PETA, the grown-ups are talking." They'll shut up soon enough about it once they find their next big "cause."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HA! Im sorry but I can't stand PETA! They're a bunch of hypocritical loonies.

    Even though, I can understand they're concern for sheltered animals they dont practice what they preach.

    How can you be for an organization that supposedly supports adoption for shelter animals but then euthanizes more than 3 quarters of the animals they take into their own "shelter"?

    I support the AKC, they do more for sheltered and abandoned animals than these assholes.

    If you ask me, PETA's the one that needs to be cancelled!

  • 1 decade ago

    PETA is stupid.

    They think they're such hot-shots because they can point out tiny flaws [no idea what it is with this] in everything involving animals.

    They're against the Iditarod, for god's sake!!!

    I used to be a member.

    Then I realized how retarded they were when every two weeks they sent me a request for donations.

    I mean, if I wanted to give them money, I would have done it.


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  • If PETA actually had any influence this would piss me off, but I doubt that anyone takes them seriously. And PETA doesn't care if you're an adult, they still want to dictate what you can watch, and eat, and wear.

  • 1 decade ago

    consider yourself lucky. PETA, a terrorist organization, kills hunting dogs to stop a hunt.

    if PETA does not get the show stopped, they might kill the dogs to save the dogs from abuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    PeTA is nothing more than an extremest group...they are the same people that let dogs out of their crates at these shows and get them killed. True story.

  • PETA is a bunch of loony crack pots.

    There are enough true dog lovers out there that would put a stop to this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its stupid and PETA should stop wasting time and money on this. Instead they should put towards saving the animals that are put in their care rather then killing them like they do.

  • Kate C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    peta just takes things too far.

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