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How can I get my sister to understand? (long sorry)?

My sister has asked to have my 6mth old son overnight, the problem is she lives over 80 miles away and neither my husband or I drive so we aren't comfortable with this because if there is a problem we can't get up there. I have said to my sister she is welcome to come and stay with us and look after him one night and I'll go out but she doesn't want to do this and thinks I'm being to overprotective, she is a qualifed childminder but has no children of her own and thinks this is enough to let us trust him with her, she has also said that if she was to have him she wouldn't want me calling to check on him. I'm not happy with this and have told her no but she is very persistent and thinks I'm being ridiclous as she is my sister and I should trust her.

BTW I won't let anyone have him overnight, if my MIL want's to look after him she has to stay at ours, because if anything happens I can be there a lot sooner.

How can I get her to understand my reasons for saying no without causing an arguement?

PS the reason I dont' trust her is even though she is "qualified" she has made mistakes at work e.g giving a child with a gulten allergy - cake, and I don't want to risk my sons health with someone this careless.

15 Answers

  • Harley
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She has to respect the fact that your the mother regardless of the fact that you 2 are sisters. If you don't want your baby staying 80 miles away with her when she's careless when it comes to kids than sadly enough that's something she's gonna have to deal with. You and your husband know what's best for your child. If she so badly wants to spend time with your child and than she should make arrangements to come spend time at your place.

    I don't really see away around it without it turning into an arguement cause it seems your sister is a bit stubborn. I have family members in my family who are like that as well. You just gotta put your foot down and tell her is all.

    Sorry if I couldn't be more helpful.

  • MelG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why does she need to understand? She is your sister and you're the mom! She's an idiot if she thinks a 6 month old belongs over an hour away from mom, and thinks mom shouldn't call to check on him! And the fact that she has screwed up with something like an allergy just proves that no matter the age she isn't "qualified," sorry. If these was anybody but family would you be wasting your time and energy worrying about it? Tell her the subject has been discussed and decided and the answer is NO. If she keeps asking just change the subject. "You know the answer to that. How about the weather lately?"

  • 1 decade ago

    You can point out to her that:

    1. she feels SHE's allowed to be upset over a statement, yet tells you you're NOT allowed to show concern for a BABY...


    2. she's ALREADY being unreasonable by telling a person what that PARENT can and cannot do in regards to their own child (saying you can't call to check on your child)

    (not to mention the BIG mistake she made by giving something lethal to a child)

    ..then she's proving she isn't mature enough to be trusted with the welfare of a child. (Ask her to try that on someone who hires her to babysit and see if they go for it - they wouldn't.) It won't prevent a fight but maybe she'll see that she's being unreasonable. I, personally, don't know anyone who'd tolerate that in regards to their DOG, let alone their child, so stand your ground.

    We're talking about living being, not a book she wants to borrow for the night - if the book falls off something, sits in view of something inappropriate, or encounters any of a billion things that can harm a person, it's just a book and can be replaced but you can't undo damage done to a child. Maybe you should try asking to borrow something of hers she deeply values then "pretend" you've damaged it and when she reacts, reply, "Now, imagine that was your BABY".

    In most cases, I prefer to avoid confrontation but, as a mom, I get protective when it comes to children, so I hope anyone reading this understands my more emotional response to this particular question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is your son and unless you are 100% comfortable in leaving him with someone, especially overnight, then don't. trust your instincts, you don't have to be rude to your sister, just explain that you aren't happy with him staying the night at hers, but she is more than welcome to visit him at yours. Tell her that that is the way it is and it's non negotiable and not up for discussion. If she doesn't like it then the problem is hers not yours, she may be a qualified childminder, but unless you've had kids of your own, you have no idea what it's like.

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  • raerae
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i'm having the same problem w/my sister. my daughter 6months & my sister lives an hour away & wants my daughter for a weekend. however, her & i are extermly close. even though she doesn't have any kids i know she loves my daughter & will take the best care of her. i will be calling to check on her throughout the night. at the end of the day, this is your baby & do what you feel comfortable with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just tell her plain and simple, you don't want to leave him overnight. If she doesn't like then it's her problem. He's your child. You're his Mommy and you know what suits him best. Just because she's qualified doesn't make her good at what she does. There's plenty of well educated teachers out there that aren't very good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shes your sister so im sure you will have a lot of doubt about this because obviously you know your sister a lot better then lets say any1?

    I would not give any1 a 6mth old baby especially if they live over 80miles away! that's just ridiculous.

    She might not like it but hey, Its your child.


    Tell her to come over your house and stay there for maybe a week to spend time with your child. This might be just the right Solution.

    Source(s): my brain!
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd just tell her whether she thinks you're crazy or not you're not comfortable with it. Even tell her it has nothing to do with her, its you. Tell her you aren't comfortable sending your baby overnight anywhere, you want to be with him and can't bear the thought of him spending a night away from you.

    Personally, I could not spend a night away from my son who will be seven months old tomorrow. There are a couple of people (like my parents) I would trust my son with whole heartedly, I just don't want to be away from him!!!

    Source(s): mommy to a little boy that will be seven months tomorrow
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if she is a childminder, surly she must love children and care about their welfare, so im struggling to understand why she cant understand ur view point. i think its normal for u to feel the way u do as i wud be the same. it wud be irresponsible to leave ur child 80 miles away from u, even if it is with someone u kno. stick to ur guns i say.

  • Sarah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    at the end of the day its ur kid so your the one who makes the decisions on where he goes just tell your sister straight im sure she'll understand considering your son's only 6mths old

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