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Is God bound by the laws of his own nature?

Someone in an answer said:

God doesn't roll dice to figure anything out. He already knew where we would be, what we would be doing, etc before He ever created the Universe.

He also knew, in advance, that most people would not follow His plan for their lives, and instead live out their own plans. But, He loves them just the same.

Omnipotent means "all powerful"......God is also omnipresent (which means "everywhere, all at once"), and omniscient (which means He "knows everything about everything").

His omniscience is the reason why He doesn't need to roll the dice to figure anything out......because He already knows the past, present, and future of everyone and everywhere.


Does this mean that God himself, should he exist, has no free will? Knowing everything means he would be bound to make (or let) things happen as they are predestined. Such as the argument of can he make a rock so heavy he cannot lift it, etc. God cannot do things outside of his nature, yet it would seem his nature is severely limited. If he exists, I doubt he could be all-powerful at all. He would just be a conduit for some other forces at play, greater than himself. That would explain why he made humans, knowing they would for the most part betray him. If he really loved them, he would not create them knowing they would be punished for eternity and he could prevent it.

But perhaps, being bound by his own nature, he does love people yet cannot interfere in the least. It would make sense with all the contradictory things he's done and said.


Edit: That also means that prayer is useless, since before you were born God knew what you would pray and if he would answer it or not.

-Just an atheist pondering.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    An interesting question, but if God exists, it would stand to reason that said God is infinite. If that is not the case, then said God was created. If He was not created, but has simply "been", then it would seem all ability should be measured by that being's abilities.

    Is He limited by His own nature? The only logical answer is "yes", but, again, assuming this one God is infinite, it is a nature by which everything else is measured.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem with so many questions of faith is that we make God bound by the rules of nature and our own understanding of the world in which we live. Can God be here and there at the same time? Can He be then and now at the same time? Yes, He can, because He does not dwell in space and time as human beings. Of course, this concept is impossible for us to wrap our arms around because we are so limited by our flesh. God is eternal, but for God every moment is the same moment. He was, is and will be. He is the great I AM. This means that He doesn't live according to a calendar or hold an address. He is in every moment as He has always been and will always be.

    So, when it comes to prayer, does it matter? If God already knows what will be, how will prayer change anything? And if God changes His mind, is He being true to His nature? Wouldn't He already know what was

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Think about this,... Nobody can disagree that God the Creator is by any definition other than an Indescribable Force. How can anyone possibly comprehend or know a force that cannot even be described. Arrogance is the only truth in people who purport knowlege of God.

    The only thing we know for sure, is that the Creator's legacy is free will and equality for all matter. That includes us. If he interefered in anyway it would make that a contradiciton in terms, an oxymoron.

    Love, hate, good and evil are all man made concepts.... full stop, end of story.

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Or, God simply does not exist ;-)

    The leaders of the Israeli tribe needed everyone to stick together so they made up a character that supposedly could see everything they did, even if they could sneak past the main guys and was powerful enough to punish them. But then, nature intervened and they had to come up with explanations for whatever they found/happened...hence, all the contradictions.

    I don't believe the Buy-bull is a bunch of fairy tales...I know it's a bunch of stories by control freaks.

    Edit: The Buy-bull says we are made in his image. Then why the hell can't we understand the concept of an all-powerful, all-knowing creator being 'loving' us but LETTING or MAKING terrible things happen?

    Physically, not many of us are 'perfect' and b/c of our basic frame, we're hardly adaptable to all of earths realms and limited by our needs. (Like eating, breathing, laws of gravity, etc)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes. God the creator of this universe has framed rules and made it binding on itself. Love of God for the human beings is a satisfaction that humans have invented for themselves to express their compliance with the rules that they can hardly alter. God neither loves nor hates like humans. Prayer is expression of the helpless seeking the support of the all powerful. God has endowed humans with mind and intelligence and all the more with consciousness. Mind helps in having desires and intelligence helps in fulfilling those. While fulfilling the humans are supposed to comply with the eternal principles that guarantees harmony with nature. Then one becomes entitled for the Nature's bliss. Bliss is God and God is bliss.

  • Ashley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That's kinda what I was told. For example God can't lie.

    Basically God can't do anything that isn't Holy.

    God being bound by his own nature is one of the biggest arguments for hell. You have sinned against a Holy and eternal God. There for you get Holy and eternal punishment.

    It all gets confusing. I am sure everyone has there own opinions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He does His will which means everything happens according to God's will: good or bad.

    Isaiah 45:7 (King James Version)

    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are trying to figure out God with your own understanding and logic

    it will not work.

    God is all powerful

    he does not break or go back on his word

    breaking of the law demands punishment

    If he was not all powerful then he would not be able to stop satan nor judge him and lock him up in the lake of fire for all eternity.

    God has free will to do as he pleases

    He will never do anything that goes against his nature

    Just as you can never do anything against your nature

    you can not breath any thing other then oxygen.

    To do so goes against your nature.

    to say because you can not breath any thing other then oxygen means you have no free will is not logical.

    You have free will to make choices with in your nature

    You can not make a choice to fly since you are bound by gravity

    To say because I can not fly means I have no free choice is not logical.

    Just because you have free will does not mean you will be able to make choices that go against your nature.

    you have free will but can not choose to breath under water or fly or leap off a cliff because its against your nature.

    God has free will to carry out his will.

    nothing stops him. He can not go against his nature, he can not lie, can not do evil since he is Holy and pure. No punishing the wicked and sending them to hell is not evil its justice.

    just as when the law sends a murderer to jail for either life or executes them. They are adminstering justice not doing evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, especially where the notion of Creationism is concerned. To quote a frequent contributor to R&S:

    "...the whole argument [Creationism] rests on special pleading for God to be exempt from the very chain of causality meant to prove his existence." Eric K

    Ah, the hypocrisy of it all...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's useless to attempt theorizing God's psyche since He has an infinite mind. He can do whatever He wants.

    Edit: Well, "Dick", it's true- God can do whatever He wants.

    Edit2:@Asker- Yes, God is all-knowing. That doesn't mean to stop praying. He knows the future and if people try to "change" things.

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